diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
index d4ed04155eb61365e32fb721f016a6b02d628f76..ca82ed23e7b01e0a7c4b3c99d1829f4ff4d73fd5 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Automatic-Module-Name: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application
 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
 Bundle-Name: AF3 RCP
 Bundle-SymbolicName: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application;singleton:=true
-Bundle-Version: 2.21.0.qualifier
+Bundle-Version: 2.22.0.qualifier
 Bundle-Activator: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application.AF3ApplicationActivator
 Bundle-Vendor: fortiss GmbH
 Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-11
@@ -18,25 +18,25 @@ Export-Package: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application;
-Require-Bundle: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- eu.fbk.af3.tools.diagram.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.cosimulation.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.exploration.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.mira.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.mode.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.operatorpanel.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.partition.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.platform.hierarchic.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.platform.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.project;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.project.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.safety.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.safetycases.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.task.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.schedule.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.state.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.af3.timing.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
- org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.ui;bundle-version="2.21.0",
+Require-Bundle: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ eu.fbk.af3.tools.diagram.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.cosimulation.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.exploration.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.mira.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.mode.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.operatorpanel.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.partition.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.platform.hierarchic.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.platform.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.project;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.project.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.safety.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.safetycases.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.task.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.schedule.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.state.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.af3.timing.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
+ org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.ui;bundle-version="2.22.0",
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures.html b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures.html
index 61d882f7cbb89fed5d4775bddad57e27be8c9054..ea022c2cee1ca4cd2b3106b3391dc27ffce6c146 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures.html
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-    <title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.21</title>
+    <title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.22</title>
       .mBlock { margin-left: 62px; }
       h2 { color: black; }
@@ -14,81 +14,57 @@
     <div class="mBlock">
-      <h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.21</h2>
+      <h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.22</h2>
-	  <h3>Reuse</h3>
+	  <h3>Architecture and Design Space Exploration</h3>
-			<li>Replaced the Library with a dedicated reuse mechanism, based on a dynamic library concept</li>			
-			<li>Management of reusable components in user-defined libraries</li>
-			<li>Automated bi-directional update for reus(ed) elements from/to libraries</li>
+			<li>Several improvement to the functionality to specify exploration inputs in the DSE perspective in order to improve the usability and efficiency for the user.</li>		
+			<li>New RAM utilization pattern to enable new use cases for the architecture exploration.</li>		
+			<li>Several improvements for the visualization of exploration results all over the tool.</li>
-			<li>New 150% product-line engineering functionality</li>
-			<li>New Feature Models to model the configuration possibilities of a product-line</li>
