From 71eb4f676641be0449b72eb0464fdd5a7ac84836 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Florian Hoelzl <>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2018 16:45:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Rebuilt single RasPi unit generator with new architecture.

Signed-off-by: Florian Hoelzl <>
 .../raspberry/generator/executable/.ratings   |    6 +-
 .../executable/     |   42 +-
 .../executable/     |   23 +-
 .../executable/   | 1086 +++++------------
 .../generator/executable/framework/.ratings   |    6 +-
 .../framework/  |   35 +
 .../framework/        |   34 +
 ...>} |   15 +-
 .../framework/     |   28 +
 .../framework/       |   34 +
 .../generator/executable/gamepad/.ratings     |    6 +-
 .../gamepad/         |   16 +-
 .../gamepad/        |   19 +-
 .../gamepad/          |   16 +-
 .../generator/executable/rumblepad/.ratings   |    6 +-
 .../rumblepad/       |   16 +-
 .../rumblepad/    |   19 +-
 .../rumblepad/        |   16 +-
 18 files changed, 582 insertions(+), 841 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
 create mode 100644 org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
 rename org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/{ =>} (78%)
 create mode 100644 org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
 create mode 100644 org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/

diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/.ratings b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/.ratings
index f8248be7..582e164b 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/.ratings
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/.ratings
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ ec4637eda80234429a9f382a37713588a0fbb83a RED 5b8c50f2236ad49958a0a0b599a7e60265a6fc06 YELLOW 18239a3adae35256e32dad19df9d8f38acbf7e66 RED 458754b89c2d79db3fee08baa444424772e40fb7 RED 9068846c7ff04c034da6493067fcebf73051de98 YELLOW f94071537e9596817e7895cf79e4202d24224087 RED e1df0d82804fd0622b97ecde827844da30370e14 RED 3273e75ecbb8e41984e8b66cfe8f16bc87256150 YELLOW cafff8199da9cc59688289c9c26097e6872e9702 RED 9ae8b9a5d40c1415720a7bcad2378376474ca70b RED
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/
index 9068846c..3273e75e 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/
@@ -15,21 +15,16 @@
 package org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable;
-import static org.fortiss.af3.expression.utils.ExpressionModelElementFactory.funcCall;
-import static org.fortiss.af3.expression.utils.ExpressionModelElementFactory.intConst;
-import static org.fortiss.af3.expression.utils.ExpressionModelElementFactory.stringConst;
 import org.fortiss.af3.component.model.OutputPort;
-import org.fortiss.af3.expression.model.terms.IExpressionTerm;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.language.executable.IInitializableExecutable;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.language.executable.ITerminatableExecutable;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.language.executable.IWritableExecutable;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.IInitializationExecutable;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.ITerminationExecutable;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.IWriteableExecutable;
 import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.library.PiHALLibraryExecutableBase;
 import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.ActuatorPWM;
 /** Executable for {@link ActuatorPWM}. */
 public class PWMActuatorExecutable extends PiHALLibraryExecutableBase<ActuatorPWM> implements
-		IInitializableExecutable, IWritableExecutable, ITerminatableExecutable {
+		IInitializationExecutable, IWriteableExecutable, ITerminationExecutable {
 	/** Constructor. */
 	public PWMActuatorExecutable(ActuatorPWM modelElement) {
@@ -37,25 +32,38 @@ public class PWMActuatorExecutable extends PiHALLibraryExecutableBase<ActuatorPW
 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	public IExpressionTerm getInitialization() {
-		return funcCall("temp_actuator_initialize", stringConst("/dev/ttyACM0"));
+	public String getHeaderFileName() {
+		return "temp_actuator.h";
