From 5d4f957416ce864272e8718b53e3be4fb3bba776 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Diewald <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 15:08:31 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] - Add the changelog from the former plugin location (DREAMS
 svn repo).

 .../trunk/changelog_exploration-alg_old.txt   | 1928 +++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1928 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg/trunk/changelog_exploration-alg_old.txt

diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg/trunk/changelog_exploration-alg_old.txt b/org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg/trunk/changelog_exploration-alg_old.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2a57f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg/trunk/changelog_exploration-alg_old.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1928 @@
+r3970 | barner | 2017-01-16 10:18:28 MEZ
+- DreamsPlatformUtils:seekInterPlatformConnectors(): Throw InvalidPlatformModelException instead of generic java.lang.Exception
+r3966 | diewald | 2016-12-20 17:04:54 MEZ
+Remove the dynamic name calculation from the VirtualLinks.
+For DREAMS, use the existing mechanism to calculate the names when generating the Virtual Links.
+r3964 | diewald | 2016-12-12 13:55:09 MEZ
+Move LambdaUtils from org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg to org.fortiss.tooling common.
+refs 2779
+r3945 | diewald | 2016-11-24 14:24:33 MEZ
+Improve the safety constraint transformation.
+- Create allocation constraints for safety relevant components to all safety relevant partitions.
+- Existing direct allocation constraints defined for safety-relevant components superseed these constraints.
+r3927 | diewald | 2016-11-15 18:07:15 MEZ
+More reliable DSE: increase population size & fix sf penalty function.
+r3895 | diewald | 2016-11-11 18:03:50 MEZ
+Fix VL generation from the DSE: null logical Partition ports fixed.
+r3888 | diewald | 2016-11-11 12:56:13 MEZ
+Optimize the fix to random allocation ratio.
+r3885 | diewald | 2016-11-11 10:41:01 MEZ
+(More) Reliably generate solutions for each run of the DSE.
+- Fix operators not being called for non-repaired genotypes.
+- Fix the copy operation in Opt4J for CompositeGenotypes.
+- Increase the Population and offspring size.
+- Ensure consistency between the InternalIsolatedCommunicationSet constraints and the AbstractTaskMappingEncodings.
+- Several fixes in operators.
+- Make the call to the SafetyConstraintChecker more robust.
+- Add a static debug routing to check consistency between InternalIsolatedCommunicationSet constraints and the AbstractTaskMappingEncodings' allocation map.
+r3881 | barner | 2016-11-10 14:20:43 MEZ
+- Set fix to random ratio to 0.5
+r3879 | diewald | 2016-11-10 11:33:35 MEZ
+Fixup the period constraint handling.
+r3878 | diewald | 2016-11-10 10:53:30 MEZ
+Robustness improvements.
+r3877 | diewald | 2016-11-10 10:35:28 MEZ
+Fix & re-enable the repair operation.
+r3875 | diewald | 2016-11-09 17:18:09 MEZ
+Clean implementation of the constraint transformation interface.
+- Provide a real eclipse extension point for constraint transformation modules.
+- Add the IExplorationConstraintTransformationService.
+- Add a new utility method that provides easy to use type-based filtering of collections of elements that are generics (returned collection).
+- Cleanup.
+r3869 | diewald | 2016-11-09 13:45:29 MEZ
+Fixup subsequent model exports from the DSE.
+r3867 | diewald | 2016-11-09 13:18:17 MEZ
+VL Generation: Re-add allocation to prevent overwriting of existing transceiver port allocations.
+r3857 | diewald | 2016-11-08 09:21:57 MEZ
+Fix the execution order calculation of IElementTransformationMudules.
+- Eliminate the use of the dependency graph for the execution order calculation.
+- Correctly implement the order Comparator.
+r3856 | diewald | 2016-11-07 16:42:57 MEZ
+Fix timing model generation: ensure correct ordering of transformation modules.
+r3852 | diewald | 2016-11-07 13:22:38 MEZ
+Fix VL generation: Too many messages were removed in the MessageDecoder.
+r3851 | diewald | 2016-11-07 11:08:11 MEZ
+Use the compositor service to add transformed models from the DSE.
+r3850 | diewald | 2016-11-07 10:56:50 MEZ
+Fix VL generation from the DSE.
+- Allow messages from non-isolated communication participants to all isolated components.
+r3841 | diewald | 2016-11-04 15:51:29 MEZ
+Fix messages/VLs to avoid unneeded messages & respect safety channels (part2 of 2).
+- Introduce the DSE-internal InternalIsolatedCommunicationSet constraint to denote sets of IMappingEntries that may only communicate with entries from the same set or entries not contained in any other InternalIsolatedCommunicationSet.
+- Adjust the relevant decoders to respect InternalIsolatedCommunicationSet constraints (especially the message relevant ones).
+- Adjust the ComponentArchitecture Transformation Modules to respect InternalIsolatedCommunicationSet constraints for the channels between components.
+- Correct the VirtualLink Transformation Module to select the correct logical receiver ports for replicated components.
+- Do not save the generated SafetyCompliance model directly after exporting.
+r3837 | diewald | 2016-11-03 13:11:54 MEZ
+Cleanup & refactoring.
+r3826 | diewald | 2016-11-03 12:06:37 MEZ
+Fix messages/VLs to avoid unneeded messages & respect safety channels (part1).
+- MessageDecoder: Remove unneeded receiver resources after the message generation.
+- MessageDecoder: Remove unneeded messages if no more receiver resources exist.
+- MessageDecoder: Execute the MessageRouting on the possibly reduced set of generated Messages.
+- Add some not yet used code that will become relevant after reworking the message scheduler.
+- Add a utility method to ease and shorten mapping operations.
+r3823 | diewald | 2016-11-03 09:18:47 MEZ
+Fix NPE: Partial revert: Add more component -> generated component associations to the genToGentAssocMap.
+r3821 | diewald | 2016-11-02 17:59:28 MEZ
+Correct the replication of EventChains.
+- Add a mechanism to detect the top-most EventChain that requires replication -> Do not replicate Sub-EventChains separately.
+- Use a path walk algorithm to identify the required Event references for sub chains.
+r3810 | diewald | 2016-11-02 10:32:55 MEZ
+Style: replace with static import.
+r3809 | diewald | 2016-11-02 10:31:02 MEZ
+Fix missing references of timing constraints to their corresponding Events.
+Replicated timing constraints were not registered at the association maps such that timing constraints of replicated and instantiated Events were set to NULL during the instantiation.
+r3808 | diewald | 2016-11-02 09:51:03 MEZ
+Reuse the replication number suffix for instantiated components.
+r3807 | diewald | 2016-11-01 19:56:50 MEZ
+Fix the replication of ports for connect non-safety component ports.
+r3804 | diewald | 2016-10-28 17:30:35 MESZ
+WIP: Add the safety port replication module.
+r3801 | barner | 2016-10-28 15:45:32 MESZ
+- Fix build
+- TODO: org.tooling.base.ui is needed to disable annotation view
+r3800 | diewald | 2016-10-28 15:30:33 MESZ
+Readd the safety channel separation in the instantiated acyclic task graph generation.
+r3797 | diewald | 2016-10-28 13:14:06 MESZ
+- Encodings: Extend the ComposableGentoype and ComposablePhentoype interface such that implementing classes declare their registration type for the containing CompositeGenotype/-Phenotype.
+- Extend the IAssociatedElement interface: Add required operations.
+- Introduce a reference Map in the TaskMappingEncoding to track associations between mapping entries.
+- Proxy interactions with the allocation table of the TaskMappingEncoding to consider associations between mapping entries.
+- Remove the creation of additional lists when returning values from the allocation table of the TaskMappingEncoding.
+- Correctly implement the update mechanism for InstantiatedTaskMappingDecoders:
+  - Update the existing mapping, instead of creating a new one: entry objects are now correctly preserved.
+  - TaskMappingEntry: allow resetting the allocation target reference. 
+- Creators: Improve the consideration of hybrid genotypes.
+- Correct the setting of encoding entry -> Component association during the ComponentArchitecture Generation.
+r3788 | barner | 2016-10-27 10:23:59 MESZ
+- Move eu.dreamsproject.deployment.ui.util.VirtualLinkUtils to org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg.util.VirtualLinkUtils
+- Adjust to retirement of org.fortiss.af3.exploration.ui.util.ExplorationUiUtils
+  (methods that are still relevant have been moved to org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg.util.ExplorationAlgUtils)
+r3786 | diewald | 2016-10-27 09:18:45 MESZ
+Disable the automatic VL generation for now.
+r3785 | diewald | 2016-10-27 09:06:35 MESZ
+Fix NPE: Disable repair module for now.
+r3783 | diewald | 2016-10-26 18:42:45 MESZ
+Fix bug in message scheduling / message generation.
+- Correctly generate messages for instantiated components: Search for the correct components in the instantiated task mapping encoding.
+- Some more util classes.
+- Debug Code.
+- Base the InstantitedAcyclicTaskGraphDecoder on the InstantiatedTaskGraph instead of the AbstractAcyclicTaskGraphEncoding.
+r3770 | diewald | 2016-10-25 15:50:28 MESZ
+Improve the implementation of the repair interface by providing a service.
+- Create an extension point that allows to register IRepairModules for Genotypes.
+- Add a mechanism to automatically call the registered IRepairModules for Genotypes.
+- Modify the repair operation for violated safety constraints to use the new mechanism.
+r3753 | diewald | 2016-10-24 11:16:46 MESZ
+Fix the VirtualLink Generation when exporting Deployments from the DSE.
+- Correctly update the association maps in the ComponentArchitectureInstatiator module.
+- Fix the model retrieval for the generated Deployment: prefer the transformed Deployment.
+- Fix the port retrieval in the VL generation.
+r3747 | diewald | 2016-10-21 16:10:16 MESZ
+Improve the implementation of internal constraints.
+- Introduce a mechanism in the exploration process that allows to generate constraints on encodings during the exploration.
+- (Temporally) introduce "internal" constraints: Replication and separation constraints.
+- Correct the dependency graph implementation to allow multiple decoders that use the same in- and outputs.
