diff --git a/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF b/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
index 60806ed3444b4d2ff7b78da8f1670258771b0d0e..a02b8e9325be8bb36d43d6c635cebbd99b8e2e07 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
+++ b/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
@@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ Export-Package: org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart,
-Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.swt;bundle-version="3.102.1"
+Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.swt;bundle-version="3.102.1",
+ org.fortiss.tooling.base;bundle-version="2.9.0"
 Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
diff --git a/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/src/org/fortiss/tooling/spiderchart/builder/SpiderChartBuilder.java b/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/src/org/fortiss/tooling/spiderchart/builder/SpiderChartBuilder.java
index 2196345f8f6a1c6b7294adac41ca02dd475ba673..419f0434df6f5cd1f5c662fd87befc44057336e5 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/src/org/fortiss/tooling/spiderchart/builder/SpiderChartBuilder.java
+++ b/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/src/org/fortiss/tooling/spiderchart/builder/SpiderChartBuilder.java
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ public final class SpiderChartBuilder {
 	/** Builds the viewer if values are already provided to the plotter using line data sequence */
 	public SpiderChartViewer viewer() {
+		this.chartViewer.setChart(this.chart);
 		return chartViewerBuilder.chartViewer;
diff --git a/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/src/org/fortiss/tooling/spiderchart/legend/SpiderChartLegend.java b/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/src/org/fortiss/tooling/spiderchart/legend/SpiderChartLegend.java
index bd08a005a9770c99a9a7fcbd60514c9bd946ec7c..b27cd504a75428e4f5aca08be42054fc829360ec 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/src/org/fortiss/tooling/spiderchart/legend/SpiderChartLegend.java
+++ b/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/src/org/fortiss/tooling/spiderchart/legend/SpiderChartLegend.java
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public final class SpiderChartLegend extends SpiderChartComponent {
 	/** Constructor */
 	public SpiderChartLegend() {
-		if (this.title != null) {
+		if(this.title != null) {
 			this.addItem(this.title, null);
@@ -93,24 +93,28 @@ public final class SpiderChartLegend extends SpiderChartComponent {
+	/** */
+	public void addItem(final String name, final String colorName) {
+		final LineStyle ls = LineStyle.of(1, getColor(colorName), NORMAL_LINE);
+		this.addItem(name, ls);
+	}
 	/** */
 	public void addItem(final Supplier<Object> pojo) {
 		final Object data = pojo.get();
-		final LineStyle ls = LineStyle.of(1, getColor(getAreaColor(data)),
+		final LineStyle ls = LineStyle.of(1, getColor(getAreaColor(data)), NORMAL_LINE);
 		this.addItem(getLegend(data), ls);
 	/** Draws the provided graphics */
 	public void draw(final AbstractChartGraphics g) {
-		if (this.legendLabel != null && this.legendLabel.length() > 0) {
-			final SpiderChartLabel cl = new SpiderChartLabel(this.legendLabel,
-					"", false, true);
+		if(this.legendLabel != null && this.legendLabel.length() > 0) {
+			final SpiderChartLabel cl = new SpiderChartLabel(this.legendLabel, "", false, true);
 			cl.initialize(g, this.chart);
 			cl.paint(g, this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
-		if (this.verticalLayout) {
+		if(this.verticalLayout) {
 		} else {
@@ -130,95 +134,90 @@ public final class SpiderChartLegend extends SpiderChartComponent {
 		final int textHeight = g.getFontHeight();
 		final int iconSeparator = 3;
 		final int textSeparator = 5;
-		for (final Object element : this.names) {