 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	public IExpressionTerm getTermination() {
-		return funcCall("temp_actuator_terminate");
+	public String getVariableDeclaration(String prefix) {
+		return "int " + prefix + "actuator_pwm = -1;\n";
 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	public IExpressionTerm getValueWriteAccessor(OutputPort logicalSignal, IExpressionTerm value) {
-		return funcCall("temp_actuator_set_target", intConst(modelElement.getChannelID()), value);
+	public String getInitializationCode(String prefix) {
+		return prefix + "actuator_pwm = temp_actuator_initialize(\"/dev/ttyACM0\");\n";
 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	public String getHeaderFileName() {
-		return "temp_actuator.h";
+	public String getTerminationCode(String prefix) {
+		return "temp_actuator_terminate();\n";
+	}
+	/** {@inheritDoc} */
+	@Override
+	public String getWriteCode(String prefix, OutputPort logicalSignal, String value) {
+		return "temp_actuator_set_target(" + prefix + "actuator_pwm, " +
+				modelElement.getChannelID() + ", " + value + ");\n";
+	}
+	/** {@inheritDoc} */
+	@Override
+	public String getNoValWriteCode(String prefix, OutputPort logicalSignal) {
+		return null;
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/
index f9407153..cafff819 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/
@@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ import static org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.utils.TransformationUtils.createTransfo
 import static org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.utils.TransformationUtils.createTransformedObjectWithoutExceptionFor;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
 import org.conqat.lib.commons.collections.Pair;
@@ -84,6 +86,9 @@ public class RaspberryPIExecutable extends ExecutionUnitExecutableBase<Raspberry
 	private CanTransmissionCatalog canCatalog;
 	/** The list of atomic components deployed on this execution unit. */
 	private List<Component> atomics = new ArrayList<>();
+	/** The map from platform elements to executables. */
+	private Map<PlatformConnectorUnit, ExecutableBase<?>> platformConnector2ExecutableBase =
+			new HashMap<>();
 	// code generator output
 	/** The C source package produced by this generator. */
@@ -105,10 +110,10 @@ public class RaspberryPIExecutable extends ExecutionUnitExecutableBase<Raspberry
 		try {
-			addPlatformElementsCode(deployedPorts);
+			Set<String> headers = addPlatformElementsCode(deployedPorts);
-			addMainFile(deployedComponents, deployedPorts);
+			addMainFile(deployedComponents, deployedPorts, headers);
 		} catch(Exception ex) {
 			error(AF3PlatformRaspberryActivator.getDefault(), ex.getMessage(), ex);
@@ -116,8 +121,12 @@ public class RaspberryPIExecutable extends ExecutionUnitExecutableBase<Raspberry
 		return generatorResult;
-	/** Adds the libraries and header files required by the used platform elements. */
-	private void addPlatformElementsCode(List<Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port>> deployedPorts) {
+	/**
+	 * Adds the libraries and header files required by the used platform elements and returns the
+	 * set of header file names.
+	 */
+	private Set<String> addPlatformElementsCode(
+			List<Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port>> deployedPorts) {
 		Set<String> includedHeaders = new HashSet<>();
 		Set<String> includedSources = new HashSet<>();
 		Set<String> includedLibraries = new HashSet<>();
@@ -125,6 +134,7 @@ public class RaspberryPIExecutable extends ExecutionUnitExecutableBase<Raspberry
 			PlatformConnectorUnit pcu = pair.getFirst();
 			ExecutableBase<?> executable =
 					createTransformedObjectWithoutExceptionFor(pcu, ExecutableBase.class, context);
+			platformConnector2ExecutableBase.put(pcu, executable);
 			if(executable instanceof IRasPiHeaderExecutable) {
 				IRasPiHeaderExecutable headerExec = (IRasPiHeaderExecutable)executable;
 				if(!includedHeaders.contains(headerExec.getHeaderFileName())) {
@@ -153,6 +163,7 @@ public class RaspberryPIExecutable extends ExecutionUnitExecutableBase<Raspberry
 				// ignore library file, since it is already included