+- Add Apache commons library v4.
+r3730 | diewald | 2016-10-19 17:43:43 MESZ
+Automatic model transformation for evaluators.
+- The CompositeEvaluatorBase queries the IExplorationTransformationService to provide the models demanded by the registered evaluators.
+- Extend the IExplorationEvaluationService to allow querying the required models for a given set of evaluators.
+- Introduce the SubClassToInstanceMultimap that is a multimap and has types as keys. Keys are searched up to a defined bound it the map does not directly contain the demanded key.
+- Add a mechanism to the system model adapter that allows to register and retrieve the original input models.
+- Test case: Use the IExplorationEvaluationService for the SafetyComplianceConstraint:
+	- Eliminate the model transformations implemented directly in the evaluator.
+	- Remove the create methods for the energy objective and the safety compliance constraint from the factories.
+r3715 | diewald | 2016-10-17 16:19:07 MESZ
+Fix the file extension of generated timing models.
+r3714 | diewald | 2016-10-17 15:51:34 MESZ
+Increase DSE efficiency: During creation phase, only use actually allowed safety architectures --> Previously, some invalid architectures were generated that were sorted out during the optimization.
+r3713 | diewald | 2016-10-17 10:51:50 MESZ
+Replicate the TimingProject instead of the TimingDescription and store it in a separate Resource to avoid breaking the assumption to have one TimingDescription per TimingProject.
+r3702 | barner | 2016-10-14 14:30:04 MESZ
+- Sort messages by sending OutputPort before generating virtual links
+- Remove VirtualLinkTreeComparator that is no longer required, since passing a sorted input set to the VL generator now ensures that VLs are always generated in the same order on subsequent runs.
+- Note that the recently introduced naming of PartitionsPorts (VL_x_...) canceled the effect the sorting of VLs in the editor (i.e., without sorting the messages before assigning a VLID the display order would again depend on the (random) order of the initial message set).
+r3687 | barner | 2016-10-13 10:28:33 MESZ
+- Remove unused createVirtualLink* methods from DreamsPsmModelElementFactory
+- Move currently used set of create* methods from MessagesToVirtualLinks to DreamsPsmModelElementFactory
+r3685 | diewald | 2016-10-12 17:50:39 MESZ
+Instantiate components in the 100% safety compliance model.
+- Add helper methods to the SafetyCompliance model transformator to:
+  - instantiate abstract safety components,
+  - and reference the instantiated components by the safety functions.
+- Allow passing multiple model types to the Transformation service such multiple transformed models can be requested at the same time.
+- Remove inter-safety channel signals (first prototype) from the instantiated task graph to ensure separation.
+r3676 | diewald | 2016-10-10 15:26:57 MESZ
+Code cleanup & comment out debug windows for the dependency graph.
+r3671 | diewald | 2016-10-06 17:08:34 MESZ
+Correct the cleaning of the genToGenAssocMap in the TransformationStrategy.
+The genToGenAssocMap contains associations between model elements on the input side of a transformation stage and the model elements of the output side. Thereby, the processing stage is not considered a stage. Previously, this map was cleared in one of the submodules. This change correctly implements the clearing mechanism on every relevant stage change in a TransformationStrategy module.
+r3670 | diewald | 2016-10-06 16:49:26 MESZ
+Remove outdated TODO and FIXME.
+r3669 | diewald | 2016-10-06 16:47:36 MESZ
+Remove the BiTable as it is conceptually broken.
+The inverse mapping overrides existing row entries. Use the TypedBiMap instead.
+r3668 | diewald | 2016-10-06 16:16:16 MESZ
+Fix the crossover operation & wrong associations between mapping entries.
+- Each crossover operation performed by opt4j now operates on copies of the parent's genotypes instead of the parent's genotypes (as it is expected): Fixed Opt4J & updated lib.
+- Replace the association HashSet of TaskMappingEntries with a ClassToInstanceMap such that only associated Element per type is allowed.
+- Change the clone method of TaskMappingEntrys such that the association between mapping entries is  not cloned (which was erroneous in prev. revisions).
+r3664 | barner | 2016-10-06 14:13:07 MESZ
+- Fix typo: platfrom -> platform
+r3660 | barner | 2016-10-06 12:54:00 MESZ
+- Add context menu entry to virtual link tree viewer that allows to update transceiver ports (currently: partition and onchip NI ports)
+r3657 | diewald | 2016-10-06 12:08:54 MESZ
+Fix inconsistent allocation if temporal replication occurs.
+Due to the use of HashMultimap as the allocation map, the collection for values is backed by a set. If one component is allocated twice or more to the same execution unit, only one entry would be allocated. This is solved by using ListMultimap backed by a ArrayListMultimap.
+r3654 | barner | 2016-10-05 17:47:05 MESZ
+- VL generator: assign names to OnChipNetworkInterfacePorts assigned to onchip network interfaces (copies name of corresponding partition port)
+r3651 | diewald | 2016-10-05 17:27:30 MESZ
+Fix the instantiation of (Timing)Events.
+- Add more logic to the TimingEvent*Modules (esp. TimingEventReplicationModule) to handle different types of model elements more consistently.
+- Improve the usage of the association maps.
+r3650 | barner | 2016-10-05 16:43:24 MESZ
+- Remove debug code
+r3649 | diewald | 2016-10-05 14:15:45 MESZ
+Add the transformation code for the timing constraint replication.
+- The implementation is almost identical to the replication of event chains (see TimingChainReplicationModule).
+r3647 | diewald | 2016-10-05 11:27:57 MESZ
+Correct the addition of replicated event chains to their containers.
+- Dynamically determine the container by its type.
+- The container can be either a TimingChainFolder or another EventChain.
+r3642 | diewald | 2016-10-05 09:34:14 MESZ
+- Introduce the TypedBiMap and HashTypedBiMap:
+  - Both keys and values are Pairs of objects and its type.
+  - It allows to reference the same value from multiple keys iff they have different types:
+    The BiMap property of broviding an equivalent inverse view is thereby preserved.
+  - The backend uses a Bimap that correlates the types.
+- ITransformationModule(s): Introduce the genToGenAssocMap that associates associates in- and output generated elements within one transformationstate.
+- Replace the uses of the StandardBiTable with the TypedBiMap since the StandardBiTable did provide a correct inverse view (as expected).
+- For IElementTransformationStrategies: Order the sub modules not only by their activation state, but also by their required in- and output elements (element-wise).
+- Update the dependency graph such that one DependencyEdge may represent multiple decoders. Needed for the element-wise transformators.
+- Add a utility method to allow a redirection of EventAnnotations.
+r3601 | diewald | 2016-09-28 10:01:16 MESZ
+Extract the getReplicatedElements method to a static utility method that allows to identify replicated Events.
+r3600 | diewald | 2016-09-28 09:49:49 MESZ
+Add nop transformation modules for the replication of EventChains and TimingConstraints.
+r3596 | diewald | 2016-09-27 17:57:30 MESZ
+- Reflect the removal of model elements in event chains:
+  - Remove non-needed event chains.
+  - Reconnect event chains such that the complete chain is connected althouh event chains in between are removed.
+- Only update model element <-> encoding entry associations if for events that actually correspond to an encoding entry.
+r3561 | diewald | 2016-09-23 16:22:56 MESZ
+Use the SubClassToInstanceMap also for the transformed models in the modular transformation framework.
+r3560 | diewald | 2016-09-23 16:13:46 MESZ
+Generalize the associations between entries of encodings in the DSE process.
+- Introduce an IAssociativeElement interface to encapsulate the association operations.
+- Introduce a StandardAssociativeBitable that update associated elements if it is changed (i.e., put/remove operations).
+- Introduce a HashTable-based AssociativeBiTable.
+r3554 | diewald | 2016-09-23 15:06:05 MESZ
+Fix the automatic generation of Virtual Links in the modular transformation: Also consider the already transformed models when optional modules search for its inputs.
+r3551 | diewald | 2016-09-23 14:28:32 MESZ
+r3549 | diewald | 2016-09-23 13:25:12 MESZ
+Correct the implementation of the BiTable.
+- The StandardBiTable is now a wrapper class around the StandardTable, since guava does not allow subclassing.
+- Moved the BiTable classes into org.fortiss.exploration.alg.guava.
+- Adjusted the transformator modules to use the BiTable.
+r3547 | diewald | 2016-09-22 18:14:03 MESZ
+Add several support classes for the DSE process and the modular transformation framework.
+The basic idea is to better encapsulate the data structures that are used in the DSE process and the modular transformation framework to avoid inconsistent data structure.  Since the used data structures are based on Guava, the implementation of the support classes is oriented at this library.
+r3546 | diewald | 2016-09-22 14:07:47 MESZ
+Fix the export of the deployment parameter table for exported deployments.
+r3543 | diewald | 2016-09-22 13:23:13 MESZ
+Add an export mechanism for 100% safety compliance models.
+- Add a mechanism to the SafetyComplianceModelTransformator to save the generated 100% model as a resource.
+- Add a dialog & support code that allows to trigger the export of a generated safety compliance model when a deployment model is exported.
+r3541 | diewald | 2016-09-22 10:14:54 MESZ
+Move the 125% --> 100% safety compliance specification transformation from the safety compliance evaluator into a transformation strategy module.
+r3539 | diewald | 2016-09-21 16:49:40 MESZ
+Fix the transformation of TimingDescriptions.
+- Use a Table (guava) implementation for the encoding entry <-> model element associations in the transformation to allow referencing multiple model elements of different types.
+- Correct the dependencies of some Transformation Modules.
+- Initialize the encoding entry <-> model element associations already in the corresponding transformation modules.
+- Spelling & minor bug fixes.
+r3530 | diewald | 2016-09-20 14:09:36 MESZ
+Bug Fix: Partially missing separation of safety components.
+- Inject the generated ComponentArchitecture of a generated Deployment to the generated SafetyCompoliance model which is passed to the checker.
+- Associate mapping entries denoting replicas with the replicated components in the model transformation such that the generated deployment is complete.
+r3507 | barner | 2016-09-15 13:56:56 MESZ
+r3491 | diewald | 2016-09-13 15:18:06 MESZ
+Add documentation for the parameters of two functions.