-			<li>Possibility to link model elements to features in order to make them optional</li>
-			<li>New Configuration wizard and automated generation of variants for a product-line</li>
-		</ul>
+			<li>Various improvements to the Feature-Model editor such as simplified eidting support for comments and improved user support.</li>
+		</ul>	  
-	  <h3>Functional Architecture</h3>
+	  <h3>Co-Simulation</h3>
-			<li>There is a new functional viewpoint for capturing and modeling the function architecture of systems</li>
-		</ul>
+			<li>Improved robustness for the connection to the Co-Simulation for incomplete models.</li>
+		</ul>		
-	  <h3>DSE</h3>
+	  <h3>fortissimo</h3>
-			<li>The Deployment and Schedule synthesis can now operate on partial WCET specifications</li>
-			<li>Documentation overhaul</li>
+			<li>Improved connection to the fortissimo demonstrator of the Mobility Lab.</li>
-	<h3>User Interface and Usability</h3> 
-	<ul>
-		<li>All graphical component editors can now use the auto-layouting</li>
-		<li>The performance of the Annotations view was improved</li>
-		<li>The stability of various parts of the user interface was improved</li>
-		<li>Several bug fixes and improvements to the usability and functionality of the graphical user interface</li>
-	</ul>
+	  	  <h3>Infrastructure</h3>
+		<ul>
+			<li>Various improvements for the fortiss tooling kernel that improve robustness and flexibility.</li>
+		</ul>     
-      <h3>Detailed list of changes in 2.21:</h3>
+      <h3>Detailed list of changes in 2.22:</h3>
-      	<li>Variability in Logical Architecture (#3790) </li>
-		<li> Creating a No Migration Constraint - RISE (#4065) </li>
-		<li> Hierarchical platform: metamodel extensions (#4226) </li>
-		<li> [FMI] Provide useful error messages in case of failed transformations (#4168) </li>
-		<li> Improve error reporting if a transformation chain fails (#3638) </li>
-		<li> [Documentation] Add developer documentation for safetycases (#3753) </li>
-		<li> The order of the elements in the Marker View should be definable (to make sense) (#4225) </li>
-		<li> Sort prototype categories (#4220) </li>
-		<li> Review / clean up library metamodel (#4214) </li>
-		<li> Remove unused GEF/SWT editors/views (#3946) </li>
-		<li> Remove library view (#4161) </li>
-		<li> Import capability for library elements (#3996) </li>
-		<li> Show element diagram editor (#4202) </li>
-		<li> Implement selection of type in FX Data Dictionary editor editor (#4162) </li>
-		<li> Annotation View: Highlighting of rows and columns is sometimes counter-intuitive (#3083) </li>
-		<li> Annotation View: Performance improvements (#3145) </li>
-		<li> DSE: Better error handling for DSE backends (#4190) </li>
-		<li> Fix potential crash in parameter table editors (#4193) </li>
-		<li> SafetyPatterns: Avoid warning about non-existent EPackage (#4189) </li>
-		<li> Show errors during execution of EMF commands to user (#4169) </li>
-		<li> Deployment + Schedule synthesis for partial WCET specification (#4171) </li>
-		<li> [AF3] Add auto-layout to AF3 LWFXE component editor. (#3872) </li>
-		<li> Unset annotation value (#4170) </li>
-		<li> Zoom via Ctrl+Mouse Wheel does not work on Linux (#4164) </li>
-		<li> Comparison leads to removal of entries on creation of SuperSets (#4224) </li>
-		<li> Remove log4j from AF3 (#4185) </li>
-		<li> ModelContext(): Fix performance problems when loading model with many missing/erroneous IDs (#4180) </li>
-		<li> Add null check for model element handlers (#4179) </li>
+      	<li>FeatureModel: Rename features in String representation of PresecneConditions  (#4271)</li>
+		<li>DSE timeout: specify in seconds and increase default value  (#4267)</li>
+		<li>Improvements to DynamicTreeTableViewer  (#4254)</li>
+		<li>Add comment column to FeatureModelEditor  (#4249)</li>
+		<li>[FF1] Import the fortissimo generator plug-ins  (#4245)</li>
+		<li>Variability: FeatureModel is not loaded on tool start  (#4239)</li>
+		<li>Fix maven-releng Docker image  (#4238)</li>
+		<li>DSE solution table view: Enable sorting of columns  (#4237)</li>
+		<li>Disambiguate names of (task) input ports generated for SOA architectures  (#4235)</li>
+		<li>Prevent editing of constraint/objective names  (#4234)</li>
+		<li>Apply autolayouter to architectures synthesized by DSE  (#4232)</li>
+		<li>RAM Utilization Pattern  (#4038)</li>
+		<li>Platform: At the tile level, the elements of the upper level are shown  (#3982)</li>
+		<li>DSE: Wrong solution is exported from table visualization after sorting  (#4274)</li>
+		<li>Enable deleting DSE configurations from model navigator  (#4266)</li>
+		<li>[FMU Export] Sampling Time: Consider the case where no data dictionary has been created  (#4263)</li>
+		<li>Concurrent Modification Exception when opening large model  (#4111)</li>