+		return includedHeaders;
 	/** Initializes the generator result source package. */
@@ -228,7 +239,7 @@ public class RaspberryPIExecutable extends ExecutionUnitExecutableBase<Raspberry
 	/** Creates the main file by using the {@link SingleUnitMainGenerator} helper class. */
 	private void addMainFile(List<Pair<ExecutionUnit, Component>> deployedComponents,
-			List<Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port>> deployedPorts) {
+			List<Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port>> deployedPorts, Set<String> headers) {
 		CSourcePackage srcGenPack = (CSourcePackage)generatorResult.getSrcGenPackage();
 		if(canCatalog != null) {
 			MultiUnitMainGenerator mg =
@@ -238,7 +249,7 @@ public class RaspberryPIExecutable extends ExecutionUnitExecutableBase<Raspberry
 		} else {
 			SingleUnitMainGenerator mg =
 					new SingleUnitMainGenerator(modelElement, deployedComponents, deployedPorts,
-							context);
+							platformConnector2ExecutableBase, headers, context);
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/
index e1df0d82..9ae8b9a5 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/
@@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ package org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable;
 import static org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.templates.RasPiCTemplates.getSingleUnitMainCFile;
 import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
 import org.conqat.lib.commons.collections.Pair;
 import org.fortiss.af3.component.model.Component;
@@ -26,154 +29,52 @@ import org.fortiss.af3.component.model.InputPort;
 import org.fortiss.af3.component.model.OutputPort;
 import org.fortiss.af3.component.model.Port;
 import org.fortiss.af3.generator.common.model.source.AbstractUnit;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.language.executable.ExecutableBase;
 import org.fortiss.af3.platform.model.ExecutionUnit;
 import org.fortiss.af3.platform.model.PlatformConnectorUnit;
 import org.fortiss.af3.platform.model.Receiver;
 import org.fortiss.af3.platform.model.Transmitter;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.ActuatorPWM;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.ConsoleOutput;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.IInitializationExecutable;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.IReadableExecutable;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.ISingletonInitializationExecutable;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.IWriteableExecutable;
 import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.RaspberryPi;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.brick.AccelerationXSensor;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.brick.AccelerationYSensor;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.brick.AccelerationZSensor;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.brick.ActuatorDigits;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.brick.AngularVelocityXSensor;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.brick.AngularVelocityYSensor;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.brick.AngularVelocityZSensor;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.brick.LEDButtonBActuator;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.brick.LEDButtonGActuator;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.brick.LEDButtonRActuator;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.brick.LaserRangeSensor;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.brick.UIDUnit;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.brick.UltraSonicSensor;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.Button1;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.Button2;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.Button3;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.Button4;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.ButtonL2;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.ButtonR2;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.GamepadReceiverBase;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.motorcontrol.MotorControlInput;