+r3490 | diewald | 2016-09-13 13:39:58 MESZ
+Fix the element-wise transformation.
+- Do not iterate over all states in ITRansformationStrategies, only in ElememtTransformationStrategyBase sub-modules.
+- Correct the placement of the transformed models in the transformed model map.
+r3487 | diewald | 2016-09-12 15:36:31 MESZ
+Bug Fix: The FileProject to inject models sometimes failed if a "base model" passed to the transformation service was not injected to the file project.
+r3486 | diewald | 2016-09-12 14:56:24 MESZ
+- Use the new utility method in org.fortiss.exploration.ui to create the error message if the VL generation fails: stack traces are now shown.
+- Erroneous catching of Exceptions fixed during model transformation.
+r3483 | diewald | 2016-09-09 18:41:40 MESZ
+[WIP] Operational element-wise transformation framework.
+- Remove deprecated Dreamstiming transformation module and its interface classes.
+- Specify the output type via of element wise transformation via a generic.
+- Element modules directly inject their generated objects into the transformed model.
+- Also launch "normal" transformation modules which are sub modules of IElementTransformationStrategy(s).
+- Cleanup.
+- Only few references are actually set in the generated TimingDescription. This behaviour must be corrected. Currently, the resulting TimingDescription is not valid.
+r3480 | diewald | 2016-09-09 15:31:04 MESZ
+Introduce the ExplorationException as the super class of all Exception thrown by the DSE.
+- Create the class ExplorationException and let others inherit from it.
+- Extend the DecodingException constructors to take an additional exception.
+r3479 | diewald | 2016-09-09 12:00:05 MESZ
+Switch the default behaviour of the random number generator to provide more randomness.
+r3478 | diewald | 2016-09-09 11:54:32 MESZ
+Bug-Fix inconsistency in allocation entries of the taskmapping w.r.t. the number of safety channels of a safety function.
+- The Composite create phase has a much improved decoding handling to generate correct encodings from the beginning:
+  - Consistency is between encodings is now ensured instead of requiring the decoding phase.
+  - All registered decoders of all subdecoders are now launched after each generated genotype to handle previously missing dependencies.
+  - Identity decoders are directly launched after the creation of the correps. genotype.
+- The CrossoverAllocation operation now only swaps as many allocation entries as the smaller entry set has. This avoids swapping the number of replicas between Component entries causing an inconsistency between the SafetyArchitectureEncoding and the TaskMappongEncoding.
+- Added some markers where to implement consistency checks.
+- Fixed several bugs in the Timing Event model transformation.
+- Introduction of the debug utility class.
+- Misc. other bug fixes.
+r3462 | barner | 2016-09-06 10:33:17 MESZ
+- Use assert() to guarantee that random generator wrapper has been initialized before use, i.e. avoid to return default value in that case
+r3461 | diewald | 2016-09-06 09:53:19 MESZ
+Reintegrate the DREAMS timing initializer that creates a copy of an existing timing description that is further processed in the model transformation.
+r3460 | diewald | 2016-09-06 09:39:58 MESZ
+Re-integrate the event replication transformation module.
+r3459 | diewald | 2016-09-06 09:17:50 MESZ
+Only launch the TimingEventInstantiationModule if instantiation is indicated by the IDeployableComponentAdapters.
+r3458 | diewald | 2016-09-05 19:11:42 MESZ
+Fix undesired model navigator updates.
+r3457 | diewald | 2016-09-05 19:03:10 MESZ
+Fix an undesired cancellation of the DSE process by Opt4J.
+The Opt4J framework removes two aims to remove two lames if both have the same distance value, but the code expects one lame to remain. Hence, use a self-compiled version providing a fix for this case.
+r3456 | diewald | 2016-09-05 16:53:35 MESZ
+Re-integrate the model naming capability in the modular transformation framework.
+r3455 | diewald | 2016-09-05 16:05:21 MESZ
+[WIP] Re-integration of the element-wise model transformation into the modular transformation framework.
+- WIP: Adaption and separation of the element-wise transformation modules.
+- Integration of the dependency graph to determine the execution order of the element-wise transformation modules.
+- TODO: registration of the element-wise modules.
+r3454 | barner | 2016-09-05 15:08:56 MESZ
+- Reset temporary Deployment's references to Component/PlatformArchitectures in all exit paths of evaluateGoal().
+- This fixes errors regarding dangling Hrefs when trying to save the underlying FileProject (after the exploration has terminated)
+r3453 | barner | 2016-09-05 15:06:17 MESZ
+- Reset temporary Deployment's references to Component/PlatformArchitectures in all exit paths of evaluateGoal().
+- This fixes errors regarding dangling Hrefs when trying to save the underlying FileProject (after the exploration has terminated)
+r3451 | diewald | 2016-09-02 15:36:29 MESZ
+Generalize the DecoderDependencyGraph: DependencyGraph.
+The DecoderDependencyGraph has been generalized such that it can be specialized for the use in the element-wise model transformations.
+r3449 | diewald | 2016-09-02 13:06:00 MESZ
+Move all debug graphs to a display subpackage.
+r3448 | diewald | 2016-09-02 12:00:08 MESZ
+[WIP] Re-integration of the element-wise model transformation into the modular transformation framework.
+- Removal of unneeded classes.
+- WIP: Interface rework.
+- TODO: Generalization of the dependency graph used for decoders.
+- TODO: Integration of the dependency graph to determine the execution order of the element-wise transformation modules.
+r3447 | diewald | 2016-09-02 09:41:47 MESZ
+Correct the usage of the annotation view update in the modular transformation framework.
+r3446 | diewald | 2016-09-01 18:26:38 MESZ
+Some code cleanup.
+r3439 | diewald | 2016-09-01 15:39:40 MESZ
+Re-include the generation of voter components that was commented out for the transition to the modular transformation framework.
+r3438 | diewald | 2016-09-01 14:44:27 MESZ
+Fix the skipping of optional transformation modules with unsatisfied dependencies.
+r3437 | diewald | 2016-09-01 14:06:04 MESZ
+Fix the component instantiation such that indeed all abstract components are instantiated (instead of replacing instantiated components with instantiated ones, while some abstract components remain).
+r3434 | diewald | 2016-08-31 19:47:41 MESZ
+Do not execute optional transformation modules if not all required inputs are available.
+r3433 | diewald | 2016-08-31 19:22:51 MESZ
+- Add a mechanism to the decoder dependency graph that adds identity decoders for any encoding involved in the exploration process.
+- Add an identity decoder for AbstractTaskMappingEncodings to make it available for the transformation framework.
+r3428 | diewald | 2016-08-31 15:22:11 MESZ
+- Transformation Framework:
+  - Safety Module: Remove connections between channels (clean impl as module).
+  - Safety Module: Remove non-needed (abstract) Diag Components from a generated Component Architecture (clean impl as a module).
+  - Use only abstract task mappings as input for the replication module of the component architecture transformation.
+  - Also use associated entries (assocs between IMappingEntries) in the element transformation association maps.
+  - Extend INIT transformation stage to INITIALIZING and INITIALIZED.
+  - Add a method to the transformation base module that removes model elements and its associations (avoids common errors).
+- Internal DSE engine:
+  - Add field for associations of task entries to task entries from other DSE process steps.
+- Misc / Bug Fixes:
+  - Only trigger SafetyConstraint generation for the transformation if the Constraint is specified.
+  - Suitable toStringMethods for Safety Function encodings.
+  - Fix bug in the task replication operator.
+r3422 | barner | 2016-08-31 09:31:54 MESZ
+- Fix typo
+r3418 | barner | 2016-08-30 14:13:08 MESZ
+- Sync with stock AF3 release 2.10.0
+  - Bump plugin version to 2.10.0
+  - Sync online help
+r3417 | barner | 2016-08-30 13:11:20 MESZ
+- Fix typos
+r3404 | diewald | 2016-08-26 17:01:08 MESZ
+Introduce the Exploration Evaluator Service.
+- ExplorationEvaluatorService added:
+  - Evaluators can now be contributed from external plugins.
+  - Evaluators must register with a ExplorationTarget (1:1 mapping).
+  - Each contributed evaluator must define the primary phenotype on which it operates (for now) and provide a method to instantiate "itself".
+  - Example implementation: The EngeryObjectiveMin evaluator has already been migrated. See the plugin.xml file and the corresponding java class.
+- Code simplification & cleanup.
+r3382 | diewald | 2016-08-08 17:26:54 MESZ
+Introduce the modular transformation & exploration service framework:
+- Model transformations can be demanded by calling "ExplorationService.getService(TransformatorType.class).getTransformedModel(ModelType.class, ...)" if the needed input is provided.
+- The model transformation is organized hierarchically such that sub model transformations can be automatically triggered if required (i.e., if a deployment is demanded which requires a generated component architecture).
+- States define the execution order of the transformation sub-modules (e.g., INIT, REPLICATING, etc.; see ITransformationModule).
+- TransformationStrategies define those model transformations that can be called externally (via the service) and which automate the execution of sub modules that perform the actual transformation.
+- Transformation modules are processed dynamically which requires them to declare their required inputs and their resulting outputs.
+- Additionally: Several minor bug fixes & code cleanup.
+r3248 | barner | 2016-07-08 11:04:21 MESZ
+- Make the following platform utility methods available in DreamsPlatformUtils:
+ - getEffectiveConnectionTargets()
+ - isValidConnectionTarget()
+ - containsPlatformElements()
+ - connectPlatforms()
+ - connectPlatforms()
+ - connectsSwHwPlatform()
+ - connectsSwHwPlatform()
+ - connectsSwHwPlatform()
+ - getReferencedPlatformElements()
+r3247 | barner | 2016-07-08 10:40:00 MESZ
+- AF3Utils.getEffectiveConnectionTargets(): remove unused parameter "isReflexive"
+r3242 | barner | 2016-07-07 16:36:58 MESZ
+- Include org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg.jar into product
+r3231 | barner | 2016-07-07 12:17:14 MESZ
+- Add missing '.alg' suffix to plugin ids
+- In particular, this also directs the edit(or) code for the meta-models moved to this plugin into org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg.edit(or), which currently does not exist (i.e., the code is not generated)
+- Remove .edit code for models that now reside in org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg
+r3223 | diewald | 2016-07-06 16:11:30 MESZ
+- Move the Prototype provider to the .alg subpackage.
