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  • Simon Barner's avatar
    Unify implementation of generic boolean checkbox table editor and annotation... · 2f8fa12c
    Simon Barner authored
    Unify implementation of generic boolean checkbox table editor and annotation view-specific implementation
      - Eliminate org.fortiss.tooling.base.ui.annotation.editingsupport.BooleanCellEditor since instead of showning an editor, the icon visualizing the checkbox state is toggled.
      - Rename org.fortiss.tooling.base.ui.annotation.editingsupport.EmulatedNativeCheckBoxLabelProvider -> CheckBoxLabelProviderInsteadSubclassing. It is based on static utility methods provided by org.fortiss.tooling.base.ui.tablecell.CheckBoxLabelProvider (subclassing is not possible due to conflicting required base classes).
    refs 2268