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.motorcontrol.MotorControlOutput;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.ButtonA;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.ButtonB;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.ButtonHome;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.ButtonSelect;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.ButtonStart;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.ButtonX;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.ButtonY;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.DPadDown;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.DPadLeft;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.DPadRight;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.DPadUp;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.L2_Position;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.R2_Position;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.RumbleMagnitudeStrong;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.RumbleMagnitudeWeak;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.RumblepadReceiverBase;
 /** Separate class for generating the main.c file for deployments ion single {@link RaspberryPi}. */
 class SingleUnitMainGenerator {
-	private static final int WAITING_SLEEP_IN_MICROS = 250;
+	/** The current execution unit. */
 	private RaspberryPi executionUnit;
+	/** The deployed components. */
 	private List<Pair<ExecutionUnit, Component>> deployedComponents;
+	/** The deployed ports. */
 	private List<Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port>> deployedPorts;
+	/** The transformation context. */
 	private ITransformationContext context;
-	/** LED_Button UIDs to RGB value array. */
-	private HashMap<String, String[]> ledButtons = new HashMap<>();
-	/** LED_Button UIDs to RGB local variable array. */
-	private HashMap<String, String[]> ledButtonsLocalVariable = new HashMap<>();
-	private boolean useCamera;
-	private boolean useGamepad;
-	private boolean useRumblepad;
-	private boolean useDigits;
-	private boolean useLEDButton;
-	private boolean usePWM;
-	private boolean useUS;
-	private boolean useLaser;
-	private boolean useACC;
-	private boolean useConsole;
-	private boolean useRumble;
-	private OutputPort rumbleWeakPort = null;
-	private OutputPort rumbleStrongPort = null;
-	private int nrOfUsSensors = 0;
-	private boolean useVesc;
+	/** The set of platform header files to be included. */
+	private Set<String> headers;
+	/** The map from platform elements to executables. */
+	private Map<PlatformConnectorUnit, ExecutableBase<?>> platformConnector2ExecutableBase =
+			new HashMap<>();
 	/** Constructor. */
 	public SingleUnitMainGenerator(RaspberryPi executionUnit,
 			List<Pair<ExecutionUnit, Component>> deployedComponents,
-			List<Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port>> deployedPorts, ITransformationContext context) {
+			List<Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port>> deployedPorts,
+			Map<PlatformConnectorUnit, ExecutableBase<?>> platformConnector2ExecutableBase,
+			Set<String> headers, ITransformationContext context) {
 		this.executionUnit = executionUnit;
 		this.deployedComponents = deployedComponents;
 		this.deployedPorts = deployedPorts;
+		this.headers = headers;
 		this.context = context;
-		for(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p : deployedPorts) {
-			if(!useGamepad && (p.getFirst() instanceof GamepadReceiverBase)) {
-				useGamepad = true;
-			}
-			if(!useRumblepad && p.getFirst() instanceof RumblepadReceiverBase ||
-					p.getFirst() instanceof RumbleMagnitudeWeak ||
-					p.getFirst() instanceof RumbleMagnitudeStrong) {
-				useRumblepad = true;
-			}
-			if(!usePWM && p.getFirst() instanceof ActuatorPWM) {
-				usePWM = true;
-			}
-			if(!useUS && p.getFirst() instanceof UltraSonicSensor) {
-				useUS = true;
-			}
-			if(!useLaser && p.getFirst() instanceof LaserRangeSensor) {
-				useLaser = true;
-			}
-			if(!useDigits && p.getFirst() instanceof ActuatorDigits) {
-				useDigits = true;
-			}
-			if((p.getFirst() instanceof LEDButtonRActuator ||
-					p.getFirst() instanceof LEDButtonGActuator || p.getFirst() instanceof LEDButtonBActuator)) {