-			final String s = (String) element;
+		for(final Object element : this.names) {
+			final String s = (String)element;
 			w = g.getFontWidth(s);
-			if (w > textWidth) {
+			if(w > textWidth) {
 				textWidth = w;
 		totalWidth = (textWidth + textSeparator) * this.names.size();
-		for (final Object o : this.items) {
+		for(final Object o : this.items) {
 			w = 0;
 			h = 0;
-			if (o instanceof LineStyle) {
+			if(o instanceof LineStyle) {
 				w = 10;
 				h = 10;
-			if (o instanceof FillStyle) {
+			if(o instanceof FillStyle) {
 				w = 10;
 				h = 10;
-			if (o instanceof AbstractChartImage) {
-				w = ((AbstractChartImage) o).getWidth();
-				h = ((AbstractChartImage) o).getHeight();
+			if(o instanceof AbstractChartImage) {
+				w = ((AbstractChartImage)o).getWidth();
+				h = ((AbstractChartImage)o).getHeight();
-			if (w > iconWidth) {
+			if(w > iconWidth) {
 				iconWidth = w;
-			if (h > iconHeight) {
+			if(h > iconHeight) {
 				iconHeight = h;
 		totalWidth += (iconWidth + iconSeparator) * this.names.size();
 		int itemHeight = textHeight;
-		if (iconHeight > itemHeight) {
+		if(iconHeight > itemHeight) {
 			itemHeight = iconHeight;
 		int toCenterX = (this.width - totalWidth) / 2;
 		int toCenterY = (this.height - itemHeight) / 2;
-		if (toCenterY < 0) {
+		if(toCenterY < 0) {
 			toCenterY = 0;
-		if (toCenterX < 0) {
+		if(toCenterX < 0) {
 			toCenterX = 0;
 		final int legendX1 = this.x + toCenterX;
 		final int legendY1 = this.y + toCenterY;
 		final int legendX2 = this.x + toCenterX + totalWidth;
 		final int legendY2 = this.y + toCenterY + itemHeight;
-		if (this.background != null) {
-			this.background.draw(g, legendX1 - this.legendMargin, legendY1
-					- this.legendMargin, legendX2 + this.legendMargin, legendY2
-					+ this.legendMargin);
+		if(this.background != null) {
+			this.background.draw(g, legendX1 - this.legendMargin, legendY1 - this.legendMargin,
+					legendX2 + this.legendMargin, legendY2 + this.legendMargin);
-		if (this.border != null) {
-			this.border.drawRect(g, legendX1 - this.legendMargin, legendY1
-					- this.legendMargin, legendX2 + this.legendMargin, legendY2
-					+ this.legendMargin);
+		if(this.border != null) {
+			this.border.drawRect(g, legendX1 - this.legendMargin, legendY1 - this.legendMargin,
+					legendX2 + this.legendMargin, legendY2 + this.legendMargin);
 		int offset = 0;
-		for (int i = 1; i <= this.names.size(); i++) {
+		for(int i = 1; i <= this.names.size(); i++) {
-			g.drawText(this.names.get(i - 1), toCenterX + offset + iconWidth
-					+ iconSeparator + this.x, toCenterY + this.y + itemHeight);
-			offset = offset + iconWidth + iconSeparator + textWidth
-					+ textSeparator;
+			g.drawText(this.names.get(i - 1), toCenterX + offset + iconWidth + iconSeparator +
+					this.x, toCenterY + this.y + itemHeight);
+			offset = offset + iconWidth + iconSeparator + textWidth + textSeparator;
 		offset = 0;
-		for (int i = 1; i <= this.names.size(); i++) {
+		for(int i = 1; i <= this.names.size(); i++) {
 			final Object icon = this.items.get(i - 1);
-			if (icon instanceof AbstractChartImage) {
-				g.drawImage((AbstractChartImage) icon, toCenterX + this.x
-						+ offset, toCenterY + this.y);
+			if(icon instanceof AbstractChartImage) {
+				g.drawImage((AbstractChartImage)icon, toCenterX + this.x + offset, toCenterY +
+						this.y);
-			if (icon instanceof LineStyle) {
-				final LineStyle l = (LineStyle) icon;
-				l.draw(g, toCenterX + this.x + offset, toCenterY + this.y
-						+ iconHeight / 2, toCenterX + this.x + iconWidth - 2
-						+ offset, toCenterY + this.y + iconHeight / 2);
+			if(icon instanceof LineStyle) {
+				final LineStyle l = (LineStyle)icon;
+				l.draw(g, toCenterX + this.x + offset, toCenterY + this.y + iconHeight / 2,
+						toCenterX + this.x + iconWidth - 2 + offset, toCenterY + this.y +
+								iconHeight / 2);
