diff --git a/org.fortiss.tooling.ext.variability/src/org/fortiss/tooling/ext/variability/analysis/.ratings b/org.fortiss.tooling.ext.variability/src/org/fortiss/tooling/ext/variability/analysis/.ratings
index 38949ab252e9aeae2fb1c0431d0d295e67049b42..db7c40539a3d146d022bbcc38e87b205566491f0 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.tooling.ext.variability/src/org/fortiss/tooling/ext/variability/analysis/.ratings
+++ b/org.fortiss.tooling.ext.variability/src/org/fortiss/tooling/ext/variability/analysis/.ratings
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
 OptimizedProductLineAnalysisBase.java 35a40c860cc8a9774a894600935c1ae89a5681a0 GREEN
 OptimizedProductLineTranslation.java 415361dd35a04db219b06a1e40079452d7079b34 GREEN
-ProductLineAnalysisBase.java 891235573a2102279256585f8dc31934240b8dc1 GREEN
-ProductLineTranslationBase.java f24fb9343003c025bc4d2292d15bca543a548749 GREEN
diff --git a/org.fortiss.tooling.ext.variability/src/org/fortiss/tooling/ext/variability/analysis/ProductLineAnalysisBase.java b/org.fortiss.tooling.ext.variability/src/org/fortiss/tooling/ext/variability/analysis/ProductLineAnalysisBase.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 891235573a2102279256585f8dc31934240b8dc1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/org.fortiss.tooling.ext.variability/src/org/fortiss/tooling/ext/variability/analysis/ProductLineAnalysisBase.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 2022 fortiss GmbH                                              |
-|                                                                          |
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");          |
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.         |
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at                                  |
-|                                                                          |
-|    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                            |
-|                                                                          |
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software      |
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,        |
-| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and      |
-| limitations under the License.                                           |
-package org.fortiss.tooling.ext.variability.analysis;
-import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
-import static org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.utils.EcoreUtils.pickInstanceOf;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.fortiss.tooling.base.model.layout.LayoutPackage;
-import org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.model.IProjectRootElement;
-import org.fortiss.variability.analysis.GenericProductLineAnalysis;
-import org.fortiss.variability.analysis.GenericProductLineTranslation;
-import org.fortiss.variability.analysis.ProductLineConstraintViolation;
- * Base class for all tooling kernel based product-line analyses.
- * 
- * @deprecated
- * 
- * TODO: To be removed completely #4328 (https://git.fortiss.org/af3/af3/-/issues/4328)
- * 
- * @author bayha
- */
-public abstract class ProductLineAnalysisBase extends GenericProductLineAnalysis {
-	/**
-	 * Constructor.
-	 */
-	public ProductLineAnalysisBase(EObject model) {
-		this(model, new ProductLineTranslationBase());
-		((ProductLineTranslationBase)translation)
-				.addExcludedClasses(asList(LayoutPackage.eINSTANCE.getILayoutData()));
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Constructor.
-	 */
-	protected ProductLineAnalysisBase(EObject model, GenericProductLineTranslation translation) {
-		super(model, translation);
-	}
-	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	@Override
-	public List<ProductLineConstraintViolation> doCheck() {
-		List<Class<? extends IProjectRootElement>> scope = getScope();
-		Collection<EClass> excludedClasses = new ArrayList<EClass>();
-		for(IProjectRootElement rootElement : pickInstanceOf(IProjectRootElement.class,
-				model.eContents())) {
-			for(Class<?> c : scope) {
-				if(!c.isAssignableFrom(rootElement.getClass())) {
-					excludedClasses.add(rootElement.eClass());
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		((ProductLineTranslationBase)translation).addExcludedClasses(excludedClasses);
-		return super.doCheck();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Determines the scope of this analysis. I.e. which subclasses of {@link IProjectRootElement}
-	 * are translated and included to the check.
-	 * 
-	 * The default implementation will translate all {@link IProjectRootElement}.
-	 * This method might be overwritten in order to optimize the analysis and runtime.
-	 * 
-	 * @return A {@link List} of {@link Class} elements for subclasses of
-	 *         {@link IProjectRootElement}.
-	 */
-	protected List<Class<? extends IProjectRootElement>> getScope() {
-		return asList(IProjectRootElement.class);
-	}
diff --git a/org.fortiss.tooling.ext.variability/src/org/fortiss/tooling/ext/variability/analysis/ProductLineTranslationBase.java b/org.fortiss.tooling.ext.variability/src/org/fortiss/tooling/ext/variability/analysis/ProductLineTranslationBase.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f24fb9343003c025bc4d2292d15bca543a548749..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/org.fortiss.tooling.ext.variability/src/org/fortiss/tooling/ext/variability/analysis/ProductLineTranslationBase.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 2022 fortiss GmbH                                              |
-|                                                                          |
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");          |
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.         |
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at                                  |
-|                                                                          |
-|    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                            |
-|                                                                          |
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software      |
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,        |
-| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and      |
-| limitations under the License.                                           |
-package org.fortiss.tooling.ext.variability.analysis;
-import static org.fortiss.tooling.ext.variability.util.VariabilityUtils.calculateGlobalPresenceCondition;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.fortiss.tooling.base.model.element.IModelElementSpecification;
-import org.fortiss.variability.analysis.GenericProductLineTranslation;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.presence.PresenceConditionTerm;
- * Adjusts the generic implementation of the translation to the variation point translation with
- * {@link IModelElementSpecification}s.
