How to - building a new release ====================== Efficiently upgrading AF3 sources from version a.b.c to d.e.f ------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrading AF3 (and TK2 version) mainly involves updating the plugin manifest files, few plugin-specific pom.xml files for maven, and the product/build configurations. This procedure ensures that this can be done manually, but efficiently by using the Eclipse multi-file search and replace function. ### Preparing the Release Build 1. Setup a local AF3 maven-releng eclipse according to the instructions found at: [Setting up a local build](Setting_up_a_local_build) 2. Create a release ticket in the issue tracker, and create a matching branch for each submodule. 3. Check the plugins and remove for redundant dependencies suing re-export. 4. Select the project `org.fortiss.af3.root` in the Package Explorer and execute an Eclipse File Search with the following settings (`Ctrl + H`) - Containing text = *a.b.c* (Current version number, e.g., 2.14.0) - File name patterns = *\*.product, MANIFEST.MF, category.xml, feature.xml, pom.xml, plugin.xml* - Scope = *Selected resource in ’Package Explorer’* - No other search option active. 5. You may want to inspect the results of this search before launching the replace action. 6. If the changes are fine, right-click in the *Search* view, select *Replace all*, and replace the current version string with the update one: - Add the new version number into the upcoming dialog and hit “OK” - Replace: “a.b.c” - With: “d.e.f” 7. Use the file search again to find the containing text *a.b* (Current major version number, e.g., 2.14). Manually replace the few search results which indeed use the old version number (attention: Not all results will need to be replaced - the search will likely also find false positives!). 8. Run a local build by selecting “Run As >Build All” and observe if any error occurs. 9. If the build succeeds, commit the changes. **NOTE:** You must commit to multiple repositories. Since these are submodules, you may need to specify the remote branch: The issue number from the previously created ticket shall be used. 10. Issue a MR for the plugin `org.fortiss.af3.root` and each of the submodules where there has been a version update. 11. After merging, ensure that the AF3 version is configured correctly. (Check maven releng repository for correct commit messages) ### Update “What’s new” Page 1. (Manually) filter the previously created “Release Notes” for changes, that a user would experience. 2. In your workspace, open org.fortiss.af3.rcapplication/intro/newFeatures.html. 3. Update version number. 4. Remove old Entries. 5. Add entries for the filtered changes in the respective sections. 6. Commit: It will be automatically added to the MRs imposed earlier. ### Building the release 1. Ask a master to merge all the MRs created before (Step 8. and 9. of *Preparing the Release Build*). Hereby, it is important to start with the MR for maven-releng to make the pipelines of all other MRs succeed. A reasonable order for merging is for example: `maven-releng -> af3-product -> af3-rcp -> tooling-features -> kernel -> af3-features -> af3 -> af3-tests` 2. Ask a master to trigger the [Build Pipeline]( ### Quality management: Ensure that the final product is behaving correctly 1. Launch the product. Go to “Help”->“About autoFOCUS3” and check that the version number matches the release version 2. **Verify the test for the binary product listed in [AF3 core test cases](Core\_Test\_Cases) are successfully completed.** 3. Especially note that the product must start on all platforms, and that the help functionality is working: Ask the platform maintainers for assitance. ### Tag the release 1. Add a tag d.e\[.f\] indicating the current AF3 version to the following repositories. Suggested log message: `Tag AutoFOCUS3 d.e[.f]` - `af3` - `af3-features` - `af3-products` - `af3-rcp` - `af3-tests` - `kernel` - `maven-releng` - `target-definition` 2. Push the above repos (including tags) Help page on the website ------------------------ 1. Empty the smb://fs01/download/public/projects/af3/help directory (\\\\FS01\\Download\\public\\projects\\af3\\help) 2. Copy the contents of the directory into smb://fs01/download/public/projects/af3/help 3. Rename `getting_started.html` into `index.html` 4. Delete all `.ratings` files in this folder and all subfolders (e.g. using the file search) Update AF3 Website ------------------ 1. Update Downloads folder a. Download the release zips from each of the product jobs. b. Change their name, **write the correct version number** (i.e., the new one) c. Copy them on (\\\\FS01\\Download\\public\\projects\\af3\\stable\\phoenix) 2. Update Release Notes: a. Display the relevant issues in gitlab (using the various filtering options of gitlab) (all Closed and Resolved issues from Target Version). Include the link into the release notes b. Create a new html page indicating the major changes of the current release and the link to the detailed list of issues which have been resolved (2.a.)[Release notes]( 3. Update the webpage by contacting marketing sending the release notes html and the the new link to the current release Announcements ------------- Announce the release on: 1. AF3 main page 2. Mailing lists af\_user and af\_devel 3. fortiss main page 4. Twitter