-				extractRGBforLEDButton(p);
-				useLEDButton = true;
-			}
-			if(!useACC &&
-					(p.getFirst() instanceof AccelerationXSensor ||
-							p.getFirst() instanceof AccelerationYSensor ||
-							p.getFirst() instanceof AccelerationZSensor ||
-							p.getFirst() instanceof AngularVelocityXSensor ||
-							p.getFirst() instanceof AngularVelocityYSensor || p.getFirst() instanceof AngularVelocityZSensor)) {
-				useACC = true;
-			}
-			if(!useConsole && p instanceof ConsoleOutput) {
-				useConsole = true;
-			}
-			if(!useVesc &&
-					(p.getFirst() instanceof MotorControlOutput || p.getFirst() instanceof MotorControlInput)) {
-				useVesc = true;
-			}
-			if(!useCamera &&
-					(p.getFirst() instanceof CameraYawAngle ||
-							p.getFirst() instanceof CameraDistanceLeft ||
-							p.getFirst() instanceof CameraDistanceRight || p.getFirst() instanceof CameraDetectionStateLeft) ||
-					p.getFirst() instanceof CameraDetectionStateRight) {
-				useCamera = true;
-			}
-		}
+		this.platformConnector2ExecutableBase.putAll(platformConnector2ExecutableBase);
 	/** Creates the main.c file for deployments with a single execution units. */
 	public AbstractUnit createSingleUnitMain() {
-		String includes = createIncludes(deployedComponents, deployedPorts);
-		String initCode = createInitCode(deployedComponents);
+		String includes = createIncludes();
+		String initCode = createInitCode();
 		String sensorVariables = createVariables(deployedComponents, deployedPorts);
 		String workerCode = createWorkerCode(deployedComponents, deployedPorts);
 		return getSingleUnitMainCFile(executionUnit.getName(), executionUnit.getCycleTime(),
@@ -181,47 +82,18 @@ class SingleUnitMainGenerator {
 	/** Creates the includes of the system headers. */
-	private String createIncludes(List<Pair<ExecutionUnit, Component>> deployedComponents,
-			List<Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port>> deployedPorts) {
+	private String createIncludes() {
+		// create includes for logical components
 		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
 		for(Pair<ExecutionUnit, Component> p : deployedComponents) {
 			Component c = p.getSecond();
 			sb.append("#include <" + c.getName() + "_ID_" + c.getId() + ".h>\n");
-		if(useCamera) {
-			sb.append("#include <camera_client.h>\n");
-		}
-		if(useGamepad) {
-			sb.append("#include <gamepad.h>\n");
-		}
-		if(useRumblepad) {
-			sb.append("#include <rumblepad.h>\n");
-		}
-		if(usePWM) {
-			sb.append("#include <temp_actuator.h>\n");
-		}
-		if(useUS || useLaser || useDigits || useACC || useLEDButton) {
-			sb.append("#include <ip_connection.h>\n");
-		}
-		if(useUS) {
-			sb.append("#include <bricklet_distance_us.h>\n");
-		}
-		if(useLaser) {
-			sb.append("#include <bricklet_laser_range_finder.h>\n");
-		}
-		if(useACC) {
-			sb.append("#include <brick_imu_v2.h>\n");
-		}
-		if(useDigits) {
-			sb.append("#include <bricklet_segment_display_4x7.h>\n");
-		}
-		if(useLEDButton) {
-			sb.append("#include <bricklet_rgb_led_button.h>\n");
-		}
-		if(useVesc) {
-			sb.append("#include <commands.h>\n");
-			sb.append("#include <hal.h>\n");
+		// create includes for platform header files
+		for(String header : headers) {
+			sb.append("#include <" + header + ">\n");
+		// create standard includes
 		sb.append("#include <stdio.h>\n");
 		return sb.toString();
@@ -230,27 +102,23 @@ class SingleUnitMainGenerator {
 	private String createWorkerCode(List<Pair<ExecutionUnit, Component>> deployedComponents,
 			List<Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port>> deployedPorts) {
 		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-		if(useUS || useLaser || useACC) {
-			// Get Current time for the sensors
-			sb.append("uint64_t curr_time = time_util_get_current_micros();\n");
-		}
+		// if(useUS || useLaser || useACC) {
+		// // Get Current time for the sensors
+		// sb.append("uint64_t curr_time = time_util_get_current_micros();\n");
+		// }
 		for(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p : deployedPorts) {
 			if(p.getFirst() instanceof Receiver && p.getSecond() instanceof InputPort) {
 				sb.append(createReadCode((Receiver)p.getFirst(), (InputPort)p.getSecond()));