- * 
- * @deprecated
- * 
- * TODO: To be removed completely #4328 (https://git.fortiss.org/af3/af3/-/issues/4328)
- * 
- * @author bayha
- */
-public class ProductLineTranslationBase extends GenericProductLineTranslation {
-	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	@Override
-	protected PresenceConditionTerm getGlobalPresenceConditionForEObject(EObject eo) {
-		return calculateGlobalPresenceCondition(eo);
-	}
diff --git a/org.fortiss.variability/src/org/fortiss/variability/analysis/.ratings b/org.fortiss.variability/src/org/fortiss/variability/analysis/.ratings
index 11afa1f97325ce48f02649aa02972d25cf4ed488..5a84c1085464db88a29fa63a8d7f5fa9201f5a39 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.variability/src/org/fortiss/variability/analysis/.ratings
+++ b/org.fortiss.variability/src/org/fortiss/variability/analysis/.ratings
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ BucketSetMap.java 665a28c80a9693b9b9e31b7ebe59f2de4195d56c GREEN
 DualKeyMap.java 75fbe85a54e5a655aaf67108ae004f98ed2879d8 GREEN
 EMFProductLineTranslation.java b590fbf053c21d9e6b0ee6d0818779e4adb1fe0b GREEN
 GenericProductLineAnalysis.java 1026cd6d7d0286c0f2402c5918d83cf7dc84407b GREEN
-GenericProductLineTranslation.java 2df1a1c1363cb93b6f498308e575833cf705e2fd GREEN
 IProductLineConstraint.java 1b0e1231cc578a6e7e544441ac33533b4feafeb1 GREEN
 IProductLineTranslation.java 733dae03e2baae237b6f0b33f0dd618a4f47cf73 GREEN
 ProductLineConstraintBase.java 04097c7c31367fdd11a054ba2b259a0535a313f4 GREEN
diff --git a/org.fortiss.variability/src/org/fortiss/variability/analysis/GenericProductLineTranslation.java b/org.fortiss.variability/src/org/fortiss/variability/analysis/GenericProductLineTranslation.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2df1a1c1363cb93b6f498308e575833cf705e2fd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/org.fortiss.variability/src/org/fortiss/variability/analysis/GenericProductLineTranslation.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,949 +0,0 @@
-package org.fortiss.variability.analysis;
-import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
-import static org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.utils.EcoreUtils.getChildrenWithType;
-import static org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.utils.LoggingUtils.error;
-import static org.fortiss.variability.VariabilityActivator.getDefault;
-import static org.fortiss.variability.util.VariabilityUtilsInternal.calculateGlobalPresenceCondition;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnum;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnumLiteral;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.features.AbstractAlternativeFeature;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.features.AbstractCompositionalFeature;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.features.AbstractCrossFeatureConstraint;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.features.AbstractFeature;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.features.AbstractFeatureModel;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.presence.AndPC;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.presence.DefaultPC;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.presence.ILiteralReferencable;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.presence.LiteralPC;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.presence.NotPC;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.presence.OrPC;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.presence.PresenceCondition;
-import org.fortiss.variability.model.presence.PresenceConditionTerm;
-import com.microsoft.z3.BoolExpr;
-import com.microsoft.z3.BoolSort;
-import com.microsoft.z3.Context;
-import com.microsoft.z3.EnumSort;
-import com.microsoft.z3.Expr;
-import com.microsoft.z3.FuncDecl;
-import com.microsoft.z3.IntSort;
-import com.microsoft.z3.SeqExpr;
-import com.microsoft.z3.SeqSort;
-import com.microsoft.z3.Solver;
-import com.microsoft.z3.Sort;
-import com.microsoft.z3.StringSymbol;
-import com.microsoft.z3.Symbol;
- * Base class that implements the translation of model product-lines to SMT in order to perform
- * product-line analysis via constraint lifting.
- * 
- * @deprecated
- * 
- * TODO: To be removed completely #4328 (https://git.fortiss.org/af3/af3/-/issues/4328)
- * 
- * @author bayha
- */
-public class GenericProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
-	/** Z3 sort for base type integer. */
-	protected IntSort intSort;
-	/** Z3 sort for base type string. */
-	protected SeqSort stringSort;
-	/** Z3 sort for base type boolean. */
-	protected BoolSort boolSort;
-	/** Mapping from classes to all their objects */
-	protected BucketSetMap<EClass, EObject> allObjects = new BucketSetMap<EClass, EObject>();
-	/** Mapping from classes to all their subclasses */
-	protected BucketSetMap<EClass, EClass> allSubclasses = new BucketSetMap<EClass, EClass>();
-	/** Classes which are not supposed to be translated (usually for optimization). */
-	protected Set<EClass> excludedClasses = new HashSet<EClass>();
-	/** References which are not supposed to be translated (usually for optimization). */
-	protected Set<EReference> excludedReferences = new HashSet<EReference>();
-	/** Mapping from classes to all attributes of the respective type. */
-	protected BucketSetMap<EClass, EAttribute> translatedAttributes =
-			new BucketSetMap<EClass, EAttribute>();
-	/** Mapping from classes to all references of the respective type. */
-	protected BucketSetMap<EClass, EReference> translatedReferences =
-			new BucketSetMap<EClass, EReference>();
-	/** Mapping of attributes to their translated Z3 function. */
-	protected DualKeyMap<EAttribute, EClass, FuncDecl> eAttribute2FunDecl =
-			new DualKeyMap<EAttribute, EClass, FuncDecl>();
-	/** Mapping of references to their translated Z3 function. */
-	protected DualKeyMap<EReference, EClass, FuncDecl> eReference2FunDecl =
-			new DualKeyMap<EReference, EClass, FuncDecl>();
-	/** Mapping of references to the respective translated Z3 type. */
-	protected Map<EReference, Sort> eReference2Sort = new HashMap<EReference, Sort>();
-	/** Mapping of EDataTypes (e.g. EInt) to their translated Z3 type. */
-	protected Map<EDataType, Sort> eDataType2Sort = new HashMap<EDataType, Sort>();
-	/** Mapping for classes to their respective Z3 type. */
-	protected Map<EClass, EnumSort> eClass2Datatype = new HashMap<EClass, EnumSort>();
-	/** Mapping of class.reference to the respective z3 function. */
-	protected DualKeyMap<EClass, String, FuncDecl> attRefNames2FuncDecl =
-			new DualKeyMap<EClass, String, FuncDecl>();
-	/**
-	 * Mapping of objects with types to their translated Z3 expressions. (EClass is necessary as an
-	 * object is translated for all classes in the inheritance hierarchy).