-			if (icon instanceof FillStyle) {
+			if(icon instanceof FillStyle) {
 				final int sidelentgh = iconWidth / 2;
-				final FillStyle f = (FillStyle) icon;
-				f.draw(g, toCenterX + this.x + offset, toCenterY + this.y,
-						toCenterX + this.x + offset + sidelentgh, toCenterY
-						+ this.y + sidelentgh);
+				final FillStyle f = (FillStyle)icon;
+				f.draw(g, toCenterX + this.x + offset, toCenterY + this.y, toCenterX + this.x +
+						offset + sidelentgh, toCenterY + this.y + sidelentgh);
-			offset = offset + iconWidth + iconSeparator + textWidth
-					+ textSeparator;
+			offset = offset + iconWidth + iconSeparator + textWidth + textSeparator;
@@ -232,72 +231,68 @@ public final class SpiderChartLegend extends SpiderChartComponent {
 		int w = 0;
 		int h = 0;
 		final int textHeight = g.getFontHeight();
-		for (final Object element : this.names) {
-			final String s = (String) element;
+		for(final Object element : this.names) {
+			final String s = (String)element;
 			w = g.getFontWidth(s);
-			if (w > textWidth) {
+			if(w > textWidth) {
 				textWidth = w;
-		for (final Object o : this.items) {
+		for(final Object o : this.items) {
 			w = 0;
 			h = 0;
-			if (o instanceof LineStyle) {
+			if(o instanceof LineStyle) {
 				w = 10;
 				h = 10;
-			if (w > iconWidth) {
+			if(w > iconWidth) {
 				iconWidth = w;
-			if (h > iconHeight) {
+			if(h > iconHeight) {
 				iconHeight = h;
 		int itemHeight = textHeight;
-		if (iconHeight > itemHeight) {
+		if(iconHeight > itemHeight) {
 			itemHeight = iconHeight;
 		int toCenterX = (this.width - (iconWidth + textWidth)) / 2;
 		int toCenterY = (this.height - this.names.size() * itemHeight) / 2;
-		if (toCenterY < 0) {
+		if(toCenterY < 0) {
 			toCenterY = 0;
-		if (toCenterX < 0) {
+		if(toCenterX < 0) {
 			toCenterX = 0;
 		final int legendX1 = this.x + toCenterX;
 		final int legendY1 = this.y + toCenterY;
 		final int legendX2 = this.x + toCenterX + iconWidth + textWidth;
-		final int legendY2 = this.y + toCenterY + this.names.size()
-				* itemHeight;
+		final int legendY2 = this.y + toCenterY + this.names.size() * itemHeight;
 		final int x1 = legendX1 - this.legendMargin;
 		final int y1 = legendY1 - this.legendMargin;
 		final int x2 = legendX2 + this.legendMargin;
 		final int y2 = legendY2 + this.legendMargin;
-		if (this.background != null) {
-			this.background.draw(g, x1, y1 + this.legendOffset, x2, y2
-					+ this.legendOffset);
+		if(this.background != null) {
+			this.background.draw(g, x1, y1 + this.legendOffset, x2, y2 + this.legendOffset);
-		if (this.border != null) {
-			this.border.drawRect(g, x1, y1 + this.legendOffset, x2, y2
-					+ this.legendOffset);
+		if(this.border != null) {
+			this.border.drawRect(g, x1, y1 + this.legendOffset, x2, y2 + this.legendOffset);
-		for (int i = 1; i <= this.names.size(); i++) {
+		for(int i = 1; i <= this.names.size(); i++) {
-			g.drawText(this.names.get(i - 1), toCenterX + iconWidth + this.x,
-					toCenterY + this.y + i * itemHeight + this.legendOffset);
+			g.drawText(this.names.get(i - 1), toCenterX + iconWidth + this.x, toCenterY + this.y +
+					i * itemHeight + this.legendOffset);
-		for (int i = 1; i <= this.names.size(); i++) {
+		for(int i = 1; i <= this.names.size(); i++) {
 			final Object icon = this.items.get(i - 1);
-			if (icon instanceof LineStyle) {
-				final LineStyle l = (LineStyle) icon;
+			if(icon instanceof LineStyle) {
+				final LineStyle l = (LineStyle)icon;
-				l.draw(g, toCenterX + this.x, toCenterY + this.y + iconHeight
-						/ 2 + (i - 1) * itemHeight + this.legendOffset,
-						toCenterX + this.x + iconWidth - 2, toCenterY + this.y
-						+ iconHeight / 2 + (i - 1) * itemHeight
-						+ this.legendOffset);
+				l.draw(g, toCenterX + this.x, toCenterY + this.y + iconHeight / 2 + (i - 1) *
+						itemHeight + this.legendOffset, toCenterX + this.x + iconWidth - 2,