 		for(Pair<ExecutionUnit, Component> p : deployedComponents) {
-			Component c = p.getSecond();
-			sb.append(makeCall("perform_step", c));
+			sb.append(makeCall("perform_step", p.getSecond()));
 		for(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p : deployedPorts) {
 			if(p.getFirst() instanceof Transmitter && p.getSecond() instanceof OutputPort) {
 				sb.append(createWriteCode((Transmitter)p.getFirst(), (OutputPort)p.getSecond()));
-		if(useRumble) {
-			sb.append(createRumbleCode());
-		}
 		return sb.toString();
@@ -258,140 +126,140 @@ class SingleUnitMainGenerator {
 	private String createVariables(List<Pair<ExecutionUnit, Component>> deployedComponents,
 			List<Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port>> deployedPorts) {
 		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-		if(usePWM) {
-			sb.append("int maestro_fd = -1;\n");
-		}
-		if(useDigits) {
-			sb.append("SegmentDisplay4x7 segment_display;\n");
-			sb.append("static void set_led_display (SegmentDisplay4x7 *segment_display, uint16_t value, bool showHex) {\n");
-			sb.append("static const uint8_t digits[] = {0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,\n");
-			sb.append("                                 0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,\n");
-			sb.append("                                 0x7f,0x6f,0x77,0x7c,\n");
-			sb.append("                                 0x39,0x5e,0x79,0x71};\n");
-			sb.append("if(showHex) {\n");
-			sb.append("uint8_t segments[4] = {digits[(value >> 12) & 0x0F], digits[(value >> 8) & 0x0F], digits[(value >> 4) & 0x0F], digits[value & 0x0F]};\n");
-			sb.append("segment_display_4x7_set_segments(segment_display, segments, 5, false);\n");
-			sb.append("} else {\n");
-			sb.append("uint8_t segments[4] = {digits[(value%10000)/1000], digits[(value%1000)/100], digits[(value%100)/10], digits[value%10]};\n");
-			sb.append("segment_display_4x7_set_segments(segment_display, segments, 5, false);\n");
-			sb.append("}\n");
-			sb.append("}\n\n");
-		}
-		if(useLEDButton) {
-			// for(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p : deployedPorts) {
-			for(String uid : ledButtons.keySet()) {
-				sb.append("RGBLEDButton rlb_" + uid + ";\n");
-			}
-			for(String[] arr : ledButtonsLocalVariable.values()) {
-				for(String var : arr) {
-					sb.append("uint8_t " + var + " = 0;\n");
-				}
-			}
-			// extractRGBforLEDButton(p);
-			// }
-		}
-		if(useUS) {
-			sb.append("uint16_t ultra_sonic_A;\n");
-			sb.append("uint64_t us_A_last_cb_time = 0;\n");
-			sb.append("char* uid_us_A = \"zpW\";\n");
-			sb.append("void us_A_callback(uint16_t distance, void *data) {\n");
-			sb.append("ultra_sonic_A = distance;\n");
-			sb.append("us_A_last_cb_time = time_util_get_current_micros();\n");
-			sb.append("}\n");
-			sb.append("uint16_t ultra_sonic_B;\n");
-			sb.append("uint64_t us_B_last_cb_time = 0;\n");
-			sb.append("char* uid_us_B = \"zqN\";\n");
-			sb.append("void us_B_callback(uint16_t distance, void *data) {\n");
-			sb.append("ultra_sonic_B = distance;\n");
-			sb.append("us_B_last_cb_time = time_util_get_current_micros();\n");
-			sb.append("}\n\n");
-		}
-		if(useLaser) {
-			sb.append("int16_t laser_distance;\n");
-			sb.append("uint64_t laser_last_cb_time = 0;\n");
-			sb.append("void laser_callback(uint16_t distance, void *data) {\n");
-			sb.append("laser_distance = distance;\n");
-			sb.append("laser_last_cb_time = time_util_get_current_micros();\n");
-			sb.append("}\n\n");
-		}
-		if(useACC) {
-			sb.append("float Q = 0.022;\n");
-			sb.append("float R = 0.917;\n");
-			sb.append("float estimates[9] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};\n");
-			sb.append("float last_p[9] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};\n");
-			sb.append("float kalman_filter(float value, int sensor) {\n");
-			sb.append("if(sensor < 0 || sensor > 5) return -1;\n");
-			sb.append("float temp_est = estimates[sensor];\n");
-			sb.append("float p_temp = last_p[sensor] + Q;\n");
-			sb.append("float K = p_temp * (1.0/(p_temp + R));\n");
-			sb.append("float est = temp_est + K * (value - temp_est);\n");
-			sb.append("float P = (1-K)*p_temp;\n");
