diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF index d4ed04155eb61365e32fb721f016a6b02d628f76..ca82ed23e7b01e0a7c4b3c99d1829f4ff4d73fd5 100644 --- a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF +++ b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Automatic-Module-Name: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: AF3 RCP Bundle-SymbolicName: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application;singleton:=true -Bundle-Version: 2.21.0.qualifier +Bundle-Version: 2.22.0.qualifier Bundle-Activator: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application.AF3ApplicationActivator Bundle-Vendor: fortiss GmbH Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-11 @@ -18,25 +18,25 @@ Export-Package: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application; org.eclipse.equinox.app, org.osgi.framework", org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application.example -Require-Bundle: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help;bundle-version="2.21.0", - eu.fbk.af3.tools.diagram.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.cosimulation.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.exploration.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.mira.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.mode.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.operatorpanel.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.partition.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.platform.hierarchic.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.platform.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.project;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.project.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.safety.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.safetycases.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.task.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.schedule.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.state.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.af3.timing.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", - org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0", +Require-Bundle: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help;bundle-version="2.22.0", + eu.fbk.af3.tools.diagram.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.cosimulation.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.exploration.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.mira.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.mode.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.operatorpanel.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.partition.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.platform.hierarchic.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.platform.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.project;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.project.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.safety.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.safetycases.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.task.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.schedule.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.state.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.af3.timing.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", + org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0", javax.servlet, javax.servlet.jsp, org.apache.commons.logging, diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures.html b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures.html index 61d882f7cbb89fed5d4775bddad57e27be8c9054..ea022c2cee1ca4cd2b3106b3391dc27ffce6c146 100644 --- a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures.html +++ b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> - <title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.21</title> + <title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.22</title> <style> .mBlock { margin-left: 62px; } h2 { color: black; } @@ -14,81 +14,57 @@ </head> <body> <div class="mBlock"> - <h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.21</h2> + <h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.22</h2> - <h3>Reuse</h3> + <h3>Architecture and Design Space Exploration</h3> <ul> - <li>Replaced the Library with a dedicated reuse mechanism, based on a dynamic library concept</li> - <li>Management of reusable components in user-defined libraries</li> - <li>Automated bi-directional update for reus(ed) elements from/to libraries</li> + <li>Several improvement to the functionality to specify exploration inputs in the DSE perspective in order to improve the usability and efficiency for the user.</li> + <li>New RAM utilization pattern to enable new use cases for the architecture exploration.</li> + <li>Several improvements for the visualization of exploration results all over the tool.</li> </ul> <h3>Variability</h3> <ul> - <li>New 150% product-line engineering functionality</li> - <li>New Feature Models to model the configuration possibilities of a product-line</li> - <li>Possibility to link model elements to features in order to make them optional</li> - <li>New Configuration wizard and automated generation of variants for a product-line</li> - </ul> - + <li>Various improvements to the Feature-Model editor such as simplified eidting support for comments and improved user support.</li> + </ul> - <h3>Functional Architecture</h3> + <h3>Co-Simulation</h3> <ul> - <li>There is a new functional viewpoint for capturing and modeling the function architecture of systems</li> - </ul> - - + <li>Improved robustness for the connection to the Co-Simulation for incomplete models.</li> + </ul> - <h3>DSE</h3> + <h3>fortissimo</h3> <ul> - <li>The Deployment and Schedule synthesis can now operate on partial WCET specifications</li> - <li>Documentation overhaul</li> + <li>Improved connection to the fortissimo demonstrator of the Mobility Lab.