-	 */
-	protected DualKeyMap<EObject, EClass, Expr> eObject2Expr =
-			new DualKeyMap<EObject, EClass, Expr>();
-	protected Map<Expr, EObject> expr2EObject = new HashMap<Expr, EObject>();
-	/** Mapping of enumeration literals to the translated Z3 expression. */
-	protected Map<Enum<?>, Expr> eLiteral2Expr = new HashMap<Enum<?>, Expr>();
-	/** Mapping of classes to their respective z3 expression for 'null' */
-	protected Map<EClass, Expr> eClass2NullElement = new HashMap<EClass, Expr>();
-	/** Mapping of enumerations to their respective z3 expression for 'null' */
-	protected Map<EEnum, Expr> eEnum2NullElement = new HashMap<EEnum, Expr>();
-	/** Mapping of feature names to corresponding Z3 Expr. */
-	protected Map<String, BoolExpr> featureName2BoolExpr = new HashMap<String, BoolExpr>();
-	/** Mapping of classes to the selection function (lambda) for this type. */
-	protected Map<EClass, FuncDecl> eClass2SelectionFunction = new HashMap<EClass, FuncDecl>();
-	/** Mapping of objects to their presence conditions. */
-	protected Map<EObject, BoolExpr> eObject2Selection = new HashMap<EObject, BoolExpr>();
-	/** {@link Context} to capture the translated model. */
-	protected Context ctx = new Context();
-	/** List of all translated assertions for the model. */
-	protected List<BoolExpr> modelAssertions = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();
-	/** List of all assertions for the feature model. */
-	protected List<BoolExpr> featureModelAssertions = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();
-	/** List of all assertions which encode the presence conditions. */
-	protected List<BoolExpr> presenceConditionAssertions = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();
-	protected List<BoolExpr> constraintAssertions = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();
-	/**
-	 * Constructor.
-	 */
-	protected GenericProductLineTranslation() {
-		initialize();
-	}
-	/** Returns the mapping from {@link EClass} to Z3 {@link EnumSort}. */
-	public Map<EClass, EnumSort> geteClass2Datatype() {
-		return eClass2Datatype;
-	}
-	/** Returns attRefNames2FuncDecl. */
-	public DualKeyMap<EClass, String, FuncDecl> getAttRefNames2FuncDecl() {
-		return attRefNames2FuncDecl;
-	}
-	/** Returns boolSort. */
-	public BoolSort getBoolSort() {
-		return boolSort;
-	}
-	/** Returns expr2EObject. */
-	public Map<Expr, EObject> getExpr2EObject() {
-		return expr2EObject;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Initialization of analysis and base types.
-	 */
-	private void initialize() {
-		intSort = ctx.mkIntSort();
-		stringSort = ctx.mkStringSort();
-		boolSort = ctx.mkBoolSort();
-		eDataType2Sort.put(EcorePackage.Literals.EINT, intSort);
-		eDataType2Sort.put(EcorePackage.Literals.ESTRING, stringSort);
-		eDataType2Sort.put(EcorePackage.Literals.EBOOLEAN, boolSort);
-	}
-	/** Traverses the model to collect all classes and objects to be translated. */
-	private void collectClassesAndObjectsRecrsively(EObject model) {
-		EClass eClass = model.eClass();
-		EList<EClass> superTypes = eClass.getEAllSuperTypes();
-		if(excludedClasses.contains(eClass)) {
-			return;
-		}
-		if(containsAny(excludedClasses, superTypes)) {
-			excludedClasses.add(eClass);
-			return;
-		}
-		for(EClass sprCls : superTypes) {
-			if(!sprCls.equals(EcorePackage.Literals.EOBJECT)) {
-				allObjects.add(sprCls, model);
-				allSubclasses.add(sprCls, eClass);
-			}
-		}
-		allObjects.add(eClass, model);
-		for(EObject c : model.eContents()) {
-			collectClassesAndObjectsRecrsively(c);
-		}
-	}
-	/** Performs the complete translation of the product-line to Z3. */
-	public void translateModel(EObject model) {
-		// Prepare the core translation
-		excludeClassesAndReferences();
-		translateFeatureModel(model);
-		collectClassesAndObjectsRecrsively(model);
-		// Metamodel translation
-		translateClassesMetamodel();
-		translateAttributesAndReferencesMetamodel();
-		// Translate variability
-		translatePresenceConditions();
-		// Model translation
-		translateObjects();
-	}
-	/** Translates the presence conditions to Z3. */
-	protected void translatePresenceConditions() {
-		for(EClass ec : allObjects.keySet()) {
-			EnumSort ecSort = eClass2Datatype.get(ec);
-			FuncDecl selFun = ctx.mkFuncDecl("SELECTED_" + ec.getName(), ecSort, boolSort);
-			eClass2SelectionFunction.put(ec, selFun);
-			for(EObject eo : allObjects.get(ec)) {
-				BoolExpr eoSelection = eObject2Selection.get(eo);
-				// If there is no PC term yet, create one
-				if(eoSelection == null) {
-					final PresenceConditionTerm globalPC = getGlobalPresenceConditionForEObject(eo);
-					eoSelection = translatePresenceCondition(globalPC);
-					if(eoSelection == null) {
-						eoSelection = ctx.mkTrue();
-					}
-					eObject2Selection.put(eo, eoSelection);
-				}
-				Expr eoExpr = eObject2Expr.get(eo, ec);
-				presenceConditionAssertions.add(ctx.mkEq(ctx.mkApp(selFun, eoExpr), eoSelection));
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Calculates the global presence condition for any given {@link EObject}.