+- Re-register the prototype provider (got lost during the ecore move).
+r3221 | diewald | 2016-07-06 15:10:55 MESZ
+- Add proper model documentation.
+- Add deprecation markers where needed (in the documentation).
+r3220 | diewald | 2016-07-06 14:21:07 MESZ
+- Add proper model documentation.
+- Add deprecation markers where needed (in the documentation).
+r3214 | diewald | 2016-07-06 11:37:50 MESZ
+Throw an Exception if no Gateway is defined for an OnChipNetworkDriver.
+r3211 | diewald | 2016-07-06 11:26:14 MESZ
+r3198 | diewald | 2016-07-05 13:32:36 MESZ
+Mark implicit constraints via an EAttribute instead of via a marker class.
+r3196 | diewald | 2016-07-05 11:09:12 MESZ
+- Update Exploration MM to introduce a separation between "Generic Exploration Targets" and "Expression Targets" to improve the support to the new exploration Dsl.
+- Update the genmodel files to reflect these changes.
+- Update the edit plugin to the MM changes.
+r3184 | diewald | 2016-07-04 21:28:49 MESZ
+Fix error when creating VirtualLinks --> MM modification and temporally disable a check.
+r3183 | diewald | 2016-07-04 21:00:34 MESZ
+../.. -> platform:/resource
+r3181 | diewald | 2016-07-04 20:51:59 MESZ
+r3180 | diewald | 2016-07-04 18:58:20 MESZ
+Move the DesignspaceExplorationFactory to org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg.utils to avoid conflicts in package naming.
+r3179 | diewald | 2016-07-04 18:50:07 MESZ
+Fix some MM code generation issues and use the right factories (move).
+r3176 | diewald | 2016-07-04 17:49:51 MESZ
+Fix some model bugs that were introduced when moving MMs recently.
+r3175 | diewald | 2016-07-04 17:25:48 MESZ
+Move moea.ecore, explorationDsl.ecore, and most parts of common.ecore from org.fortiss.af3.exploration to org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg.
+r3166 | diewald | 2016-07-04 13:32:26 MESZ
+Add ignore property to generated-src folder.
+r3165 | diewald | 2016-07-04 13:31:18 MESZ
+Add generated-src folder.
+r3164 | barner | 2016-07-04 13:27:03 MESZ
+- It has been decided to keep a service specific getInstance() method instead of ToolingKernel.getService(), hence revert changes from r3122
+r3158 | diewald | 2016-07-01 18:44:40 MESZ
+- Remove a hack in PlatformCommunicationGraph that excludes Busses from the graph.
+- Add a proper mechanism such that resources within a virtualized hardware layer are not considered in the generation of resource connections if none of these elements are selected as deployment targets. As a result, the PlatformCommunicationGrpach is constructed correctly.
+r3134 | diewald | 2016-06-30 14:33:52 MESZ
+Add an Exception that is thrown if no deployment targets were specified.
+r3132 | diewald | 2016-06-29 18:12:07 MESZ
+Let the ExecDependecyGraph check if all required input Encodings are available & throw an appropriate Exception that indicates the problem if some required input is not available.
+r3131 | diewald | 2016-06-29 17:04:21 MESZ
+- Make the ExecDependencyGraph a normal class instead of a singleton.
+- Allow the retrieval of IExplorationEncodings registered at the SystemModelAdapter.
+r3130 | diewald | 2016-06-29 16:30:56 MESZ
+Fix a bug in the identification of target connectors that caused the VL model transformation to fail under special circumstances.
+r3127 | diewald | 2016-06-29 15:48:30 MESZ
+Fix some misdirected edges in the PlatformCommunicationGraph calculation.
+r3124 | diewald | 2016-06-29 12:10:28 MESZ
+Add a todo.
+r3123 | diewald | 2016-06-29 09:07:59 MESZ
+Fix unconnected NetworkInterfaces for some models.
+r3122 | diewald | 2016-06-29 08:39:11 MESZ
+Fix some deprecation warnings resulting from kernel changes.
+r3120 | diewald | 2016-06-28 21:14:35 MESZ
+- Add an exception specific for invalid input platform architecture models.
+- Fix the connection direction identification prior to building the PlatformCommunicationGraph.
+- Fix the connections of edges when construction the PlatformCommunicationGraph.
+- Fix some errors in identifying the right target connectors when extracting connections from the platform.
+- Cleanup.
+r3119 | diewald | 2016-06-28 16:52:26 MESZ
+- Add an exception for invalid input platform models.
+- Allow multiple references from OnChipNetworkDrivers in the DSE.
+r3114 | diewald | 2016-06-28 15:32:55 MESZ
+Remove an intermediate statement from the SafetyComplianceEvaluator that may hide problems, but was useful during modularization of the DSE framework.
+r3113 | diewald | 2016-06-28 15:25:12 MESZ
+Fix the calculation of the execution orders of decoders.
+r3112 | diewald | 2016-06-28 13:51:39 MESZ
+- Simplify the execution code for sub-Decoders in CompositeDecoders.
+- Correctly consider the execution order calculated by the ExecDependencyGraph in CompositeDecoders.
+- Simplify & correct the cloning mechanism for encodings.
+r3108 | diewald | 2016-06-28 10:34:10 MESZ
+- Simplify the message generation.
+- Fix duplicate allocation entries after cloning the AbstractTaskMapping.
+r3107 | diewald | 2016-06-28 08:33:38 MESZ
+Disable the period consistency check for task graphs for now until full multi-periods are fully supported.
+The check currently causes problems with VL generation.
+r3104 | diewald | 2016-06-27 17:54:22 MESZ
+Fix & improve the retrieval of components comprising a safety function.
+r3103 | diewald | 2016-06-27 16:49:39 MESZ
+Final fix for incorrectly specified periods for task graphs.
+r3102 | diewald | 2016-06-27 16:23:06 MESZ
+Improve the identification of invalid period specifications.
+r3101 | diewald | 2016-06-27 16:00:28 MESZ
+- Add an InvalidTimingModel exception.
+- Fix a ClassCastException in the PeriodConstraint generation.
+r3100 | diewald | 2016-06-27 15:47:45 MESZ
+- Add a ConstraintGenerationException.
+- Fix the PeriodConstraint generation.
+r3098 | diewald | 2016-06-27 11:49:06 MESZ
+Disable AnnotationView updates during Deployment generation.
+r3096 | diewald | 2016-06-27 10:39:10 MESZ
+- VL-Generation: Check for equals sets of deployed components and deployable components identified by the DSE.
+- DSE: Use Double instead of double for periods.
+- Improve the detection of deployable Components.
+- Improve the period retrieval to correctly respect hierarchies.
+- Fix the input check of the VL generation to valid the deployable component sets (DSE-selected <-> Component allocations in Deployment model).
+r3079 | diewald | 2016-06-23 10:26:10 MESZ
+Remove isDebugVerboseEnabled from ExplorationAlgUtils & use ExplorationUtils.isDebugVerboseEnabled() instead.
+r3074 | diewald | 2016-06-22 16:32:04 MESZ
+Fix the interpretation of the implements component specification in the VL Generation.
+r3073 | diewald | 2016-06-22 16:02:48 MESZ
+- Fix registration of the MessageDecoder.
+- Fix launching non-required Decoders for the just created genotype.
+- Add support for the Mu parameter (EA-specific parameter).
+- Improve the VL Generation performance.
+r3072 | diewald | 2016-06-22 13:08:57 MESZ
+- Composite framework:
+  - Add a mechanism to allow decoding of phenotypes (into other phenotypes).
+  - Implement an update mechanism for hybrid Phenotypes.
+- Remaining Issues:
+  - Period constraints are currently not evaluated for instantiated components.
+  - "Empty" schedules are not correctly sorted out in the decoding.
+r3064 | barner | 2016-06-21 09:07:30 MESZ
+- Ensure that exceptions actually reach the Eclipse Job that executes the virtual link generation
+- TODO: (Re-)consider
+  - if catching exceptions and re-throwing (other exceptions) always makes sense
+  - wrap error messages currently printed to sysout into exections
+  - Extract more exceptions from Opt4J (needed to pass errors during DSE to Eclipse Job)
+r3063 | diewald | 2016-06-21 08:34:42 MESZ
+Fix the execution order of decoders in the ExecDependency Graph: inverse ordering after calculation.
+r3062 | diewald | 2016-06-20 19:59:20 MESZ
+- Allow requesting of solution model types --> only launch the required creators decoders:
+  - Introduce a Graph which allows to calculate the required decoders and creators given the set of available decoders and creators and the required phenotypes (that will comprise the model solution set).
+  - Make the Creators/Decoders aware of the graph.
+- Extract the message decoding to a separate Decoder.
+- The VL generation now only uses a task mapping and a message encoding --> no more scheduling of VLs.
+r3050 | barner | 2016-06-20 10:00:57 MESZ
+- Rename org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg.ExplorationUtils to ExplorationAlgUtils
+- Create org.fortiss.af3.exploration.ExplorationUtils
+- Move ExplorationAlgUtils.isDebugVerboseEnabled() to ExplorationUtils
+r3049 | barner | 2016-06-20 09:30:31 MESZ
+- Move isDebugVerboseEnabled() to ExplorationUtils (as static method)
+r3044 | barner | 2016-06-18 00:12:37 MESZ
+- Eliminate remaining references to review.ecore
+refs 2606
+r3042 | diewald | 2016-06-17 16:17:22 MESZ
+SafetyIntegrityLevelConstraintEvaluator now operates on InstantiatedTaskMapping instead of StrictTTSchedules.
+r3039 | diewald | 2016-06-17 15:57:05 MESZ
+Re-add setting the iteration count via UI.
+r3038 | diewald | 2016-06-17 15:26:28 MESZ
+Update ConQat rating of some not-yet-updated files.
+r3035 | diewald | 2016-06-17 15:13:23 MESZ
+Add proper toString methods to the FlatGenotypeMap & FlatPhenotypeMap.
+r3033 | diewald | 2016-06-17 13:51:48 MESZ
+r3032 | diewald | 2016-06-16 20:13:12 MESZ
+Heavy improvement of the composite DSE framework:
+- Consequently apply the composite framework to operations: creators, decoders, evaluators.
+- Simplification of the framework by removing unneeded generics.
+- More consistent use of generics in the operations.
+- All task graphs are now encodings --> phenotypes.
+- Improved separation between mappings schedules.
+- Adjustment of the UI plugin to the changes.
+- Much Improved integration of the safety Arch exploration: only thing missing: model export.
+- Disabled the voter generation for now.
+- MM: Adjust the EMM to also export the input model adapter (aka system model adapter) for later deployment generation.
+Also: Consistently applied the conqat ratings and added some missing documentation.
+r2997 | barner | 2016-06-15 09:41:40 MESZ
+- Sync with MM
+r2918 | barner | 2016-06-06 14:54:17 MESZ
+- Tooling Kernel service singletons implemented as 'getInstance()' method instead of static variable 'INSTANCE'
+refs 2597
+r2872 | barner | 2016-05-31 17:36:22 MESZ
+- Set plugin name and/or vendor
+r2847 | diewald | 2016-05-27 11:10:01 MESZ
+- DreamsTimingUtils: Add a method to retrieve the EventAnnotationBase of Ports that references the associated timing Events.
+- MOEA-DSE: Align the behavior of the DSE with the modifications of the timing utils such that the Components considered by the DSE are extracted properly.
+r2832 | barner | 2016-05-25 17:11:36 MESZ
+- Rename get{Mint,Period}Value(Component) to get{Mint,Period}(Component)
+- Change return type of getMint(*) and getPeriod(*) to Double
+r2828 | barner | 2016-05-25 16:52:15 MESZ
+- Mark rtaw.DreamsUtils.getPeriod() and rtaw.DreamsUtils.getMint() as deprecated. Use the versions in DreamsTimingUtils instead which walk up the hierarchy
+- DreamsTimingUtils.getPeriodValue(Component) now only investigates the Component, but not its ports any longer.
+- Move rtaw.DreamsUtils.getMintValue() to DreamsTimingUtils
+r2787 | diewald | 2016-05-24 09:51:54 MESZ
+- Skip the scheduling of non-periodic messages in the TDMA message scheduler.
+r2765 | diewald | 2016-05-19 13:47:23 MESZ
+- Update the VL Generation to be compliant with the latest timing MM.
+- Consider TimingEvents when looking for SporadicConstraints.
+r2713 | barner | 2016-05-10 14:22:03 MESZ
+- Use ComponentType annotation to mark generated voter components as ComponentType_t.VOTER
+r2712 | barner | 2016-05-10 14:16:56 MESZ
+- Fix build after DREAMS timing model updates
+r2686 | diewald | 2016-05-04 18:23:35 MESZ
+- Renaming (Contd.): safetyfunctiondesign -> safetyfunctionarch.
+- Add copy operators for the SafetyFuncionArchEncoding.
+- Minor package restructuring in the copy operators.
+- Fixes for the mutation operators of the safety function encoding.
+- Extensions to the DREAMS utils to obtain information about the components implementing a safety function as defined in the safety compliance model.
+- NOTE: The exploration of safety function architectures is currently disabled due to problems with the crossover operator identification.
+r2663 | diewald | 2016-05-03 15:57:56 MESZ
+- Renaming: SafetyFunctionDesign -> SafetyFunctionArchitecture.
+- Fill the safety function mutate methods with some life.
+- Switch the mutation rate provider from ConstantMutationRate to AdaptiveMutationRate to allow injection of multiple mutate modules. Here, a custom MutationRate class is required to account for composite genotypes.
+- Introduce an additional base class for safety function mutate operators to reduce code duplication.
+r2634 | diewald | 2016-05-02 13:13:06 MESZ
+- Fix crash in the RC-VirtualLink generation.
+r2625 | diewald | 2016-04-29 17:15:14 MESZ
+- Enrich the MutateSafetyFunctionDesignModule such that it registers the Mutation operators if activated in the DSEFactory.
+r2622 | diewald | 2016-04-29 14:47:48 MESZ
+- Add an empty module to register the mutate operators.
+r2621 | diewald | 2016-04-29 14:09:49 MESZ
+- Add mutation operator classes for safety functions.
+r2620 | diewald | 2016-04-29 13:56:14 MESZ
+- Separate the mutation base class into a MutationBase class and a MutationTaskBase class.
+- YELLOW for mutation classes where possible.
+r2618 | diewald | 2016-04-29 13:17:39 MESZ
+- Add utility methods to extract information about safety functions from a safety compliance model: Number of safety functions, traces to involved AF3 components and their role within a specific safety function.
+- Restructure the mutation operators (java packages).
+- Extend the use of generics within the SystemModelAdapter.
+r2607 | diewald | 2016-04-28 15:50:32 MESZ
+- Add first version of the IKLSafetyFunctionAdapter which encapsulates information about safety functions extracted from IKL's safety compliance model.
+- Use a type parameter to denote which component types are used to realize the safety function: Currently only Components.
+r2606 | diewald | 2016-04-28 12:59:48 MESZ
+- Finalize the safety function encoding creator.
+- Add a field in the system model adapter that contains the safety function adapters.
+- Stylistic documentation fixes in the TaskMappngCreator class.
+r2604 | diewald | 2016-04-28 11:01:09 MESZ
+- Remove outdated guava library version 18.0.
+- Add source annotations for guava version 19.0.
+- Add an adapter interface for safetyfunctions.
+- Add an encoding/genotype for exploring safety functions.
+- Add a (not yet functional) creator for safety function encodings/genotypes.
+r2591 | diewald | 2016-04-27 12:04:24 MESZ
+Minor fix for the documentation of the nextInt(int) method of the RandomExploration random number generator.
+r2590 | diewald | 2016-04-27 12:02:29 MESZ
+- Improve the documentation of the RandomExploration random number generator.
+r2583 | diewald | 2016-04-26 17:47:24 MESZ
+- Rework the calculation of the required exponent to represent a set of BigDecimals as BigIntegers such that a given precision is preserved. NOTE: The demanded precision is no longer defined by a decimal number, but by an integer denoting the n-th position of the fractional digit. 
+r2571 | diewald | 2016-04-22 18:02:55 MESZ
+- Readd the migrator for the MOEA-based DSE.
+- Correct the return type parameter of the SafetyComplianceConstraint.
+- Re-introduce: the generic of the ExplorationTargets defines the return type.
+- Correct the handling of the return type in the DSE when creating the Exploration Solutions.
+- Add a utility method that allows to determine the substitution type of a type parameter defined in any super class or interface that has only ONE generic parameter.
+- Add a mechanism to the exploration editor that allows to set and get the parameters which are encoded in an expression via reflection.l
+r2570 | barner | 2016-04-21 17:17:27 MESZ
+- Change the representation of temporal values from double to BigDecimal (in org.fortiss.af3.timing timing.ecore)
+- This data type is used in the schedule and the PSM MM
+- Adjust code that works on these models
+r2546 | diewald | 2016-04-08 13:42:37 MESZ
+- Fix genmodel of dsl_v2 ecore: Add editDirectory, proper package names to prevent overriding of previously generated files.
+- Fix plugin.xml: correct the generated packages.
+- Update edit plugin.
+r2513 | barner | 2016-03-29 14:31:54 MESZ
+- Disable arrayAccessors option in all .genmodels and adjust source code where needed (method to access the list representing a reference 'foo' with cardinality > 1 is now named getFoo() instead of getFooList())
+- The inconsistent use of arrayAccessors caused compilation problems in some cases, which is why it has also bee disabled in the org.fortiss.af3.base plugin
+r2512 | diewald | 2016-03-29 14:20:01 MESZ
+- Correctly export the solutions found by the DSE in the EMF-based solution representation.
+- Make the visual solution representation work again: Base the UI-plugin on the EMF-based solution representation.
+r2510 | diewald | 2016-03-29 10:39:46 MESZ
+- Fix the creation of ComponentMultiAllocationConstraint Evaluators.
+- Solutions: Use the create method from the DesignSpaceExplorationModelElementFactory to avoid an NPE.
+- Use the new PeriodConstraint consequently.
+- Replace all occurences of FixedDeploymentConstraints with ComponentMultiAlloctionConstraints.
+r2507 | diewald | 2016-03-28 22:37:47 MESZ
+- Refinement of Exploration ecore models.
+- MOEA DSE now uses the new ExplorationTargets (-> Exploration DSL)
+- Added Migrator for old DSE models.
+- The DSE now uses the DSE extension mechanism (demanding parameters & registering the backend).
+- Update of the edit plugin.
+refs 2535
+r2494 | diewald | 2016-03-22 14:06:08 MEZ
+- Correct usage of java-subpackages in the genmodel files.
+- Use the "LocationType" in the LocationConstraint & LocationPattern.
+- Renamings in the MOEA EMF model.
+- Add migrator for concrete MOEA Exploration targets & common exploration targets. (NOT registered yet)
+- Add model element factories for the exploratin DSL and the common exploration targets.
+- Alignments in the exploration.alg plugin.
+- Update edit plugin.
+r2491 | diewald | 2016-03-18 18:10:11 MEZ
+- Add an extension point to the exploration plugin that allows register DSE backends.
+- The extension points must implement IDseBackend.
+- The parameters are passed via IDseInputParameters (a base class exists).
+- The DseBackendHandler singleton is used to call the backends and it caches values for this call.
+- Initial version of ExplorationTarget migrator.
+r2462 | diewald | 2016-03-16 14:54:02 MEZ
+- Intermediate version of exploration MM as an attempt to fix build error.
+r2461 | diewald | 2016-03-16 13:43:00 MEZ
+- Fix intermediate misconceptions in the Exploration DSL.
+- Remove the MOEAExplorationObective and -Constraint.
+- Create a LocationExpression.
+- Create a common LocationConstraint.
+- Create a common ComponentAllocationConstraint.
+r2458 | diewald | 2016-03-16 09:29:31 MEZ
+- Rename SeparationDimension -> LocationDimension.
+- Replace ResourceLink superclass of MemoryConstraint with the correct class ResourceDimension.
+r2455 | diewald | 2016-03-15 20:06:15 MEZ
+- Align with most recent Exploration Meta-Model changes.
+- Update the edit plugins.
+r2429 | hoelzl | 2016-03-08 11:49:51 MEZ
+Changed pom.xml to point to new parent-pom.xml location and removed outdated 'indigo' suffix.
+refs "2499"
+r2420 | diewald | 2016-03-07 11:58:27 MEZ
+- Bug fix: Use only abstract IDeployableComponentAdapters to find scheduleable Components (in the EDF scheduler).
+- Cleanup & remove a warning.
+r2419 | diewald | 2016-03-04 19:05:52 MEZ
+- Parametrize almost all (SystemModel)Adapters with generics such that The DSE is more type-safe w.r.t. the In-/Output.
+r2404 | diewald | 2016-03-04 08:47:30 MEZ
+- Add a flag to the explorer that indicates whether implicit constraints shall be generated prior to the exploration.
+- Disable the implicit constraint generation for the VL generation.
+r2403 | diewald | 2016-03-03 18:10:02 MEZ
+- Add a collection of scheduleable components to the SystemModelAdapter that is derived from the set of deployable components and defiens those components which can be scheduled by an periodic scheduler.
+- Extend the StrictTTScheduler (and the EDF- and TDMAScheduler) such that unscheduleable Components and Messages are not processed by them.
+- Extend the VL generation such that a MINT is added to Sporadic VLs.
+r2342 | diewald | 2016-02-24 17:26:16 MEZ
+- Bugfix: Only add those tasks from the abstract task graph to the instantiated task graph which were also contained in the original abstract task graph (not all tasks contained in any task graph).
+- Throw a ScheduleRuntimeException, if no WCET has been specified for an allocation that is attempted to be scheduled by the EDF scheduler.
+r2206 | barner | 2016-02-22 11:57:07 MEZ
+- Bump AF3 version number from 2.8.0 to 2.9.0
+r2192 | diewald | 2016-02-20 15:01:49 MEZ
+- Upload correct jar.
+r2142 | barner | 2016-02-11 15:58:24 MEZ
+- Move DreamsTimingUtils to eu.dreamsproject.application
+r2128 | diewald | 2016-02-05 17:30:27 MEZ
+- Fix the instance task graph to contain only tasks that correspond to the tasks of its associated abstract task graph, not the complete set of tasks.
+- Introduce an assertion to "harden" the instance task graph creation (fixes a todo & avoids an actually unneeded check).
+r2093 | diewald | 2016-01-29 11:30:35 MEZ
+- Add a state machine to track the transformation status of modules. It prevents a wrong order in calling the single operations and multiple calls at one time which will result in broken models.
+- Show an error dialog if an Exception occurs during the transformation.
+r2077 | diewald | 2016-01-28 11:05:05 MEZ
+- Add guava source annotations.
+- Improvements to Model Generation/Transformation framework:
+  - Call a set of generation/transformation operations of the generation/transformation modules automatically from the model generation strategy such that code duplication in the concrete model generators/transformators is avoided. Consequently, the concrete model generators/transformators only need to perform the registration of the modules and the preparation and "finalization" of the model.
+  - Introduce a marker interface for other interfaces that define generation/transformation operations.
+  - Add the IElementModule interface to allow element-based Generation/Transformation modules to declare the element types on which they operate.
+  - Switch from Map to Multimap for the associative map of original to generated elements.
+  - Bug fix for inserting replica of Events in the generated TimingDescription.
+- Cleanup.
+r2076 | diewald | 2016-01-26 13:43:23 MEZ
+- Remove copies of abstract components and their children that were instantiated from the generated-to-original element map.
+r2075 | diewald | 2016-01-26 12:03:54 MEZ
+- Fix the references from TimingEvents to instances of components:
+  * Instance elements are no longer identified by the ModelGenerationModules, instead the collection of instantiated elements must be provided by the predecessor generators/transformators.
+  * The ComponentArchitectureGenerator now offers a list with instantiated elements.
+- Cleanup.
+r2074 | diewald | 2016-01-25 18:10:38 MEZ
+- Initial implementation of the model generation/transformation "framework":
+  * The model generation follows the strategy pattern.
+  * Sub-elements are handled in "modules" which must be called from the concrete strategy's methods.
+  * The prototype is currently only used to adjust the references of timing Events to the instances of Components.
+  * The remaining parts of the timing model need to be handled using the framework.
+  * TODO: Apply the "framework" to the ComponentArchitecture and Deployment Generation.
+r2067 | diewald | 2016-01-21 11:09:27 MEZ
+- Push fix for setting source and target components of deadline constraints.
+- 1st skeleton implementation of model genertation/transformation "framework".
+r2056 | diewald | 2016-01-13 16:27:43 MEZ
+- Improves the creation of IDeployableComponentadapters such that the instantiation mechanism for components is supported properly
+- Corrects the instantiation of IDeployableComponentAdapters within the encoding.
+- Corrects the ComponentArchitecture and Deployment generation and aligns it with the changes mentioned above.
+- Fixes the Reliability evaluator.
+- Fixes the VirtualLink generation based on a given Deployment.
+r2054 | diewald | 2016-01-12 10:41:04 MEZ
+- Code cleanup and removal of deprecated TODOs/FIXMEs.
+r2053 | diewald | 2016-01-12 10:12:06 MEZ
+- Code cleanup.
+r2052 | diewald | 2016-01-12 09:02:57 MEZ
+- Generalize the treatment of the FailureRate annotation for virtual resources in the AF3ResourceAdapter.
+- Bug fix to remove the "abstract" Components from the TaskGraph containing the instances instead of removing them from the "abstract" TaskGraph.
+r2051 | diewald | 2016-01-11 17:54:36 MEZ
+- Make the VL export safer against accessing non-existing objects.
+r2050 | diewald | 2016-01-11 17:13:33 MEZ
+- Remove deprecated FIXMEs.
+- The removal of tasks from TaskGraphs is now handled internally in the TaskGraphs.
+r2049 | diewald | 2016-01-11 16:41:42 MEZ
+- Remove outdated FIXMEs.
+- Improve the repair mechanism such that both swapping of Component->ExU allocations and a random re-allocation is possible. The selected mechanism is determined randomly.
+r2048 | diewald | 2016-01-11 16:02:33 MEZ
+- Make the EMFModelWrapper more thread safe.
+- Solve FIXME: Make comparison based on objects instead of IDs.
+r2027 | barner | 2015-12-18 11:44:07 MEZ
+- Move apfloat library from org.fortiss.af3.schedule to org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg again.
+- org.fortiss.af3.schedule uses BigDecimal now
+r2026 | barner | 2015-12-17 16:49:51 MEZ
+- Add suffixes to lcm/gcd methods working on collections that indicate the object type
+- Required to enable the implementation of support for further types (would have the same type erasure, otherwise)
+r2025 | barner | 2015-12-17 11:54:33 MEZ
+- Move apfloat.jar to org.fortiss.af3.schedule (and export it from)
+- In order to avoid numerical instabilities when working with temporal values, APFLOAT needs to be used there as well.
+r2011 | diewald | 2015-12-15 14:59:42 MEZ
+- Fix the parallel execution of the DSE. The most important aspect of the fix is the introduction of the singleton EMFModelConcurrentHandler that wraps few problematic calls to the underlying model such that consistency is ensured (which EMF itself does not provide).
+r2005 | diewald | 2015-12-14 18:00:18 MEZ
+- Separate the ComponentArchitecture generation from the Deployment Generation.
+- Created an interface & base class for model generation.
+r1998 | diewald | 2015-12-14 14:30:27 MEZ
+- Fix the virtual link generation for the generated component architectures.
+- Cleanup, typo fix.
+r1925 | diewald | 2015-12-03 17:03:43 MEZ
+r1924 | diewald | 2015-12-03 17:02:55 MEZ
+- Activate the VirtualLink generation for exported Deployments again.
+r1922 | diewald | 2015-12-03 15:38:47 MEZ
+- Utils: Add static collections to define end-points of VirtualLinks and hidden layers (plus helper method).
+- VirtualLink export: Hide details of Hypervisors, i.e. do not create VirtualLinks for contained elements.
+r1920 | diewald | 2015-12-03 13:18:29 MEZ
+- Cleanup & Refactoring for the VirtualLink generation.
+r1919 | barner | 2015-12-03 13:07:25 MEZ
+- Sync edit plugins with MMs
+r1918 | diewald | 2015-12-02 17:12:50 MEZ
+- Improved allocation constraint handling in the task mapping encoding.
+- Cleanup & Refactoring for the VirtualLink generation.
+r1913 | diewald | 2015-12-02 14:15:08 MEZ
+- Cleanup.
+r1911 | diewald | 2015-12-02 13:01:12 MEZ
+- Adapt to latest changes in the safetyconstraintchecker interface.
+- Cleanup/Refactoring in the VL generation.
+r1905 | diewald | 2015-12-02 08:27:37 MEZ
+- Get rid of the Singleton SystemModelServer (-> SystemModelAdapter) that was used to provide the systemModelAdapter instance to the Mating Module. Instead, the inject mechanism combined with the Named-annotation is used to bind the SystemModelAdapter reference in the Mating Module to the instance of the SystemModelAdapter.
+r1899 | diewald | 2015-12-01 14:07:15 MEZ
+- Add generation of the ImplementsComponentRef Specification for generated ComponentArchitectures during Deployment export.
+r1892 | diewald | 2015-11-30 18:01:21 MEZ
+- Temporally disable VL generation.
+r1891 | diewald | 2015-11-30 17:57:59 MEZ
+- Now really disable VL debug graph generation.
+r1890 | diewald | 2015-11-30 17:57:28 MEZ
+- Now really disable VL debug graph generation.
+r1889 | diewald | 2015-11-30 17:54:39 MEZ
+- Disable VL debug graph generation.
+- Cleanup.
+r1888 | diewald | 2015-11-30 17:49:41 MEZ
+org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg (/ui):
+- Init work for repair methods.
+- Additional X-over operator.
+- All evaluators now return Value<?>s (more generic).
+- Ext. to implicit constr. gen.
+- Cleanup.
+- More robust solution handling.
+r1881 | diewald | 2015-11-27 14:52:24 MEZ
+- Add updated guice package in build properties.
+r1878 | diewald | 2015-11-27 14:31:44 MEZ
+- Add guice-assistedinject package in build properties.
+r1877 | diewald | 2015-11-27 14:30:43 MEZ
+- Update guice to version 4.0.
+- Add guice-assistedinject package.
+r1867 | diewald | 2015-11-25 19:29:35 MEZ
+- Intermediate version of the bug fix for VirtualLink generation:
+  * Connector graph is correct now.
+  * Fixed issue: One vertex (an offchip connector is present in the graph that should not be there).
+  * INVALID ISSUE: Some "hull" connectors are present in the graph that should not be there. -> These Connectors are not present in the graph.
+  * REMAINING ISSUE: Needs heavy refactoring, many commented out code, modified logic, code duplication.
+r1859 | diewald | 2015-11-25 15:00:23 MEZ
+- Update evaluator for the SafetyComplianceSpecification to latest version of the safetystandards plugin (2015-11-25).
+- Intermediate version of the bug fix for VirtualLink generation:
+  * Connector graph is correct (except 1 vertex & some other "hull" ports).
+  * Fixed issue: The BusMasterPort at receiving NIs is contained in the Route which should not be the case.
+  * Fixed issue: For inter-device communication, the predecessor connector is not remembered, but calculated on the fly. This in only valid for single link connections (respecting the direction).
+  * REMAINING ISSUE: One vertex (an offchip connector is present in the graph that should not be there).
+  * REMAINING ISSUE: Some "hull" connectors are present in the graph that should not be there.
+r1851 | diewald | 2015-11-25 10:32:11 MEZ
+- Intermediate version of the bug fix for VirtualLink generation:
+  * Connector graph is almost correct.
+  * REMAINING ISSUE: The BusMasterPort at receiving NIs is contained in the Route which should not be the case.
+  * REMAINING ISSUE: For inter-device communication, the predecessor connector is not remembered, but calculated on the fly. This in only valid for single link connections (respecting the direction).
+r1849 | diewald | 2015-11-24 14:42:43 MEZ
+- Add separate Copy modules for abstract and instantiated task mapping.
+- Add decoding mechanism to instantiate the task mappings. An InstantiatedTaskMapping is now a Genotype AND a Phenotype.
+- Fix bug with duplicated task graphs in the encodings.
+- Add debug method to validate output from deployment generation (commented out).
+- Initial work to fix the Virtual Link export (NOT WORKING CORRECTLY YET, WORK IN PORGRESS).
+- Cleanup.
+r1842 | diewald | 2015-11-22 23:27:33 MEZ
+- Fix bug rel. to actually deployed components in the PeriodConstraint evaluator.
+r1837 | diewald | 2015-11-20 15:45:17 MEZ
+- Upload possibly forgotten jar again.
+r1830 | diewald | 2015-11-20 12:08:07 MEZ
+- Finalize the modifications for the export of Deployments and its corresponding ComponentArchitecture with support for instantiated components while providing a multimap that associates the components from the input model to the components of the generated architecture.
+- Cleanup.
+r1820 | barner | 2015-11-20 09:36:33 MEZ
+- Create and initialize PortMapping for VirtualLinks sender and receiver ports in createVlSementsWithPorts()
+r1811 | barner | 2015-11-19 15:53:54 MEZ
+- Fix typo in method name
+r1802 | diewald | 2015-11-19 15:23:22 MEZ
+- Update AF3 adapters to match definition of data size in bytes of VLs.
+r1793 | diewald | 2015-11-19 14:23:44 MEZ
+- Prevent initialization of util classes.
+- Cleanup.
+r1791 | diewald | 2015-11-19 13:59:53 MEZ
+- Adopt latest modifications from SafetyConstraintChecker.
+r1778 | diewald | 2015-11-19 10:56:09 MEZ
+- Add export of Google Guava jar.
+- Add export for the collector package of Google Guava.
+- Generate a association map that relates components of the input component architecture to the DSE with a possibly generated component architecture when exporting the results as an AF3 deployment.
+r1775 | barner | 2015-11-18 17:41:04 MEZ
+- Move the following VirtualLink annotations (+ value providers + the universally applicable registrations) from eu.dreamsproject.psm to org.fortiss.af3.deployment
+  - PsmPortAccessRights -> TransceiverPortAccessRights
+  - PsmPortDirection -> TransceiverPortDirection
+  - PsmPortSemantics -> TransceiverPortSemantics
+  - VlPayloadSize
+  - VlSender
+  - VlReceivers
+  - VlTempRepetition
+  - VlTrafficType
+- Also move the corresponding EENumns
+  - TrafficType
+  - TrafficDirection
+  - PortSemantics
+- Eliminate psm.ecore//#Time (in favour of timing.ecore//#Time)
+- TODO: Unify (scheduling.ecore//#Time with timing.ecore//#Time).
+- This changes also adds the new plugin
+r1768 | barner | 2015-11-18 11:43:16 MEZ
+- Remove from org.fortiss.af3.timing (#2388)
+  - model/timing.ecore
+    - ComponentInstruction
+    - TimingRequirementsPeriod
+    - WcetWcett
+  - Value providers
+  - Most importantly, this allows to remove the dependency from af3.timing to af3.deployment
+- Remove the following outdated migrators (that have been shipped with 2.8 and (some even for 2.7?))
+  that directly or indirectly depended on the above types
+ - org.fortiss.af3.timing.migration.WcetDeploymentParameterMigrator
+ - org.fortiss.af3.scheduling.migration.MemorySpecToAnnotationMigration
+ - org.fortiss.af3.scheduling.migration.ResourceTableToAnnotationMigrationProvider
+ - org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg.migration.RemoveTimingRequirementPeriodMigrationProvider
+ - eu.dreamsproject.platform.migration.EnergyParameterMigrator
+- org.fortiss.af3.deployment
+ - Move registration of Wcet annotation for org.fortiss.af3.deployment.model.DeploymentParameterValue here. Adds dependency to af3.timing
+- org.fortiss.af3.scheduling.utils.SpecificationsUtils
+ - Remove unused utility methods
+ - Remove utility methods that have effectively been a NOP since the underlying annotations have been a NOP.
+   Instead of keeping the methods, modify the (few) callers that already worked around the issue by using default values (most notably org.fortiss.af3.scheduling.modeltransformation.DAGExtractionWithoutDeployment
+   and org.fortiss.af3.efficientdeployment.ui.wizard.{deployment.DeploymentGenerationWizardPage3Backend, scheduling.ScheduleGenerationWizardPageParametersOverviewBackend}:
+    - Directly use the default value
+    - Remove NOP call to deprecated method
+    - Add TODO
+refs 2388
+r1766 | diewald | 2015-11-18 10:06:05 MEZ
+- Add a check and verbose output if the SafetyComplianceConstraint evaluation fails.
+r1760 | diewald | 2015-11-17 10:25:21 MEZ
+- Comply with latest interface change of the safety constraint checker: Do not generate a safetycomplianceconstraint file when being triggered from the DSE.
+r1753 | diewald | 2015-11-16 16:02:13 MEZ
+- Prevent the creation of an UnsupportedOperationException if getLimitation() is not implemented by a concrete constraint. Instead, a compilation error is shown.
+r1743 | diewald | 2015-11-16 09:13:38 MEZ
+- Reset ids of model elements for the generated component architecture only if the deployment & component architecture are exported into the AF3 project. For generated architectures, the IDs can be used to identify equivalent components in the original architecture and the generated one.
+- Improve the safety compliance constraint penalty function.
+r1740 | barner | 2015-11-13 16:00:04 MEZ
+- ExplorationUtils.getAF3HardwarePlatform() -> PlatformArchitectureUtils.getPhysicalPlatformArchitecture()
+- ExplorationUtils.getResourceReferences(IPlatformResource) -> PlatformArchitectureUtils.getResourceReferences(IModelElement)
+r1739 | barner | 2015-11-13 15:32:51 MEZ
+- Move getFirstChildWithType() from ExplorationUtils to EcoreUtils
+r1737 | barner | 2015-11-13 15:16:40 MEZ
+- Move DreamsPlatformUtils.getParentElements() -> KernelModelElementUtils
+r1736 | barner | 2015-11-13 15:11:45 MEZ
+Move DreamsPlatformUtils.{disableNotificationsOf(), enableNotificationsOf(), setNotificationsOf()} to EcoreUtils
+r1735 | barner | 2015-11-13 15:04:16 MEZ
+- Move DreamsPlatformUtils.getReferencedElementsWithType() and .getThisAndParentReferencedElementsWithType() to
+r1732 | diewald | 2015-11-13 13:15:39 MEZ
+- Disable verbose debug output for safetycomlianceconstraint evaluator.
+r1729 | diewald | 2015-11-13 12:03:26 MEZ
+- Adopt changes from the exploration MM.
+- Modify the SafetyIntegrityLevel evaluator to use the getLimitation method (impl example).
+- Adjust the weighting function of SafetyComplianceLevel evaluator (More steep for small violation to enforce zero violations).
+- Re-implement priorities for MO/Vector optimization: Highest prio to constraints (same classes have the same prio), Priorities from the exploration objectives are taken from the model (with an offset to prios of the constraints).
+r1677 | diewald | 2015-11-10 17:17:41 MEZ
+- Revert to previous PsmPort generation in the VL export.
+r1674 | diewald | 2015-11-10 13:54:51 MEZ
+- Finish refactoring of the Virtual Link export.
+- Cleanup.
+r1669 | diewald | 2015-11-10 10:52:21 MEZ
+- Remove accidentially commited uml diagrams.
+r1668 | diewald | 2015-11-10 10:49:02 MEZ
+- Fix duplicate TransceiverPort generation for Virtual Link export.
+r1662 | diewald | 2015-11-10 09:57:56 MEZ
+- Refactoring of VL generation code.
+r1658 | diewald | 2015-11-09 17:36:37 MEZ
+- Cleanup and refactoring in the VirtualLink export.
+r1656 | diewald | 2015-11-09 15:38:35 MEZ
+- Do not generate Virtual Links for aperiodic messages (as written in D1.2.1 - DREAMS architectural style).
+r1639 | diewald | 2015-11-09 10:09:41 MEZ
+- Enable the DSE to be executed using timing models that do not define periods.This allows VL generation for arbitrary DREAMS systems.
+- Add a utility method to easily identify type correspondences in adapters & model transformations.
+- Improve exception handling in the SystemModelAdpater.
+r1635 | barner | 2015-11-09 09:14:40 MEZ
+- Move org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg.utils.MathUtils -> org.fortiss.af3.schedule.utils.MathUtils in order to enable is use in the eu.dreamsproject.psm
+r1634 | barner | 2015-11-09 09:09:16 MEZ
+- Style cleanup (no functional change)
+r1607 | barner | 2015-11-05 18:32:49 MEZ
+- Rename VlTypePart -> VlTrafficType
+- Eliminate VlTempDeviation. Phase and jitter are described in the corresponding Triggers of a schedule instead
+r1605 | diewald | 2015-11-05 17:48:11 MEZ
+- Enable processing of input models which are non-periodic (to generate VLs).
+r1600 | diewald | 2015-11-05 17:01:01 MEZ
+- Align with SafetyConstraintChecker changes to suppress output when being called from the DSE.
+r1597 | diewald | 2015-11-05 15:10:23 MEZ
+- Add some documentation.
+r1594 | diewald | 2015-11-05 13:44:29 MEZ
+- Fix build error.
+- Annotate generated VirtualLinks with their type, e.g. TimeTriggered, based on the Signal Type.
+- Defined a Signal Type which is attached to ISignalAdapters to allow non-time triggered signaling. These types are currently read from a DREAMS timing model.
+r1580 | diewald | 2015-11-05 09:06:45 MEZ
+- Fix the instantiation of IKL's safety constraint checker in the evaluator.
+r1562 | diewald | 2015-11-04 09:13:35 MEZ
+- Build jar file only if the needed files are present to prevent creation of garbage (=empty) jar.
+r1533 | barner | 2015-10-30 10:53:56 MEZ
+- Rename package eu.dreamsproject.psm.util -> eu.dreamsproject.psm.utils
+r1522 | diewald | 2015-10-28 18:07:19 MEZ
+- Fix: Do not try to get a period for components that are not specified in a PeriodicConstraint.
+r1517 | barner | 2015-10-28 00:07:41 MEZ
+- psm.ecore
+  - DreamsVirtualLinkId -> VirtualLinkId
+  - Use VirtualLinkId, TrafficType, Time also for annotations, i.e. retire VlType eenum defined in annotation.virtuallink package
+r1492 | diewald | 2015-10-23 18:08:10 MESZ
+- Preparational work to support non-periodic Virtual Links.
+r1485 | diewald | 2015-10-23 14:39:16 MESZ
+- Rename IMessageAdapter and AF3MessageAdapter to ISignalAdapter and AF3SignalAdapter
+r1482 | diewald | 2015-10-23 09:29:05 MESZ
+- Fix a concurrent access issue.
+- Add support for threaded execution (eclipse Job) of the DSE for deployments to generate virtual links.
+- Minor cleanups.
+- Launch the Virtual Link generation in its own Job to not block the UI.
+r1448 | diewald | 2015-10-20 14:52:23 MESZ
+- Fill Virtual Link annotations with values.
+r1436 | diewald | 2015-10-20 11:31:04 MESZ
+- Minor improvements to the VirtualLink editor.
+- Implement decomposition of RoutingAllocations/VirtualLinks/Segments.
+- Bug fix to allow model creation from the UI.
+- Fix ConcurrentModificationException in exploration.alg.
+- Set some default parameters in the Exploration MM.
+r1416 | barner | 2015-10-19 16:15:35 MESZ
+- Add ANT task that can be used to create a JAR file bundeling a compiled version of this plugin's source code.
+- Add Eclipse builder configuration that automatically triggers the ANT task when the src/ or META-INF/ folder is modified.
+- Add initial version of lib/org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg.jar and register it in the classpath
+r1414 | diewald | 2015-10-18 15:13:57 MESZ
+- Improve VirtualLink generation
+- Initial work to let DSE run in a separate thread for programatically launched DSE runs.
+- Make VlSender & -Receivers annotations DerivedAnnotations
+r1408 | diewald | 2015-10-15 11:23:21 MESZ
+- Add support to generate VirtualLinks for a given Deployment:
+  * Add support code to launch the DSE with FixedDeploymentConstraints only.
+  * Add support to create a SystemModelAdapter from a given Deployment.
+- Improved handling of DREAMS timing models.
+- Correct wrong illustration of VirtualLinks.
+- Adaptions to latest MM changes.
+r1407 | barner | 2015-10-14 13:40:38 MESZ
+- Redesign PsmPorts
+  - Automatic assignment during routing
+  - Stored as TransceiverPortAllocations
+  - Implement concrete types for DREAMS use cases: partition, NI, etc.
+- VLs: Segments can be charaterized by either a TranceiverPort or a Transceiver
+r1406 | barner | 2015-10-14 12:52:10 MESZ
+- Fix typo in message
+r1401 | barner | 2015-10-13 10:16:35 MESZ
+ - deployment.ecore
+   - Hook TransceiverPortAllocation into Deployment root object
+   - TransceiverAllocation
+     - Extend with optional 'transceiverPort' field.
+     - TODO: In the long run, deprecate 'transceiver' with this new 'transceiverPort' field
+     - Set minimum cardinality of 'port' and 'transceiver' to 1
+  - Segment
+     - transceiverPortAllocation -> transceiverPort
+     - Do not define as containment. TransceiverPorts are owned by TransceiverPortAllocations
+   - Add some documentation to affected classes.
+ - DeploymentModelElementFactory
+   - Add createTransceiverPort()
+- eu.dreamsproject.psm
+ - Adjust to deployment changes
+ - TODO: DreamsPsmModelElementFactory.createTransceiverPort(): Define and use TransceiverPorts required for DREAMS platform
+- org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg / org.fortiss.af3.deployment.ui
+ - Adjust to deployment changes
+r1397 | diewald | 2015-10-12 11:15:57 MESZ
+- Limit debug output.
+r1395 | diewald | 2015-10-09 16:37:14 MESZ
+- Improve the creation of the Virtual Links: The required model elements are now created entirely in the PSM/Deployment plugins.
+- Fix the deadline calculation to respect diverse implementations of the referenced start/end components.
+- Minor fix to the AcyclicTaskGraph.
+r1385 | diewald | 2015-10-08 11:52:44 MESZ
+- Prepare the Exploration MM for becoming the base model in AF3:
+  * Rename some EClasses (Optimization... -> Exploration...).
+  * Cleanup the references: ExplorationTargets are not referenced by problem dimensions any more, but directly through the ExplorationSpecification as it was originally intended.
+  * Adjust the algorithmic part of the DSE to these modifications.
+- Introduce "Hidden" Constraints which are constructed based on the input models. These constraints are added to the Exploration specification to allow future tracking in a DSE history (see AF3 DSE).
+- Separate the DeadlineConstraint into a "real" deadline constraint and a PeriodConstraint which is a HiddenConstraint and calculated from the SystemModelAdapter.
+- Fix a concurrency issue related to attaching task graphs to encodings.
+r1365 | diewald | 2015-10-05 15:17:39 MESZ
+- Make the OptimizationConstraint use Generics.
+- Add Eops to retrieve the bounds of constraints and the allowed relaxations.
+- Improve & simplify the calculation of the acyclic task graphs.
+r1360 | diewald | 2015-09-30 12:52:17 MESZ
+- Fix a bug in the lcm calculation used for hyperperiod calculation.
+r1358 | diewald | 2015-09-26 11:11:01 MESZ
+- Fix gcd calculation if period < 1.
+r1327 | diewald | 2015-09-24 09:53:55 MESZ
+- Fix memory leak in the TaskMappingEncoding. The allocationMap was not cleared, when a new mapping was set.
+r1321 | barner | 2015-09-22 17:49:35 MESZ
+- Re-add .jars to bin.includes (lost when splitting plugin into DSE goal model and algorithmic plugin)
+r1311 | diewald | 2015-09-21 16:04:12 MESZ
+Move the Compositors from the UI the model plugins.
+refs 2228
+r1293 | diewald | 2015-09-18 14:45:49 MESZ
+Update all DREAMS-related plugins to Java 8.
+r1285 | barner | 2015-09-16 21:40:58 MESZ
+- createDefaultSafetyComplianceConstraint(): SafetyComplianceConstraint has been removed from SafetyComplianceConstraint.ecore in eu.dreamsproject.ikerlan.safetystandards
+r1254 | diewald | 2015-09-11 11:25:10 MESZ
+- Add pom.xml for integration into jenkins build.
+r1253 | diewald | 2015-09-11 11:02:41 MESZ
+- Move the PrototypeProvider back to the model plugin, such that DSE models can be instantiated from the context menu again.
+- Cleanups.
+r1249 | diewald | 2015-09-10 16:54:25 MESZ
+Separation of the model of the model and the algorithmic part of the org.fortiss.af3.exploration plugin:
+- The model remains in the org.fortiss.af3.exploration plugin to remain compatible with the existing models.
+- The algorithmic part (the content of the src folder) is now contained in a plugin called org.fortiss.af3.exploration.alg.
+- The SafetyComplianceConstraint has been removed from the exploration model and placed in the appropriate IKL-plugin. It is made accessible by the from the .ui plugin.
+r1244 | diewald | 2015-09-10 11:59:08 MESZ
+- Initial commit of the (yet empty) af3 plugin containing algorithms for the DSE.
+r1243 | diewald | 2015-09-10 11:29:08 MESZ
+Create project folder for algorithmic part of the exploration.