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<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.25</title>
<title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.26</title>
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<h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.25</h2>
<h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.26</h2>
<li>Requirements can be modeled with variability</li>
<li>Improved management of mandatory features in variant configuration dialog</li>
<h3>Architecture Viewpoints for Industrial Automation</h3>
<li> Dedicated architecture viewpoints for industrial automation available in expert mode </li>
<li> Modeling support for plant topology </li>
<li> Modeling support for product structure </li>
<h3>Platform Architecture</h3>
<li>Added weight annotation to platform elements</li>
<h3>Model Consistency</h3>
<li> Integration of a novel consistency checking functionality (<i>CCCC</i>) in expert mode </li>
<li> Enables automated check for consistency with arbitrary external models via consistency adapters </li>
<li> Build-in check for consistency of system cost between requirements and technical architecture </li>
<h3>Requirements Analysis</h3>
<li>Improved requirements overview editor</li>
<li> Extended product-line analysis to state automata with variability </li>
<li> Presence Conditions are automatically checked for correctness </li>
<li> Improved editor behavior and automated checks to ensure unique names of features </li>
<h3>Model Metrics and Quality</h3>
<li> New button to extract metrics via EGit </li>
<li> Improved metrics extraction from Git repositories </li>
<li>The AF3 releases and nightly builds do not require a separate Java installation anymore (JRE is bundled)</li>
<li>Several quality of live improvements to the graphical user interface</li>
<li>Several improvements of stability all over the tool</li>
<li> Usability improvements via more robust UI and new warnings in case of unintended usage </li>
<li> Improved encoding of atomic data types </li>
<h3>Component Architecture</h3>
<li> Editor enables to connect connections more easy by automatically creating missing ports on sub-components </li>
<h3>Detailed list of changes in 2.25:</h3>
<h3>Detailed list of changes in 2.26:</h3>
<li>Product-line Analysis: Remove verbose messages to log (#4374)</li>
<li>Requirements overview editor: Fix editable fields (#4369)</li>
<li>Variability: Grey out non-editable cells in the variant configuration dialog (#4289)</li>
<li>Optional Requirements (#3272)</li>
<li>Incomplete allocation tables cause NPEs (#4366)</li>
<li>TreeTableEditors: Automatic line wrapping breaks after editing text (#4365)</li>
<li>FMUs cannot be exported when the project has not been saved immediately before (#4264)</li>
<li>getEClassForClass gives unexpected result in presence of inheritance (#4262)</li>
<li>Requirements Analysis: use consistent label for collection of "All requirements" (#4153)</li>
<li>[Hierarcharchical Platform] Account for clusters when deriving the type size (#4100)</li>
<li>Include Java Binaries in the Nightly Build (#4357)</li>
<li>Create weight annotation (#4354)</li>
<li>Diagram editor: Add reconnect functionality to component architecture (#4279)</li>
<li>Combine reuse context menu entries to one menu group (with sub-entries) (#4248)</li>
<li>SysML: Avoid NPE when exporting logical architecture only (#4418)</li>
<li>SysML Export: Ask before overwriting output files (#4417)</li>
<li>SysML Exporter: Renaming of methods and classes to reflect their purpose (#4392)</li>
<li>MQS: Locate git repository w/o assumptions on directory layout (#4390)</li>
<li>SysML-Export: Display warning, if no views have been selected (or select all views automatically) (#4373)</li>
<li>EGit Metrik Extractor for an AF3 git repository (#4371)</li>
<li>Extend the central viewtype collection of the CCCC with all needed elements from the AF3 metamodel (#4364)</li>
<li>Improve code quality of AF3 consistency adapter (#4363)</li>
<li>SysML Exporter: encoding of atomic data types (#4355)</li>
<li>Variability: Add Product-Line-Analysis to state automata (#4311)</li>
<li>Variability: Add checker for incorrect presence conditions (#4401)</li>
<li>Integrate Consistency Checker and AF3 Consistency Adapter into AF3 (#4362)</li>
<li>Feature Model: Assign a unique name for newly created features (#4313)</li>
<li>Component Architecture: Create connections without existing ports (#4304)</li>
<li>[CCCC] Fix NPE when no possible AF3 element class/type can be found for a requested consistency element inside AF3 C-Adapter (#4430)/li>
<li>Reuse: PresenceConditions are not removed when adding StateAutomata to a Reuse Libarary (#4427)/li>
<li>[Manufacturing] Integrate Manufacturing Plugin: Topology and Product Viewpoints (#4425)/li>
<li>Fix "Failed to load icon" in some AF3 plugins (#4431)/li>