-	 * 
-	 * This method might be overwritten if necessary for custom variation point implementations.
-	 */
-	protected PresenceConditionTerm getGlobalPresenceConditionForEObject(EObject eo) {
-		return calculateGlobalPresenceCondition(eo);
-	}
-	/** Translates a given {@link PresenceCondition} to Z3. */
-	private BoolExpr translatePresenceCondition(PresenceCondition pc) {
-		if(pc == null) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		if(pc instanceof LiteralPC) {
-			ILiteralReferencable literal = ((LiteralPC)pc).getLiteralReference();
-			if(literal == null || literal.getName().length() == 0) {
-				// Illegal literals are translated as true.
-				return ctx.mkTrue();
-			}
-			return featureName2BoolExpr.get(literal.getName());
-		}
-		if(pc instanceof DefaultPC) {
-			return translatePresenceCondition(pc.resolveToFeatureLiterals());
-		}
-		if(pc instanceof OrPC) {
-			PresenceConditionTerm op1 = ((OrPC)pc).getOperand1();
-			PresenceConditionTerm op2 = ((OrPC)pc).getOperand2();
-			return ctx.mkOr(translatePresenceCondition(op1), translatePresenceCondition(op2));
-		}
-		if(pc instanceof AndPC) {
-			PresenceConditionTerm op1 = ((AndPC)pc).getOperand1();
-			PresenceConditionTerm op2 = ((AndPC)pc).getOperand2();
-			return ctx.mkAnd(translatePresenceCondition(op1), translatePresenceCondition(op2));
-		}
-		if(pc instanceof NotPC) {
-			return ctx.mkNot(translatePresenceCondition(((NotPC)pc).getOperand()));
-		}
-		logError("Unknown PresenceCondition: " + pc);
-		return null;
-	}
-	/** Overwrite to exclude classes from the translation for optimization purposes. */
-	protected void excludeClassesAndReferences() {
-		// EMPTY
-	}
-	/** Translates the feature model to Z3. */
-	protected void translateFeatureModel(EObject model) {
-		// FIXME: Optimize!
-		EList<AbstractFeatureModel> featureModels =
-				getChildrenWithType(model, AbstractFeatureModel.class);
-		if(featureModels.size() == 0) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// There can only be one FeatureModel in any project.
-		AbstractFeatureModel fm = featureModels.get(0);
-		BoolExpr fmExpr = ctx.mkBoolConst("FEATURE_" + fm.getName());
-		featureName2BoolExpr.put(fm.getName(), fmExpr);
-		featureModelAssertions.add(fmExpr);
-		// Translate all features (including alternatives)
-		for(AbstractFeature f : getChildrenWithType(fm, AbstractFeature.class)) {
-			String name = f.getName();
-			String constName = "FEATURE_" + name;
-			final BoolExpr fExpr = ctx.mkBoolConst(constName.replaceAll("@", "AT"));
-			featureName2BoolExpr.put(name, fExpr);
-			// If f is child of another feature, the selection criteria have to be encoded.
-			final EObject fContainer = f.eContainer();
-			if(fContainer instanceof AbstractFeature) {
-				AbstractFeature parentF = (AbstractFeature)fContainer;
-				final BoolExpr parentExpr = featureName2BoolExpr.get(parentF.getName());
-				if(f.isOptional()) {
-					featureModelAssertions.add(ctx.mkImplies(fExpr, parentExpr));
-				} else {
-					if(fContainer instanceof AbstractCompositionalFeature) {
-						featureModelAssertions.add(ctx.mkImplies(parentExpr, fExpr));
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// For alternatives also translate the alternative selection criteria
-		for(AbstractAlternativeFeature af : getChildrenWithType(fm,
-				AbstractAlternativeFeature.class)) {
-			BoolExpr afExpr = featureName2BoolExpr.get(af.getName());
-			EList<AbstractFeature> as = af.getAlternatives();
-			featureModelAssertions.add(ctx.mkImplies(afExpr,
-					ctx.mkOr(as.stream().map(alt -> featureName2BoolExpr.get(alt.getName()))
-							.collect(toList()).toArray(new BoolExpr[0]))));
-			for(AbstractFeature a : as) {
-				BoolExpr aExpr = featureName2BoolExpr.get(a.getName());
-				featureModelAssertions.add(ctx.mkImplies(aExpr, afExpr));
-				featureModelAssertions.add(ctx.mkImplies(aExpr,
-						ctx.mkAnd(as.stream().filter(alt -> alt != a)
-								.map(alt -> ctx.mkNot(featureName2BoolExpr.get(alt.getName())))
-								.collect(toList()).toArray(new BoolExpr[0]))));
-			}
-		}
-		// Translate all constraints.