</li> </ul> - - - <h3>User Interface and Usability</h3> - <ul> - <li>All graphical component editors can now use the auto-layouting</li> - <li>The performance of the Annotations view was improved</li> - <li>The stability of various parts of the user interface was improved</li> - <li>Several bug fixes and improvements to the usability and functionality of the graphical user interface</li> - </ul> - - + <h3>Infrastructure</h3> + <ul> + <li>Various improvements for the fortiss tooling kernel that improve robustness and flexibility.</li> + </ul> <br> - <h3>Detailed list of changes in 2.21:</h3> + <h3>Detailed list of changes in 2.22:</h3> <ul> - <li>Variability in Logical Architecture (#3790) </li> - <li> Creating a No Migration Constraint - RISE (#4065) </li> - <li> Hierarchical platform: metamodel extensions (#4226) </li> - <li> [FMI] Provide useful error messages in case of failed transformations (#4168) </li> - <li> Improve error reporting if a transformation chain fails (#3638) </li> - <li> [Documentation] Add developer documentation for safetycases (#3753) </li> - <li> The order of the elements in the Marker View should be definable (to make sense) (#4225) </li> - <li> Sort prototype categories (#4220) </li> - <li> Review / clean up library metamodel (#4214) </li> - <li> Remove unused GEF/SWT editors/views (#3946) </li> - <li> Remove library view (#4161) </li> - <li> Import capability for library elements (#3996) </li> - <li> Show element diagram editor (#4202) </li> - <li> Implement selection of type in FX Data Dictionary editor editor (#4162) </li> - <li> Annotation View: Highlighting of rows and columns is sometimes counter-intuitive (#3083) </li> - <li> Annotation View: Performance improvements (#3145) </li> - <li> DSE: Better error handling for DSE backends (#4190) </li> - <li> Fix potential crash in parameter table editors (#4193) </li> - <li> SafetyPatterns: Avoid warning about non-existent EPackage (#4189) </li> - <li> Show errors during execution of EMF commands to user (#4169) </li> - <li> Deployment + Schedule synthesis for partial WCET specification (#4171) </li> - <li> [AF3] Add auto-layout to AF3 LWFXE component editor. (#3872) </li> - <li> Unset annotation value (#4170) </li> - <li> Zoom via Ctrl+Mouse Wheel does not work on Linux (#4164) </li> - <li> Comparison leads to removal of entries on creation of SuperSets (#4224) </li> - <li> Remove log4j from AF3 (#4185) </li> - <li> ModelContext(): Fix performance problems when loading model with many missing/erroneous IDs (#4180) </li> - <li> Add null check for model element handlers (#4179) </li> + <li>FeatureModel: Rename features in String representation of PresecneConditions (#4271)</li> + <li>DSE timeout: specify in seconds and increase default value (#4267)</li> + <li>Improvements to DynamicTreeTableViewer (#4254)</li> + <li>Add comment column to FeatureModelEditor (#4249)</li> + <li>[FF1] Import the fortissimo generator plug-ins (#4245)</li> + <li>Variability: FeatureModel is not loaded on tool start (#4239)</li> + <li>Fix maven-releng Docker image (#4238)</li> + <li>DSE solution table view: Enable sorting of columns (#4237)</li> + <li>Disambiguate names of (task) input ports generated for SOA architectures (#4235)</li> + <li>Prevent editing of constraint/objective names (#4234)</li> + <li>Apply autolayouter to architectures synthesized by DSE (#4232)</li> + <li>RAM Utilization Pattern (#4038)</li> + <li>Platform: At the tile level, the elements of the upper level are shown (#3982)</li> + <li>DSE: Wrong solution is exported from table visualization after sorting (#4274)</li> + <li>Enable deleting DSE configurations from model navigator (#4266)</li> + <li>[FMU Export] Sampling Time: Consider the case where no data dictionary has been created (#4263)</li> + <li>Concurrent Modification Exception when opening large model (#4111)</li> + <li>Memory Utilization Pattern erroneously uses task RAM instead of Flash requirements (#4037)</li> </ul> </div> </body> diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures_af3_fortissPage.html b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures_af3_fortissPage.html index 89ade55a23f03919c6492ef5f4bfc2c6f66aca46..8ea9a63e7ea10c9b037d32cda8b1aed872003da1 100644 --- a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures_af3_fortissPage.html +++ b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures_af3_fortissPage.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> - <title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.21</title> + <title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.22</title> <style> .mBlock { margin-left: 62px; } h2 { color: black; } @@ -15,45 +15,33 @@ </head> <body> <div class="mBlock"> - <h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.21</h2> - <h3>Reuse</h3> + <h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.22</h2> + <h3>Architecture and Design Space Exploration</h3> <ul> - <li>Replaced the Library with a dedicated reuse mechanism, based on a dynamic library concept</li> - <li>Management of reusable components in user-defined libraries</li> - <li>Automated bi-directional update for reus(ed) elements from/to libraries</li> + <li>Several improvement to the functionality to specify exploration inputs in the DSE perspective in order to improve the usability and efficiency for the user.</li> + <li>New RAM utilization pattern to enable new use cases for the architecture exploration.</li> + <li>Several improvements for the visualization of exploration results all over the tool.</li> </ul> <h3>Variability</h3> <ul> - <li>New 150% product-line engineering functionality</li> - <li>New Feature Models to model the configuration possibilities of a product-line</li> - <li>Possibility to link model elements to features in order to make them optional</li> - <li>New Configuration wizard and automated generation of variants for a product-line</li> - </ul> - + <li>Various improvements to the Feature-Model editor such as simplified eidting support for comments and improved user support.</li> + </ul> - <h3>Functional Architecture</h3> + <h3>Co-Simulation</h3> <ul> - <li>There is a new functional viewpoint for capturing and modeling the function architecture of systems</li> - </ul> - - + <li>Improved robustness for the connection to the Co-Simulation for incomplete models.</li> + </ul> - <h3>DSE</h3> + <h3>fortissimo</h3> <ul> - <li>The Deployment and Schedule synthesis can now operate on partial WCET specifications</li> - <li>Documentation overhaul</li> + <li>Improved connection to the fortissimo demonstrator of the Mobility Lab.</li> </ul> - - - <h3>User Interface and Usability</h3> - <ul> - <li>All graphical component editors can now use the auto-layouting</li> - <li>The performance of the Annotations view was improved</li> - <li>The stability of various parts of the user interface was improved</li> - <li>Several bug fixes and improvements to the usability and functionality of the graphical user interface</li> - </ul> + <h3>Infrastructure</h3> + <ul> + <li>Various improvements for the fortiss tooling kernel that improve robustness and flexibility.</li> + </ul> <br> @@ -102,38 +90,28 @@ <br> <h3> - Detailed list of changes in 2.21: + Detailed list of changes in 2.22: </h3> <ul> - <li>Variability in Logical Architecture (#3790) </li> - <li> Creating a No Migration Constraint - RISE (#4065) </li> - <li> Hierarchical platform: metamodel extensions (#4226) </li> - <li> [FMI] Provide useful error messages in case of failed transformations (#4168) </li> - <li> Improve error reporting if a transformation chain fails (#3638) </li> - <li> [Documentation] Add developer documentation for safetycases (#3753) </li> - <li> The order of the elements in the Marker View should be definable (to make sense) (#4225) </li> - <li> Sort prototype categories (#4220) </li> - <li> Review / clean up library metamodel (#4214) </li> - <li> Remove unused GEF/SWT editors/views (#3946) </li> - <li> Remove library view (#4161) </li> - <li> Import capability for library elements (#3996) </li> - <li> Show element diagram editor (#4202) </li> - <li> Implement selection of type in FX Data Dictionary editor editor (#4162) </li> - <li> Annotation View: Highlighting of rows and columns is sometimes counter-intuitive (#3083) </li> - <li> Annotation View: Performance improvements (#3145) </li> - <li> DSE: Better error handling for DSE backends (#4190) </li> - <li> Fix potential crash in parameter table editors (#4193) </li> - <li> SafetyPatterns: Avoid warning about non-existent EPackage (#4189) </li> - <li> Show errors during execution of EMF commands to user (#4169) </li> - <li> Deployment + Schedule synthesis for partial WCET specification (#4171) </li> - <li> [AF3] Add auto-layout to AF3 LWFXE component editor. (#3872) </li> - <li> Unset annotation value (#4170) </li> - <li> Zoom via Ctrl+Mouse Wheel does not work on Linux (#4164) </li> - <li> Comparison leads to removal of entries on creation of SuperSets (#4224) </li> - <li> Remove log4j from AF3 (#4185) </li> - <li> ModelContext(): Fix performance problems when loading model with many missing/erroneous IDs (#4180) </li> - <li> Add null check for model element handlers (#4179) </li> + <li>FeatureModel: Rename features in String representation of PresecneConditions (#4271)</li> + <li>DSE timeout: specify in seconds and increase default value (#4267)</li> + <li>Improvements to DynamicTreeTableViewer (#4254)</li> + <li>Add comment column to FeatureModelEditor (#4249)</li> + <li>[FF1] Import the fortissimo generator plug-ins (#4245)</li> + <li>Variability: FeatureModel is not loaded on tool start (#4239)</li> + <li>Fix maven-releng Docker image (#4238)</li> + <li>DSE solution table view: Enable sorting of columns (#4237)</li> + <li>Disambiguate names of (task) input ports generated for SOA architectures (#4235)</li> + <li>Prevent editing of constraint/objective names (#4234)</li> + <li>Apply autolayouter to architectures synthesized by DSE (#4232)</li> + <li>RAM Utilization Pattern (#4038)</li> + <li>Platform: At the tile level, the elements of the upper level are shown (#3982)</li> + <li>DSE: Wrong solution is exported from table visualization after sorting (#4274)</li> + <li>Enable deleting DSE configurations from model navigator (#4266)</li> + <li>[FMU Export] Sampling Time: Consider the case where no data dictionary has been created (#4263)</li> + <li>Concurrent Modification Exception when opening large model (#4111)</li> + <li>Memory Utilization Pattern erroneously uses task RAM instead of Flash requirements (#4037)</li> </ul> </div> diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/plugin.xml b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/plugin.xml index 9fc84777d1f22583f3b9b392c9da5fdc1466e321..dbad7da61b73887ae220948d1c957322aae2d007 100644 --- a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/plugin.xml +++ b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/plugin.xml @@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ <product application="org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application.af3app" description="AutoFOCUS 3 - "Phoenix" Release" - name="AutoFOCUS 3 - "Phoenix" 2.21"> + name="AutoFOCUS 3 - "Phoenix" 2.22"> <property name="appName" - value="AutoFOCUS 3 - "Phoenix" 2.21"> + value="AutoFOCUS 3 - "Phoenix" 2.22"> </property> <property name="aboutImage" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ </property> <property name="aboutText" - value="AutoFOCUS 3 - "Phoenix"

Version: 2.21.0

Copyright 2011-2021 fortiss GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
express or implied. See the License for the specific language
governing permissions and limitations under the License."> + value="AutoFOCUS 3 - "Phoenix"

Version: 2.22.0

Copyright 2011-2021 fortiss GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
express or implied. See the License for the specific language
governing permissions and limitations under the License."> </property> <property name="startupProgressRect" diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF index aca1a4219e3df29bed304bcb81d56c6b63eaf671..48bb681b1af8eedf6134666d21b2a68602ebc48e 100644 --- a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF +++ b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Eclipse-BundleShape: dir Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: AF3 Online Help Bundle-SymbolicName: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help;singleton:=true -Bundle-Version: 2.21.0.qualifier +Bundle-Version: 2.22.0.qualifier Bundle-Vendor: fortiss GmbH Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-11 Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy