Fortiss Eclipse Development Tools ================================= The *Fortiss Eclipse Development Tools* bundle offers a number of utilities to ease and accelerate the development of Java code, and to work with EMF metamodels in particular. It contains the following features that will be explained below in more detail - Automatic Ecore artifact generation - Ecore model editor additions - Warnings Remover - Code Style Checker Installation / Updating: - *Fortiss Eclipse Development Tools* are installed automatically during the [AF3\_Developer\_Installation](AF3\_Developer\_Installation). - The plugins should be updated automatically, by Oomph when Eclipse is started. Alternatively, you can manually check for updates using the following update site which is already pre-configured in your developer installation: `` (current major version is 1.1) - [Source code]( Automatic Ecore artifact generation ----------------------------------- This feature is implemented as an Eclipse *Ecore Builder* which automatically generates Java code and other artifacts from `ecore` metamodel. The usage scenarios are: 1. If project is checked out, the Java code is generated immediately. 2. If an ecore model is updated with incoming changes, the generated Java code and other generated artifacts will be updated automatically: - Model code - *Edit* code and other artifacts (icons, …) if an `.edit` plugin has been created for the `ecore` metamodel. - Other Eclipse artifacts (`plugin.xml`, `META-INF/MANIFEST.MF`, …) 3. If an ecore model contains error, a marker is added the *Problem View* to trace the error. ### Deployment of *Ecore Builder* - The *Ecore Builder* must be declared in the `` of the `.project` file in each model project, according to the following template: @org.eclipse.systemfocus.tooling.emfgeneration.git.EcoreBuilderGIT - The declaration should be placed in front of the `org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder`, so that the generated Java codes can be processed later by it. - The `ecore` model must be in the `model` directory. - The artifacts will be generated in the model code / edit code directory configured in the `genmodel` accompanying the `ecore` model. - Note: In order to use *Ecore Builder* to update `.edit` plugins, it still only has to be configured in the plugin that contains the corresponding `ecore` model (i.e., this builder configuration will handle both plugins). ### Usage - On project *build* (autobuild is recommended, see below), the builder will automatically generate codes and other artifacts from `ecore` models. - The code generator will merge the generated code with existing files that might exist from previous runs. - Before generating, the `genmodel` will be updated or created. - After generation, references to foreign `genmodel` s will be converted to `platform:/resource` URLs instead of a relative path (`../..`) as generated by the `ecore` model editor when saving. This fix is essential because relative paths are known to cause a number of problems (e.g., unexpected modification and copying of metamodels in foreign plugins during build). - When a *clean* operation is performed for a project for which *Ecore Builder* has been configured, generated artifacts from previous generation runs will be deleted according to the following policy: - Model plugins - Codes that resides in packages that can be traced to the current version of the `ecore` model will be deleted automatically. - For unreferenced code (typically code that resides in packages that have been deleted in the `ecore`), the user is prompted. - Code that is under revision control is never deleted. - Edit plugins - Also artifacts (code, icons) that are under revision control are deleted. Rationale: - Since the generated edit artifacts are often manually modified, the are typically kept under revision control. - The implemented behavior of (locally) deleting stale files that are no longer required according the current version of the `ecore` metamodel supports in synchronizing the *edit* plugin with the metamodel (the files will be deleted on the Git master repository after a commit). - Stale entries are removed from the `` file as well. - Protection rules - `META-INF/MANIFEST.MF` is never modified by *Ecore Builder* (for model and edit plugins) - `plugin.xml` is preserved for model plugins - The builder can be configured to preserve an arbitrary set of files and folders (see description of builder preferences below). - **Best practices for metamodel modifications** - Do not manually generate code or reload the *GenModel* (from the *GenModel* editor), as this will annul the automatic fixes provided by *Ecore Builder* and introduce the following problems: - `../..` style references in `.ecore files`: breaks continous build on - (Circular) self-dependency of the plugin containing the metamodel (in `META-INF/MANIFEST.MF`): breaks materialization of developer installations via Buckminster - To trigger code generation, cleaning the respective project is recommended (with *Project menu → Build automatically* enabled). - **Checklist before committing a meta-model modification**: - Trigger refresh of all metamodel related artifacts using *clean* while autobuild is enabled. - All modified files must be committed (`.ecore`, `.genmodel`, `plugin.xml` and `` if applicable) - Ensure that none of the typical problems mentioned above have been introduced (`../..` in `.ecore`, (circular) self-dependency in `META-INF/MANIFEST.MF`) - Ensure that generated source code is not added to the repository (covered by the default `.gitignore` configuration that includes the pattern `/*/generated-src/`). - When a new sub-package is added to a metamodel, it must be checked if is correctly registered in the `org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package` extension point: - **Addition of a dependency to another foreign metamodel (`.ecore`)** - Committing any other changes in the workspace is recommended before continuing - Turn off autobuild - *Ecore Model Editor → Context menu → Load Ressource* - Use add least one type from foreign metamodel - Save modified `.ecore` - Open `.ecore` in text editor and manually replace `../..` with `platform:/resource` - Open `.genmodel` in text editor, and add the entries to the `usedGenPackages` attribute of the root element of the *GenModel* (`` of the `.project` file in each project: org.eclipse.systemfocus.tooling.codereview.builder.CodeReviewBuilder Further, the project needs to have the code review nature: org.eclipse.systemfocus.tooling.codereview.nature.CodeReviewNature Warnings Remover ---------------- The *Warnings Remover* hides warnings in source folders that (by convention) are known to contain generated code, or code that has been imported from external sources. Warnings are hidden in source folders that start with one of the following prefixes: - `generated-src` - `external-src` The *Warnings Remover* is enabled by declaring the following in the `` of the `.project` file in each project (after the `org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder`, and typically also after `org.eclipse.pde.ManifestBuilder` and `org.eclipse.pde.SchemaBuilder`): org.eclipse.systemfocus.tooling.codereview.builder.RemoveWarningsBuilder Code Style Checker ------------------ The *Code Style Checker* automates (parts of) the [coding guidelines](Check-list\_for\_Code\_Reviews), and creates corresponding warnings (shown the in *Problems* view and the Java code editor). The *Code Style Checker* is enabled by declaring the following in the `` of the `.project` file in each project (after the `org.eclipse.systemfocus.tooling.codereview.builder.RemoveWarningsBuilder`): org.eclipse.systemfocus.tooling.codereview.builder.GuidelinesCheckBuilder