-		for(AbstractCrossFeatureConstraint c : getChildrenWithType(fm,
-				AbstractCrossFeatureConstraint.class)) {
-			AbstractFeature target = c.getTarget();
-			AbstractFeature source = (AbstractFeature)c.eContainer();
-			BoolExpr srcExpr = featureName2BoolExpr.get(source.getName());
-			BoolExpr trgExpr = featureName2BoolExpr.get(target.getName());
-			switch(c.getType()) {
-				case REQUIRES:
-					featureModelAssertions.add(ctx.mkImplies(srcExpr, trgExpr));
-					break;
-				case EXCLUDES:
-					featureModelAssertions.add(ctx.mkImplies(srcExpr, ctx.mkNot(trgExpr)));
-					break;
-				default: // Suggestions are not translated.
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/** Mapping from tracking variables to z3 expression (used for counterexample extraction). */
-	// protected Map<BoolExpr, BoolExpr> tracToExpr = new HashMap<BoolExpr, BoolExpr>();
-	/** Creates and initializes the Z3 solver to be used for analyis. */
-	public Solver createSolver() {
-		Solver solver = ctx.mkSolver();// ctx.mkTactic("psmt"));
-		solver.add(featureModelAssertions.toArray(new BoolExpr[featureModelAssertions.size()]));
-		solver.add(presenceConditionAssertions
-				.toArray(new BoolExpr[presenceConditionAssertions.size()]));
-		solver.add(modelAssertions.toArray(new BoolExpr[modelAssertions.size()]));
-		solver.add(constraintAssertions.toArray(new BoolExpr[constraintAssertions.size()]));
-		//
-		// List<BoolExpr> tracFeaturesList = featureModelAssertions.stream()
-		// .map(a -> ctx.mkBoolConst("tracFeatureVar" + a.getId())).collect(toList());
-		//
-		// solver.assertAndTrack(
-		// featureModelAssertions.toArray(new BoolExpr[featureModelAssertions.size()]),
-		// tracFeaturesList.toArray(new BoolExpr[featureModelAssertions.size()]));
-		// for(int i = 0; i < featureModelAssertions.size(); i++) {
-		// tracToExpr.put(tracFeaturesList.get(i), featureModelAssertions.get(i));
-		// }
-		//
-		// List<BoolExpr> tracPresenceList = presenceConditionAssertions.stream()
-		// .map(a -> ctx.mkBoolConst("tracPresenceVar" + a.getId())).collect(toList());
-		//
-		// solver.assertAndTrack(
-		// presenceConditionAssertions
-		// .toArray(new BoolExpr[presenceConditionAssertions.size()]),
-		// tracPresenceList.toArray(new BoolExpr[presenceConditionAssertions.size()]));
-		//
-		// for(int i = 0; i < presenceConditionAssertions.size(); i++) {
-		// tracToExpr.put(tracPresenceList.get(i), presenceConditionAssertions.get(i));
-		// }
-		// BoolExpr[] assertionsArray = modelAssertions.toArray(new
-		// BoolExpr[modelAssertions.size()]);
-		// List<BoolExpr> tracList = modelAssertions.stream()
-		// .map(a -> ctx.mkBoolConst("tracModelVar" + a.getId())).collect(toList());
-		// BoolExpr[] assertionsTracArray = tracList.toArray(new BoolExpr[modelAssertions.size()]);
-		//
-		// for(int i = 0; i < modelAssertions.size(); i++) {
-		// tracToExpr.put(tracList.get(i), modelAssertions.get(i));
-		// }
-		//
-		// solver.assertAndTrack(assertionsArray, assertionsTracArray);
-		return solver;
-	}
-	/** Translates all objects in the model. */
-	private void translateObjects() {
-		// Translate objects by class.
-		for(EClass ec : allObjects.keySet()) {
-			Set<EObject> Objs = allObjects.get(ec);
-			Set<EAttribute> attributes = translatedAttributes.get(ec);
-			if(attributes != null) {
-				for(EAttribute ea : attributes) {
-					FuncDecl attFunc = eAttribute2FunDecl.get(ea, ec);
-					for(EObject eo : Objs) {
-						Expr attVal = translateAttributeValue(eo, ea);
-						BoolExpr attValAssertion =
-								ctx.mkEq(ctx.mkApp(attFunc, eObject2Expr.get(eo, ec)), attVal);
-						modelAssertions.add(attValAssertion);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			Set<EReference> references = translatedReferences.get(ec);
-			if(references != null) {
-				for(EReference er : references) {
-					FuncDecl refFunc = eReference2FunDecl.get(er, ec);
-					for(EObject eo : Objs) {
-						Expr eoExpr = eObject2Expr.get(eo, ec);
-						Expr refVal = translateReferenceValue(eo, er);
-						BoolExpr rafValAssertion = ctx.mkEq(ctx.mkApp(refFunc, eoExpr), refVal);
-						modelAssertions.add(rafValAssertion);
-					}
-					// Null must always only point to null....
-					EClass refType = er.getEReferenceType();
-					Expr nullElement = eClass2NullElement.get(ec);
-					if(er.getUpperBound() > 0) {
-						modelAssertions.add(ctx.mkEq(ctx.mkApp(refFunc, nullElement),
-								eClass2NullElement.get(refType)));
-					} else {
-						modelAssertions.add(ctx.mkEq(ctx.mkApp(refFunc, nullElement),
-								ctx.mkEmptySeq(eReference2Sort.get(er))));
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/** Translates the given instance of a relation between individual objects in the model. */
-	private Expr translateReferenceValue(EObject eo, EReference er) {
-		Object value = eo.eGet(er);
-		EClass refType = er.getEReferenceType();
-		Expr refNullValue = eClass2NullElement.get(refType);
-		FuncDecl refSelFun = eClass2SelectionFunction.get(er.getEType());
-		if(er.getUpperBound() < 0) {
-			// Case for lists
-			List<?> values = (List<?>)value;
-			if(values.size() == 0) {
-				return ctx.mkEmptySeq(eReference2Sort.get(er));
-			}
-			// Remove objects of untranslated objects.
-			values = values.stream().filter(o -> !excludedClasses.contains(((EObject)o).eClass()))
-					.collect(toList());
-			SeqExpr[] seqElems = new SeqExpr[values.size()];
-			for(int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
-				Object o = values.get(i);
-				Expr elemExpr = eObject2Expr.get((EObject)o, refType);
-				SeqExpr selectedExpr = ctx.mkUnit(elemExpr);
-				if(refSelFun != null) {
-					SeqExpr notSelectedExpr = ctx.mkEmptySeq(eReference2Sort.get(er));
-					seqElems[i] = (SeqExpr)ctx.mkITE((BoolExpr)ctx.mkApp(refSelFun, elemExpr),
-							selectedExpr, notSelectedExpr);
-				} else {
-					seqElems[i] = selectedExpr;
-				}
-			}
-			if(seqElems.length == 0) {
-				return ctx.mkEmptySeq(eReference2Sort.get(er));
-			}
-			if(seqElems.length == 1) {
-				return seqElems[0];
-			}
-			return ctx.mkConcat(seqElems);
-		}
-		if(value == null) {
-			return refNullValue;
-		}
-		Expr singleValExpr = eObject2Expr.get((EObject)value, refType);
-		if(refSelFun != null) {
-			// Case with variable target
-			BoolExpr eoSel = (BoolExpr)ctx.mkApp(refSelFun, singleValExpr);
-			return ctx.mkITE(eoSel, singleValExpr, refNullValue);
-		}
-		// Default case with non variable target.
-		return singleValExpr;
-	}
-	/** Creates a function call with the given expression as a parameter. */
-	protected Expr createFunctionCallOnExpr(Expr startExpr, String funName, EClass startExprType) {
-		FuncDecl fun = attRefNames2FuncDecl.get(startExprType, funName);
-		return ctx.mkApp(fun, startExpr);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Creates a containment reference between the given expressions, analogly to the containment in
-	 * EMF.
-	 */
-	protected BoolExpr createContainmentReference(Expr contained, Expr container,
-			EClass containerType, String refName) {
-		SeqExpr contRefExpr = (SeqExpr)createFunctionCallOnExpr(container, refName, containerType);
-		// return ctx.mkAnd(ctx.mkNot(ctx.mkEq(ctx.mkLength(contRefExpr), ctx.mkInt(0))),
-		// ctx.mkContains(contRefExpr, ctx.mkUnit(contained)));
-		return ctx.mkContains(contRefExpr, ctx.mkUnit(contained));
-	}
-	/** Translates the given EAttribute value for the given object to Z3. */
-	private Expr translateAttributeValue(EObject eo, EAttribute ea) {
-		Object value = eo.eGet(ea);
-		EDataType attType = ea.getEAttributeType();
-		if(ea.getUpperBound() < 0 && value instanceof List<?>) {
-			// Case for lists.
-			List<?> values = (List<?>)value;
-			SeqExpr[] seqElem = new SeqExpr[values.size()];
-			for(int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
-				Object o = values.get(i);
-				Expr elemExpr = traslatePrimitiveObject(o, attType);
-				seqElem[i] = ctx.mkUnit(elemExpr);
-			}
-			return ctx.mkConcat(seqElem);
-		}
-		return traslatePrimitiveObject(value, attType);
-	}
-	/** Translates the given object for a primitive type (Enums, Integer, String, Boolean) to Z3. */
-	private Expr traslatePrimitiveObject(Object value, EDataType attType) {
-		// Single value
-		if(attType.equals(EcorePackage.Literals.EINT)) {
-			if(value == null) {
-				logError("null int found");
-				return ctx.mkInt(0);
-			}
-			return ctx.mkInt((int)value);
-		}
-		if(attType.equals(EcorePackage.Literals.ESTRING)) {
-			if(value == null) {
-				return ctx.mkString("");
-			}
-			return ctx.mkString((String)value);
-		}
-		if(attType.equals(EcorePackage.Literals.EBOOLEAN)) {
-			if(value == null) {
-				logError("null bool found");
-				return ctx.mkBool(false);
-			}
-			return ctx.mkBool((boolean)value);
-		}
-		if(attType instanceof EEnum) {
-			if(value == null) {
-				return eEnum2NullElement.get(attType);
-			}
-			return eLiteral2Expr.get(value);
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-	/** Creates functions for all attributes and references of the meta model in Z3. */
-	private void translateAttributesAndReferencesMetamodel() {
-		for(EClass ec : allObjects.keySet()) {
-			for(EAttribute ea : ec.getEAllAttributes()) {
-				String funId = ec.getName() + "_" + ea.getName();
-				EDataType attDataType = ea.getEAttributeType();
-				Sort rangeSort = eDataType2Sort.get(attDataType);
-				if(attDataType instanceof EEnum) {
-					if(rangeSort == null) {
-						rangeSort = translateEnum((EEnum)attDataType);
-						eDataType2Sort.put(attDataType, rangeSort);
-					}
-				}
-				if(rangeSort == null) {
-					// Attribute is not translated, as all attribute types except enums are known.
-					continue;
-				}
-				FuncDecl funDecl = ctx.mkFuncDecl(funId, eClass2Datatype.get(ec), rangeSort);
-				eAttribute2FunDecl.put(ea, ec, funDecl);
-				translatedAttributes.add(ec, ea);
-				attRefNames2FuncDecl.put(ec, ea.getName(), funDecl);
-			}
-			for(EReference er : ec.getEAllReferences()) {
-				String funId = ec.getName() + "_" + er.getName();
-				EClass refType = er.getEReferenceType();
-				Sort refSort = eClass2Datatype.get(refType);
-				if(refSort == null) {
-					if(!isReferenceTranslated(er)) {
-						// This is the case in which a custom instance class is specified - those
-						// cannot
-						// be translated.
-						continue;
-					}
-					refSort = translateSuperType(refType);
-					if(refSort == null) {
-						// There are no instances of this type...
-						continue;
-					}
-				}
-				FuncDecl funDecl;
-				if(er.getUpperBound() < 0) {
-					// This is the case of unlimited multiplicity
-					refSort = ctx.mkSeqSort(refSort);
-				}
-				funDecl = ctx.mkFuncDecl(funId, eClass2Datatype.get(ec), refSort);
-				eReference2Sort.put(er, refSort);
-				eReference2FunDecl.put(er, ec, funDecl);
-				translatedReferences.add(ec, er);
-				attRefNames2FuncDecl.put(ec, er.getName(), funDecl);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/** Checks whether the given reference is supposed to be translated. */
-	private boolean isReferenceTranslated(EReference ref) {
-		if(excludedReferences.contains(ref)) {
-			return false;
-		}
-		EClass refType = ref.getEReferenceType();
-		if(excludedClasses.contains(refType)) {
-			excludedReferences.add(ref);
-			// References to excluded classes not translated.
-			return false;
-		}
-		// Only EObjects are translated.
-		boolean isTranslated = EObject.class.isAssignableFrom(refType.getInstanceClass());
-		return isTranslated;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Translates the given superType by adding all objects to it, that belong to
-	 * subtypes.
-	 */
-	private EnumSort translateSuperType(EClass refType) {
-		Set<EClass> subClasses = allSubclasses.get(refType);
-		if(subClasses == null) {
-			// There are no objects of this class in this case, hence it is not relevant.
-			return null;
-		}
-		String typeName = refType.getName();
-		List<EObject> subClassObjects = new ArrayList<EObject>();
-		for(EClass subCls : subClasses) {
-			if(excludedClasses.contains(subCls)) {
-				// If subclass is excluded, it must not be added here, either.
-				continue;
-			}
-			subClassObjects.addAll(allObjects.get(subCls));
-		}
-		Symbol[] allSymbols = new Symbol[subClassObjects.size()];
-		for(int i = 0; i < subClassObjects.size(); i++) {
-			StringSymbol symbol = ctx.mkSymbol(typeName + i);
-			allSymbols[i] = symbol;
-		}
-		EnumSort sort = ctx.mkEnumSort(ctx.mkSymbol(typeName), allSymbols);
-		eClass2Datatype.put(refType, sort);
-		return sort;
-	}
-	/** Translates the give enumeration */
-	private Sort translateEnum(EEnum en) {
-		String name = en.getName();
-		EList<EEnumLiteral> enumLiterals = en.getELiterals();
-		// Null needs to be encoded as a dedicated literal
-		int numLiterals = enumLiterals.size();
-		String[] literals = new String[numLiterals + 1];
-		for(int i = 0; i < numLiterals; i++) {
-			literals[i] = name + "_" + enumLiterals.get(i).getName();
-		}
-		literals[numLiterals] = name + "_NONE_LITERAL";
-		EnumSort enumSort = ctx.mkEnumSort(name, literals);
-		// Add regular literals and null literal to the respective mappings.
-		for(int i = 0; i < numLiterals; i++) {
-			eLiteral2Expr.put((Enum<?>)enumLiterals.get(i).getInstance(), enumSort.getConst(i));
-		}
-		eEnum2NullElement.put(en, enumSort.getConst(numLiterals));
-		return enumSort;
-	}
-	/** Creates the types for all classes and objects in Z3. */
-	private void translateClassesMetamodel() {
-		for(EClass cls : allObjects.keySet()) {
-			List<EObject> objs = new ArrayList<EObject>(allObjects.get(cls));
-			// The last index is added for the null element.