+						toCenterY + this.y + iconHeight / 2 + (i - 1) * itemHeight +
+								this.legendOffset);
diff --git a/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/src/org/fortiss/tooling/spiderchart/sequence/LineDataSeq.java b/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/src/org/fortiss/tooling/spiderchart/sequence/LineDataSeq.java
index 3e8ec23d51608514aa8ebc2f6b2215e21a7f7c93..52557d3310812eaf7ac1c32449737afcffcbe217 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/src/org/fortiss/tooling/spiderchart/sequence/LineDataSeq.java
+++ b/org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.ui/trunk/src/org/fortiss/tooling/spiderchart/sequence/LineDataSeq.java
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ import static org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.gc.Fonts.VERDANA;
 import static org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.style.LineStyle.NORMAL_LINE;
 import static org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.util.ChartUtil.wrapValues;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import org.fortiss.tooling.base.model.visualization.DataPoint;
+import org.fortiss.tooling.base.model.visualization.DataSet;
 import org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.gc.AbstractChartColor;
 import org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.gc.AbstractChartFont;
 import org.fortiss.tooling.spiderchart.gc.AbstractChartImage;
@@ -53,14 +58,14 @@ public final class LineDataSeq extends DataSeq {
 	 * Static Factory to create instance of {@link LineDataSeq}
-	public static <E extends Enum<E>> LineDataSeq of(
-			final Object oldObjectToCopyData, final Object... values) {
+	public static <E extends Enum<E>> LineDataSeq of(final Object oldObjectToCopyData,
+			final Object... values) {
 		final double[] wrappedValues = wrapValues(values);
-		final LineDataSeq seq = new LineDataSeq(wrappedValues, new LineStyle(2,
-				getColor(getAreaColor(oldObjectToCopyData)), NORMAL_LINE));
+		final LineDataSeq seq =
+				new LineDataSeq(wrappedValues, new LineStyle(2,
+						getColor(getAreaColor(oldObjectToCopyData)), NORMAL_LINE));
 		seq.valueFont = getFont(VERDANA, BOLD, 12);
-		seq.fillStyle = new FillStyle(
-				getColor(getAreaColor(oldObjectToCopyData)), 0.5f);
+		seq.fillStyle = new FillStyle(getColor(getAreaColor(oldObjectToCopyData)), 0.5f);
 		seq.drawPoint = true;
 		return seq;
@@ -68,11 +73,28 @@ public final class LineDataSeq extends DataSeq {
 	 * Static Factory to create instance of {@link LineDataSeq}
-	public static <E extends Enum<E>> LineDataSeq of(final String colorName,
-			final Object... values) {
+	public static <E extends Enum<E>> LineDataSeq
+			of(final String colorName, final Object... values) {
 		final double[] wrappedValues = wrapValues(values);
-		final LineDataSeq seq = new LineDataSeq(wrappedValues, new LineStyle(2,
-				getColor(colorName), NORMAL_LINE));
+		final LineDataSeq seq =
+				new LineDataSeq(wrappedValues, new LineStyle(2, getColor(colorName), NORMAL_LINE));
+		seq.valueFont = getFont(VERDANA, BOLD, 12);
+		seq.fillStyle = new FillStyle(getColor(colorName), 0.5f);
+		seq.drawPoint = true;
+		return seq;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Static Factory to create instance of {@link LineDataSeq}
+	 */
+	public static <E extends Enum<E>> LineDataSeq of(final String colorName, final DataSet dataSet) {
+		List<DataPoint<?>> datapoints = dataSet.getPoints();
+		List<Object> values =
+				datapoints.stream().map(datapoint -> datapoint.getStart())
+						.collect(Collectors.toList());
+		final double[] wrappedValues = wrapValues(values.toArray());
+		final LineDataSeq seq =
+				new LineDataSeq(wrappedValues, new LineStyle(2, getColor(colorName), NORMAL_LINE));
 		seq.valueFont = getFont(VERDANA, BOLD, 12);
 		seq.fillStyle = new FillStyle(getColor(colorName), 0.5f);
 		seq.drawPoint = true;