-			sb.append("last_p[sensor] = P;\n");
-			sb.append("estimates[sensor] = est;\n");
-			sb.append("return est;\n");
-			sb.append("}\n\n");
-			sb.append("float acceleration_X, acceleration_Y, acceleration_Z;\n");
-			sb.append("uint64_t acc_last_cb_time = 0;\n");
-			sb.append("void acc_callback(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z, void* data) {\n");
-			sb.append("if (abs(x - acceleration_X) > 2 * 10 * 100 ||\n");
-			sb.append("abs(y - acceleration_Y) > 2 * 10 * 100 ||\n");
-			sb.append("abs(z - acceleration_Z) > 2 * 10 * 100)\n");
-			sb.append("    return;\n");
-			sb.append("acceleration_X = kalman_filter(x, 0) / 100.0;\n");
-			sb.append("acceleration_Y = kalman_filter(y, 1) / 100.0;\n");
-			sb.append("acceleration_Z = kalman_filter(z, 2) / 100.0;\n");
-			sb.append("acc_last_cb_time = time_util_get_current_micros();\n");
-			sb.append("}\n\n");
-			sb.append("float angularVelocity_X, angularVelocity_Y, angularVelocity_Z;\n");
-			sb.append("uint64_t angV_last_cb_time = 0;\n");
-			sb.append("void angV_callback(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z, void* data) {\n");
-			sb.append("angularVelocity_X = kalman_filter(x, 3) / 16;\n");
-			sb.append("angularVelocity_Y = kalman_filter(y, 4) / 16;\n");
-			sb.append("angularVelocity_Z = kalman_filter(z, 5) / 16;\n");
-			sb.append("angV_last_cb_time = time_util_get_current_micros();\n");
-			sb.append("}\n\n");
-		}
+		// if(usePWM) {
+		// sb.append("int maestro_fd = -1;\n");
+		// }
+		// if(useDigits) {
+		// sb.append("SegmentDisplay4x7 segment_display;\n");
+		// sb.append("static void set_led_display (SegmentDisplay4x7 *segment_display, uint16_t value, bool showHex) {\n");
+		// sb.append("static const uint8_t digits[] = {0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,\n");
+		// sb.append("                                 0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,\n");
+		// sb.append("                                 0x7f,0x6f,0x77,0x7c,\n");
+		// sb.append("                                 0x39,0x5e,0x79,0x71};\n");
+		// sb.append("if(showHex) {\n");
+		// sb.append("uint8_t segments[4] = {digits[(value >> 12) & 0x0F], digits[(value >> 8) & 0x0F], digits[(value >> 4) & 0x0F], digits[value & 0x0F]};\n");
+		// sb.append("segment_display_4x7_set_segments(segment_display, segments, 5, false);\n");
+		// sb.append("} else {\n");
+		// sb.append("uint8_t segments[4] = {digits[(value%10000)/1000], digits[(value%1000)/100], digits[(value%100)/10], digits[value%10]};\n");
+		// sb.append("segment_display_4x7_set_segments(segment_display, segments, 5, false);\n");
+		// sb.append("}\n");
+		// sb.append("}\n\n");
+		// }
+		// if(useLEDButton) {
+		// // for(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p : deployedPorts) {
+		// for(String uid : ledButtons.keySet()) {
+		// sb.append("RGBLEDButton rlb_" + uid + ";\n");
+		// }
+		// for(String[] arr : ledButtonsLocalVariable.values()) {
+		// for(String var : arr) {
+		// sb.append("uint8_t " + var + " = 0;\n");
+		// }
+		// }
+		// // extractRGBforLEDButton(p);
+		// // }
+		// }
+		// if(useUS) {
+		// sb.append("uint16_t ultra_sonic_A;\n");
+		// sb.append("uint64_t us_A_last_cb_time = 0;\n");
+		// sb.append("char* uid_us_A = \"zpW\";\n");
+		// sb.append("void us_A_callback(uint16_t distance, void *data) {\n");
+		// sb.append("ultra_sonic_A = distance;\n");
+		// sb.append("us_A_last_cb_time = time_util_get_current_micros();\n");
+		// sb.append("}\n");
+		// sb.append("uint16_t ultra_sonic_B;\n");
+		// sb.append("uint64_t us_B_last_cb_time = 0;\n");
+		// sb.append("char* uid_us_B = \"zqN\";\n");
+		// sb.append("void us_B_callback(uint16_t distance, void *data) {\n");
+		// sb.append("ultra_sonic_B = distance;\n");
+		// sb.append("us_B_last_cb_time = time_util_get_current_micros();\n");
+		// sb.append("}\n\n");
+		// }
+		// if(useLaser) {
+		// sb.append("int16_t laser_distance;\n");
+		// sb.append("uint64_t laser_last_cb_time = 0;\n");
+		// sb.append("void laser_callback(uint16_t distance, void *data) {\n");
+		// sb.append("laser_distance = distance;\n");
+		// sb.append("laser_last_cb_time = time_util_get_current_micros();\n");