-			Symbol[] objSymbols = new Symbol[objs.size() + 1];
-			String clsName = cls.getName();
-			for(int i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
-				String id = clsName + i;
-				StringSymbol objSymbol = ctx.mkSymbol(id);
-				objSymbols[i] = objSymbol;
-			}
-			objSymbols[objs.size()] = ctx.mkSymbol(clsName + "NONE");
-			// Create EnumSort for class
-			EnumSort enumSort = ctx.mkEnumSort(ctx.mkSymbol(clsName), objSymbols);
-			eClass2Datatype.put(cls, enumSort);
-			// Map objects to z3 enum literals
-			Expr[] consts = enumSort.getConsts();
-			for(int i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
-				eObject2Expr.put(objs.get(i), cls, consts[i]);
-				expr2EObject.put(consts[i], objs.get(i));
-			}
-			Expr noneExpr = consts[consts.length - 1];
-			eClass2NullElement.put(cls, noneExpr);
-		}
-	}
-	/** Logs an error in the translation. */
-	private void logError(String message) {
-		error(getDefault(), "Error in product-line translation: " + message);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Checks whether any of the elements in the given {@link Collection} is contained in the given
-	 * set of elements.
-	 * 
-	 * @param set
-	 *            The {@link Set} to check for containment.
-	 * @param elements
-	 *            The {@link Collection} of elements to be checked for containment in the set.
-	 * 
-	 * @return 'true' if at least one of the elements on the given {@link Collection} is contained
-	 *         in the given {@link Set}.
-	 */
-	public <E> boolean containsAny(Set<E> set, Collection<E> elements) {
-		for(E e : elements) {
-			if(set.contains(e)) {
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param clss
-	 */
-	public void addExcludedClasses(Collection<EClass> clss) {
-		this.excludedClasses.addAll(clss);
-	}
-	/** Returns ctx. */
-	public Context getContext() {
-		return ctx;
-	}
-	/** Returns eClass2NullElement. */
-	public Map<EClass, Expr> getEClass2NullElement() {
-		return eClass2NullElement;
-	}
-	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	@Override
-	public EObject getEObjectForExpression(Expr<?> expr) {
-		return expr2EObject.get(expr);
-	}
-	public FuncDecl<?> getSelectionFunction(EClass cls) {
-		return eClass2SelectionFunction.get(cls);
-	}
-	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	@Override
-	public Expr<?> getNullElement(EClass cls) {
-		return eClass2NullElement.get(cls);
-	}
-	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	@Override
-	public EnumSort getDatatype(EClass ec) {
-		return eClass2Datatype.get(ec);
-	}
-	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	@Override
-	public FuncDecl getAttributeReferenceFunctionDeclaration(EClass cVarType, String string) {
-		return attRefNames2FuncDecl.get(cVarType, string);
-	}
-	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	@Override
-	public void setTranslatedEClasses(Collection<EClass> clss) {
-		// EMPTY
-	}
-	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	@Override
-	public void setTranslatedEReferences(Collection<EReference> refs) {
-		// EMPTY
-	}
-	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	@Override
-	public void setTranslatedEAttributes(Collection<EAttribute> atts) {
-		// EMPTY
-	}
-	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	@Override
-	public Map<BoolExpr, IProductLineConstraint>
-			translateConstraints(Collection<IProductLineConstraint> constraints) {
-		Map<BoolExpr, IProductLineConstraint> constraintTracker2Constraint =
-				new HashMap<BoolExpr, IProductLineConstraint>();
-		for(IProductLineConstraint constraint : constraints) {
-			Expr[] quantifierValiables = constraint.getQuantifierVariables();
-			EClass[] variableClasses = constraint.getVariablesClasses();
-			BoolExpr[] containmentExprs = new BoolExpr[0];
-			BoolExpr body = constraint.getBody();
-			boolean isForAll = constraint.isForAll();
-			BoolExpr quantifier = createLiftedConstraint(quantifierValiables, variableClasses,
-					containmentExprs, body, isForAll);
-			BoolExpr constraintTracker =
-					ctx.mkBoolConst("CONSTRAINT_" + constraint.getConstraintName());
-			constraintTracker2Constraint.put(constraintTracker, constraint);
-			constraintAssertions.add(ctx.mkEq(constraintTracker, quantifier));
-		}
-		Set<BoolExpr> allConstraints = constraintTracker2Constraint.keySet();
-		constraintAssertions.add(ctx.mkOr(allConstraints.toArray(new BoolExpr[0])));
-		return constraintTracker2Constraint;
-	}
-	/** Automatically lifts the given constraint */
-	protected BoolExpr createLiftedConstraint(Expr[] quantifierValiables, EClass[] variableClasses,
-			BoolExpr[] containmentExprs, BoolExpr body, boolean isForAll) {
-		BoolExpr[] selExprs = new BoolExpr[quantifierValiables.length + containmentExprs.length];
-		for(int i = 0; i < quantifierValiables.length; i++) {
-			EClass cls = variableClasses[i];
-			Expr var = quantifierValiables[i];
-			FuncDecl selFun = getSelectionFunction(cls);
-			BoolExpr selected = (BoolExpr)ctx.mkApp(selFun, var);
-			BoolExpr notNull = ctx.mkNot(ctx.mkEq(var, getNullElement(cls)));
-			selExprs[i] = ctx.mkAnd(selected, notNull);
-		}
-		// Add containment expressions
-		int j = 0;
-		for(int i = quantifierValiables.length; i < quantifierValiables.length +
-				containmentExprs.length; i++) {
-			selExprs[i] = containmentExprs[j++];
-		}
-		if(isForAll) {
-			BoolExpr liftedBody = ctx.mkImplies(ctx.mkAnd(selExprs), body);
-			return ctx.mkForall(quantifierValiables, liftedBody, 0, null, null, null, null);
-		}
-		// else: Exits
-		BoolExpr liftedBody = ctx.mkAnd(ctx.mkAnd(selExprs), body);
-		return ctx.mkExists(quantifierValiables, liftedBody, 0, null, null, null, null);
-	}