+		<li>Memory Utilization Pattern erroneously uses task RAM instead of Flash requirements  (#4037)</li>
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures_af3_fortissPage.html b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures_af3_fortissPage.html
index 89ade55a23f03919c6492ef5f4bfc2c6f66aca46..8ea9a63e7ea10c9b037d32cda8b1aed872003da1 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures_af3_fortissPage.html
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/intro/newFeatures_af3_fortissPage.html
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-    <title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.21</title>
+    <title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.22</title>
       .mBlock { margin-left: 62px; }
       h2 { color: black; }
@@ -15,45 +15,33 @@
     <div class="mBlock">
-   <h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.21</h2>
-	  <h3>Reuse</h3>
+   <h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.22</h2>
+	  <h3>Architecture and Design Space Exploration</h3>
-			<li>Replaced the Library with a dedicated reuse mechanism, based on a dynamic library concept</li>			
-			<li>Management of reusable components in user-defined libraries</li>
-			<li>Automated bi-directional update for reus(ed) elements from/to libraries</li>
+			<li>Several improvement to the functionality to specify exploration inputs in the DSE perspective in order to improve the usability and efficiency for the user.</li>		
+			<li>New RAM utilization pattern to enable new use cases for the architecture exploration.</li>		
+			<li>Several improvements for the visualization of exploration results all over the tool.</li>
-			<li>New 150% product-line engineering functionality</li>
-			<li>New Feature Models to model the configuration possibilities of a product-line</li>
-			<li>Possibility to link model elements to features in order to make them optional</li>
-			<li>New Configuration wizard and automated generation of variants for a product-line</li>
-		</ul>
+			<li>Various improvements to the Feature-Model editor such as simplified eidting support for comments and improved user support.</li>
+		</ul>	  
-	  <h3>Functional Architecture</h3>
+	  <h3>Co-Simulation</h3>
-			<li>There is a new functional viewpoint for capturing and modeling the function architecture of systems</li>
-		</ul>
+			<li>Improved robustness for the connection to the Co-Simulation for incomplete models.</li>
+		</ul>		
-	  <h3>DSE</h3>
+	  <h3>fortissimo</h3>
-			<li>The Deployment and Schedule synthesis can now operate on partial WCET specifications</li>
-			<li>Documentation overhaul</li>
+			<li>Improved connection to the fortissimo demonstrator of the Mobility Lab.</li>
-	<h3>User Interface and Usability</h3> 
-	<ul>
-		<li>All graphical component editors can now use the auto-layouting</li>
-		<li>The performance of the Annotations view was improved</li>
-		<li>The stability of various parts of the user interface was improved</li>
-		<li>Several bug fixes and improvements to the usability and functionality of the graphical user interface</li>
-	</ul>
+	  	  <h3>Infrastructure</h3>
+		<ul>
+			<li>Various improvements for the fortiss tooling kernel that improve robustness and flexibility.</li>
+		</ul>
@@ -102,38 +90,28 @@
-      Detailed list of changes in 2.21:
+      Detailed list of changes in 2.22:
-      	<li>Variability in Logical Architecture (#3790) </li>
-		<li> Creating a No Migration Constraint - RISE (#4065) </li>
-		<li> Hierarchical platform: metamodel extensions (#4226) </li>
-		<li> [FMI] Provide useful error messages in case of failed transformations (#4168) </li>
-		<li> Improve error reporting if a transformation chain fails (#3638) </li>
-		<li> [Documentation] Add developer documentation for safetycases (#3753) </li>
-		<li> The order of the elements in the Marker View should be definable (to make sense) (#4225) </li>
-		<li> Sort prototype categories (#4220) </li>
-		<li> Review / clean up library metamodel (#4214) </li>
-		<li> Remove unused GEF/SWT editors/views (#3946) </li>
-		<li> Remove library view (#4161) </li>
-		<li> Import capability for library elements (#3996) </li>
-		<li> Show element diagram editor (#4202) </li>
-		<li> Implement selection of type in FX Data Dictionary editor editor (#4162) </li>
-		<li> Annotation View: Highlighting of rows and columns is sometimes counter-intuitive (#3083) </li>
-		<li> Annotation View: Performance improvements (#3145) </li>
-		<li> DSE: Better error handling for DSE backends (#4190) </li>
-		<li> Fix potential crash in parameter table editors (#4193) </li>
-		<li> SafetyPatterns: Avoid warning about non-existent EPackage (#4189) </li>
-		<li> Show errors during execution of EMF commands to user (#4169) </li>
-		<li> Deployment + Schedule synthesis for partial WCET specification (#4171) </li>
