diff --git a/org.fortiss.tooling.common.ui/src/org/fortiss/tooling/common/ui/javafx/.ratings b/org.fortiss.tooling.common.ui/src/org/fortiss/tooling/common/ui/javafx/.ratings
index 86b47393dc290e086696323a5f07d0be07adb0bb..2e06d6b862828e55a9b03d90a05c2f428f29b04c 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.tooling.common.ui/src/org/fortiss/tooling/common/ui/javafx/.ratings
+++ b/org.fortiss.tooling.common.ui/src/org/fortiss/tooling/common/ui/javafx/.ratings
@@ -1 +1 @@
-AF3FXViewPart.java 9e119a36de6ab9e1a07cd416de0126a89514bd38 GREEN
+AF3FXViewPart.java 10100de78c542858792cb51a7c3cfe7e55ec95d7 YELLOW
diff --git a/org.fortiss.tooling.common.ui/src/org/fortiss/tooling/common/ui/javafx/AF3FXViewPart.java b/org.fortiss.tooling.common.ui/src/org/fortiss/tooling/common/ui/javafx/AF3FXViewPart.java
index 9e119a36de6ab9e1a07cd416de0126a89514bd38..10100de78c542858792cb51a7c3cfe7e55ec95d7 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.tooling.common.ui/src/org/fortiss/tooling/common/ui/javafx/AF3FXViewPart.java
+++ b/org.fortiss.tooling.common.ui/src/org/fortiss/tooling/common/ui/javafx/AF3FXViewPart.java
@@ -16,11 +16,14 @@
 package org.fortiss.tooling.common.ui.javafx;
 import java.io.IOException;
+import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 import java.net.URL;
 import javafx.application.Platform;
 import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
+import javafx.scene.Node;
 import javafx.scene.Scene;
+import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane;
 import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
 import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils;
@@ -54,48 +57,47 @@ public abstract class AF3FXViewPart extends FXViewPart { // NO_UCD
 	/** References the stub that defines the FXML file defining the layout and controller. */
 	private Class<? extends AF3FXViewPart> viewerClass;
+	/** References the root {@link Pane} to which GUI elements must be added to be displayed. */
+	private Pane root;
 	 * Constructor. Allows to pass the view's FXML definition file along with style.
 	 * @param viewerClass
-	 *            Stub class that defines the FXML file defining the layout and controller
-	 * @param fXMLLocation
-	 *            location of the fXML file relative to the source (resource) folders.
+	 *            Class implementing the {@link AF3FXViewPart} to load resources from its containing
+	 *            bundle.
+	 * @param cssLocation
+	 *            style sheet file path for the appearance settings relative to the source
+	 *            (resource) folders. Pass {@code null} if the OS-native look shall be used.
 	 * @throws Exception
 	 *             if the given FXML file path is not given or if it cannot be found in any of the
 	 *             source (resource) folders.
-	public AF3FXViewPart(Class<? extends AF3FXViewPart> viewerClass, String fXMLLocation)
+	public AF3FXViewPart(Class<? extends AF3FXViewPart> viewerClass, String cssLocation)
 			throws Exception {
-		if(fXMLLocation == null) {
-			throw new Exception(
-					"The location of the FXML file defining the gui elements was not given," +
-							"or it cannot be found at the given location (" + fXMLLocation + ") " +
-							"The view will NOT be created.");
-		}
-		Platform.setImplicitExit(false);
-		this.viewerClass = viewerClass;
-		this.fXMLLocation = fXMLLocation;
+		this(viewerClass, null, cssLocation);
 	 * Constructor. Allows to pass the view's FXML definition file.
 	 * @param viewerClass
-	 *            Stub class that defines the FXML file defining the layout and controller
+	 *            Class implementing the {@link AF3FXViewPart} to load resources from its containing
+	 *            bundle.
 	 * @param fXMLLocation
 	 *            location of the fXML file relative to the source (resource) folders.
 	 * @param cssLocation
 	 *            style sheet file path for the appearance settings relative to the source
-	 *            (resource) folders.
+	 *            (resource) folders. Pass {@code null} if the OS-native look shall be used.
 	 * @throws Exception
 	 *             if the given FXML file path is not given or if it cannot be found in any of the
 	 *             source (resource) folders.
 	public AF3FXViewPart(Class<? extends AF3FXViewPart> viewerClass, String fXMLLocation,
 			String cssLocation) throws Exception {
-		this(viewerClass, fXMLLocation);
+		Platform.setImplicitExit(false);
+		this.viewerClass = viewerClass;
+		this.fXMLLocation = fXMLLocation;
 		this.cssLocation = cssLocation;
@@ -118,14 +120,28 @@ public abstract class AF3FXViewPart extends FXViewPart { // NO_UCD
 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
 	protected Scene createFxScene() {
-		Pane root = null;
 		FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
-		loader.setLocation(viewerClass.getResource(fXMLLocation));
-		try {
-			root = (Pane)loader.load();
-		} catch(IOException e) {
-			throw new RuntimeException("Cannot load the resource located at " + fXMLLocation, e);
+		if(fXMLLocation != null) {
+			loader.setLocation(viewerClass.getResource(fXMLLocation));
+			try {
+				root = (Pane)loader.load();
+			} catch(IOException e) {
+				throw new RuntimeException("Cannot load the resource located at " + fXMLLocation, e);
+			}
+		} else {
+			root = new AnchorPane();
+			try {
+				viewerClass.getMethod("initialize").invoke(this);
+			} catch(IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException |
+					SecurityException e) {
+				throw new RuntimeException("The initialize method of the View " +
+						viewerClass.getSimpleName() + " threw an exception!", e);
+			} catch(NoSuchMethodException e) {
+				throw new RuntimeException("For single Controller views, an initialize method is "
+						+ "required that creates the control! This cannot be done in constructors "
+						+ "since the JavaFX toolkit is not initialized in that stage.", e);
+			}
 		if(cssLocation != null) {
@@ -134,6 +150,7 @@ public abstract class AF3FXViewPart extends FXViewPart { // NO_UCD
 		if(!isCustomStyleSheetApplied) {
 		Scene scene = new Scene(root);
 		return scene;
@@ -144,6 +161,36 @@ public abstract class AF3FXViewPart extends FXViewPart { // NO_UCD
 		// Not needed.
+	/**
+	 * Adds a single {@link Node} to this view. It embeds the given {@link Node} to the
+	 * {@link AnchorPane} of this view and stretches it to the borders of the view.
+	 * <p>
+	 * NOTE: This method may only be used for single-control views, not FXML-based ones.
+	 * 
+	 * @param fxNode
+	 *            {@link Node} to be added to the view.
+	 */
+	protected void setChildNodeFinal(Node fxNode) {
+		if(fXMLLocation != null) {
+			throw new RuntimeException("This method is intended for single-control views. It may"
+					+ " not be used for FXML-based views.");
+		}
+		if(!root.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
+			throw new RuntimeException("The method setChildNodeFinal was invoked more than once."
+					+ " This method is intended for single-control views. If more controls"
+					+ "shall be added, please define an FXML layout file and call the appropriate"
+					+ " constructors.");
+		}
+		root.getChildren().add(fxNode);
+		// Stretch the node to the borders of the view. In the createScene method, we a create a
+		// root pane that is an AnchorPane, so we can safely use these calls here.
+		AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(fxNode, 0.0);
+		AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(fxNode, 0.0);
+		AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(fxNode, 0.0);
+		AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(fxNode, 0.0);
+	}
 	 * Sets the native look of the target platform to break the UI. Most of the UI code is based on
 	 * SWT which uses a platform native look. Currently, Windows 8&10, Windows 7, and MacOS X native