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+documentation.html 33dd7b679fd34f6c10d31776950fb9a01607f8a6 YELLOW
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--- a/org.fortiss.tooling.kernel/html/developer/documentation.html
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-<H1>Developer Documentation for <I>org.fortiss.tooling.kernel</I></H1>
-<P>// TODO
+<h1>Developer Documentation for <i>Tooling Kernel</i> (org.fortiss.tooling.kernel)</h1>
+<h2> Plugin description </h2>
+This plugin provides the non-UI services of the tooling kernel.
+Each service is identified by a service interface, which provides the public interface to the
+service (see <code>org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.service</code> package).
+Most of the services are related to an Eclipse extension point and allow the application (built
+on top of the kernel) to extend its functionality with specific implementations.
+For example, the kernel provides an interface to cope with different storage solutions, which itself
+uses to provide a file based storage solution based on the Eclipse workspace.
+The extension point schemas for the kernel extensions can found in the <code>schema</code> folder of
+the plugins.
+Extensions to the kernel services are realized by implementing a handler interface provided by the
+kernel (see <code>org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.extension</code> package).
+In the communication between the kernel and its extensions, additional data may be required
+(see <code>org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.extension.data</code> package) or exceptions may be raised
+(see <code>org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.extension.exception</code> package).
+The kernel also provides abstract base implementations for most of the handler interfaces,
+which are located in the <code>org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.extension.base</code> package.
+<h2>Package Overview</h2>
+Package for constraint checkers of the kernel.
+Interface definitions for extension classes of kernel extension points.
+Each interface corresponds to one extendable service from the <code>kernel.service</code> package
+and therefore to one extension point schema definition.
+A plugable extension must implement the methods of the respective interface in order to work
+properly with the kernel implementation. These methods are called by the kernel at the appropriate time,
+e.g., a <code>IPrototypeProvider</code> is required to provide its prototype elements when the kernel
+calls the <code>getPrototypes()</code> method.
+The communication between the kernel and extensions usually involves some kind of
+data (e.g. <code>Prototype</code>). These data-related classes and interfaces can be
+found in the <code>kernel.extension.data</code> package.
+For some extensions the kernel provides abstract base implementations in the
+<code>kernel.extension.base</code> package.
+Base implementations for extension classes of kernel extension points.
+Interfaces and classes for data transfer between the kernel and extensions.
+The classes and interfaces of this package appear as parameter and result types of the
+interfaces in the <code>kernel.extension</code> package. Parameter objects resemble
+additional context data provided to the extension, while result objects are required from the
+On the kernel level the context information is usually empty, i.e., the respective interface
+is only a marker interface. Higher layers of the tool architecture may extend these interfaces
+with additional pieces of information. Here, the kernel is only the mediator between plugable
+parts of the tool.
+Some of the result objects provide additional methods, which are used by the
+kernel at a later time after requesting it from the extension (e.g. once the
+<code>ITopLevelElement</code> is known to the kernel, the <code>runAsCommand</code>
+method will be called whenever some change to the model must be applied).
+Exception classes for failure reporting between the kernel and extensions.
+Implementations of the kernel services defined in the <code>kernel.service</code> package.
+Kernel services are only accessible through the singletons defined in the <code>kernel.service</code> package.
+The implementation in this package are not intended to be used directly.
+Therefore they are not exported in the <code>plugin.xml</code>
+Implementation of the <code>IStorageProvider</code> interface using Eclipse file resources as storage mechanism for models.
+This storage provider searches all projects in the Eclipse workspace for model files.
+Only files in the project's root folder are considered.
+For each such files the set of registered <code>eclipseResourceStorageLocationProvider</code> extensions is
+asked whether the respective file should be considered a model file. This extension mechanism is used
+to allow independent tools (running in the same Eclipse instance or two RCPs running independently) to use
+different file extensions for their models, e.g., tool A uses file pattern <code>*.toolA</code>,
+while tool B uses the file pattern <code>*.toolB</code>. The file extension is usually a hint on
+the meta-model class of the contained root model element.
+Interface definitions of the
+<a href="https://af3-developer.fortiss.org/projects/autofocus3/wiki/Kernel_Introspection_System_Service">
+kernel introspection system service (KISS)</a>.
+Each kernel service should implement the <code>IIntrospectiveKernelService</code> interface to provide
+useful runtime information and a brief documentation its design and objectives.
+KISS is intended to be used by the tool developers to ease the development of kernel based tools.
+Item definitions for the kernel introspection system service (KISS).
+Each kernel service may provide specific runtime information items, which are presented by some tool developer view or console.
+Classes in this package are public, since they need to be shared by the user interface implementation.
+Interface definitions of the kernel services. Each interface corresponds to a certain functionality of the kernel.
+Some of the services provide extension points. Extension implementors should refer to the <code>kernel.extension</code>
+and <code>kernel.extension.base</code> packages. Kernel services are implemented by classes from the <code>kernel.internal</code> package.
+Abstract base implementations for the kernel services.
+These classes my also be used for implementing plugability in higher layers of the tool architecture.
+Classes in this packages are listener interfaces for kernel services.
+Sometimes higher layers of the tool architecture must be able to know what is happening in the kernel layer.
+Therefore, they can implement the respective listener interface and register themselves with the respective
+kernel service.
+Utility methods provided by the kernel.
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