-		<li> [AF3] Add auto-layout to AF3 LWFXE component editor. (#3872) </li>
-		<li> Unset annotation value (#4170) </li>
-		<li> Zoom via Ctrl+Mouse Wheel does not work on Linux (#4164) </li>
-		<li> Comparison leads to removal of entries on creation of SuperSets (#4224) </li>
-		<li> Remove log4j from AF3 (#4185) </li>
-		<li> ModelContext(): Fix performance problems when loading model with many missing/erroneous IDs (#4180) </li>
-		<li> Add null check for model element handlers (#4179) </li>
+      	<li>FeatureModel: Rename features in String representation of PresecneConditions  (#4271)</li>
+		<li>DSE timeout: specify in seconds and increase default value  (#4267)</li>
+		<li>Improvements to DynamicTreeTableViewer  (#4254)</li>
+		<li>Add comment column to FeatureModelEditor  (#4249)</li>
+		<li>[FF1] Import the fortissimo generator plug-ins  (#4245)</li>
+		<li>Variability: FeatureModel is not loaded on tool start  (#4239)</li>
+		<li>Fix maven-releng Docker image  (#4238)</li>
+		<li>DSE solution table view: Enable sorting of columns  (#4237)</li>
+		<li>Disambiguate names of (task) input ports generated for SOA architectures  (#4235)</li>
+		<li>Prevent editing of constraint/objective names  (#4234)</li>
+		<li>Apply autolayouter to architectures synthesized by DSE  (#4232)</li>
+		<li>RAM Utilization Pattern  (#4038)</li>
+		<li>Platform: At the tile level, the elements of the upper level are shown  (#3982)</li>
+		<li>DSE: Wrong solution is exported from table visualization after sorting  (#4274)</li>
+		<li>Enable deleting DSE configurations from model navigator  (#4266)</li>
+		<li>[FMU Export] Sampling Time: Consider the case where no data dictionary has been created  (#4263)</li>
+		<li>Concurrent Modification Exception when opening large model  (#4111)</li>
+		<li>Memory Utilization Pattern erroneously uses task RAM instead of Flash requirements  (#4037)</li>
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/plugin.xml b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/plugin.xml
index 9fc84777d1f22583f3b9b392c9da5fdc1466e321..dbad7da61b73887ae220948d1c957322aae2d007 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/plugin.xml
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application/plugin.xml
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
             description="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot; Release"
-            name="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot; 2.21">
+            name="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot; 2.22">
-               value="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot; 2.21">
+               value="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot; 2.22">
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
-               value="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot;&#x0A;&#x0A;Version: 2.21.0&#x0A;&#x0A;Copyright 2011-2021 fortiss GmbH&#x0A;&#x0A;Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the &quot;License&quot;);&#x0A;you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.&#x0A;You may obtain a copy of the License at&#x0A;&#x0A;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0&#x0A;&#x0A;Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software&#x0A;distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,&#x0A;WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either&#x0A;express or implied. See the License for the specific language&#x0A;governing permissions and limitations under the License.">
+               value="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot;&#x0A;&#x0A;Version: 2.22.0&#x0A;&#x0A;Copyright 2011-2021 fortiss GmbH&#x0A;&#x0A;Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the &quot;License&quot;);&#x0A;you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.&#x0A;You may obtain a copy of the License at&#x0A;&#x0A;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0&#x0A;&#x0A;Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software&#x0A;distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,&#x0A;WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either&#x0A;express or implied. See the License for the specific language&#x0A;governing permissions and limitations under the License.">
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
index aca1a4219e3df29bed304bcb81d56c6b63eaf671..48bb681b1af8eedf6134666d21b2a68602ebc48e 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Eclipse-BundleShape: dir
 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
 Bundle-Name: AF3 Online Help
 Bundle-SymbolicName: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.help;singleton:=true
-Bundle-Version: 2.21.0.qualifier
+Bundle-Version: 2.22.0.qualifier
 Bundle-Vendor: fortiss GmbH
 Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-11
 Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy