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  • Simon Barner's avatar
    Remove deprecated Eclasses and EReferences from af3.task · 60224a52
    Simon Barner authored
    - TaskArchitecture
     -> taskAllocations
     -> signalAllocations
     -> componentArchitectureReference
    - SignalAllocation
    - TaskAllocation
    - InputSignalPort
    - InputBufferedSignalPort
    - OutputSignalPort
    - TaskInputPort
      -> inputPortReference
    - TaskOutputPort
      -> outputPortReference
    - All task annotations (replaced by corresponding types in af3.timing)
      - TaskPeriod
      - TaskStartTime
      - TaskDuration
    - Model migrators
      - org.fortiss.af3.task.model.migration.TaskArchitectureMigration
      - org.fortiss.af3.exploration.migration.DSEMigrationProvider
    Issue-Ref: 3321
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSimon Barner <>