+		// sb.append("}\n\n");
+		// }
+		// if(useACC) {
+		// sb.append("float Q = 0.022;\n");
+		// sb.append("float R = 0.917;\n");
+		// sb.append("float estimates[9] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};\n");
+		// sb.append("float last_p[9] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};\n");
+		// sb.append("float kalman_filter(float value, int sensor) {\n");
+		// sb.append("if(sensor < 0 || sensor > 5) return -1;\n");
+		// sb.append("float temp_est = estimates[sensor];\n");
+		// sb.append("float p_temp = last_p[sensor] + Q;\n");
+		// sb.append("float K = p_temp * (1.0/(p_temp + R));\n");
+		// sb.append("float est = temp_est + K * (value - temp_est);\n");
+		// sb.append("float P = (1-K)*p_temp;\n");
+		// sb.append("last_p[sensor] = P;\n");
+		// sb.append("estimates[sensor] = est;\n");
+		// sb.append("return est;\n");
+		// sb.append("}\n\n");
+		// sb.append("float acceleration_X, acceleration_Y, acceleration_Z;\n");
+		// sb.append("uint64_t acc_last_cb_time = 0;\n");
+		// sb.append("void acc_callback(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z, void* data) {\n");
+		// sb.append("if (abs(x - acceleration_X) > 2 * 10 * 100 ||\n");
+		// sb.append("abs(y - acceleration_Y) > 2 * 10 * 100 ||\n");
+		// sb.append("abs(z - acceleration_Z) > 2 * 10 * 100)\n");
+		// sb.append("    return;\n");
+		// sb.append("acceleration_X = kalman_filter(x, 0) / 100.0;\n");
+		// sb.append("acceleration_Y = kalman_filter(y, 1) / 100.0;\n");
+		// sb.append("acceleration_Z = kalman_filter(z, 2) / 100.0;\n");
+		// sb.append("acc_last_cb_time = time_util_get_current_micros();\n");
+		// sb.append("}\n\n");
+		// sb.append("float angularVelocity_X, angularVelocity_Y, angularVelocity_Z;\n");
+		// sb.append("uint64_t angV_last_cb_time = 0;\n");
+		// sb.append("void angV_callback(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z, void* data) {\n");
+		// sb.append("angularVelocity_X = kalman_filter(x, 3) / 16;\n");
+		// sb.append("angularVelocity_Y = kalman_filter(y, 4) / 16;\n");
+		// sb.append("angularVelocity_Z = kalman_filter(z, 5) / 16;\n");
+		// sb.append("angV_last_cb_time = time_util_get_current_micros();\n");
+		// sb.append("}\n\n");
+		// }
 		return sb.toString();
 	 * @param p
-	private void extractRGBforLEDButton(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p) {
-		final String UNKNOWN = "unknown";
-		String uid = UNKNOWN;
-		int rgb = -1;
-		if(p.getFirst() instanceof LEDButtonRActuator) {
-			LEDButtonRActuator sensor = (LEDButtonRActuator)p.getFirst();
-			uid = sensor.getUniqueBrickletID();
-			rgb = 0;
-		}
-		if(p.getFirst() instanceof LEDButtonGActuator) {
-			LEDButtonGActuator sensor = (LEDButtonGActuator)p.getFirst();
-			uid = sensor.getUniqueBrickletID();
-			rgb = 1;
-		}
-		if(p.getFirst() instanceof LEDButtonBActuator) {
-			LEDButtonBActuator sensor = (LEDButtonBActuator)p.getFirst();
-			uid = sensor.getUniqueBrickletID();
-			rgb = 2;
-		}
-		if(!uid.equals(UNKNOWN) && !ledButtons.containsKey(uid)) {
-			String[] rgbArray = new String[3];
-			rgbArray[rgb] = portName(p.getSecond());
-			ledButtons.put(uid, rgbArray);
-			String[] localVar = new String[3];
-			localVar[rgb] =
-					"rgbButton_" + uid + "_lastValue_" + (rgb == 0 ? "r" : rgb == 1 ? "g" : "b");
-			ledButtonsLocalVariable.put(uid, localVar);
-		} else if(ledButtons.containsKey(uid)) {
-			String[] rgbArray = ledButtons.get(uid);
-			rgbArray[rgb] = portName(p.getSecond());
-			String[] localVar = ledButtonsLocalVariable.get(uid);
-			localVar[rgb] =
-					"rgbButton_" + uid + "_lastValue_" + (rgb == 0 ? "r" : rgb == 1 ? "g" : "b");
-		}
-	}
+	// private void extractRGBforLEDButton(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p) {
+	// final String UNKNOWN = "unknown";
+	// String uid = UNKNOWN;
+	// int rgb = -1;
+	// if(p.getFirst() instanceof LEDButtonRActuator) {
+	// LEDButtonRActuator sensor = (LEDButtonRActuator)p.getFirst();
+	// uid = sensor.getUniqueBrickletID();
+	// rgb = 0;
+	// }
+	// if(p.getFirst() instanceof LEDButtonGActuator) {
+	// LEDButtonGActuator sensor = (LEDButtonGActuator)p.getFirst();
+	// uid = sensor.getUniqueBrickletID();
+	// rgb = 1;
+	// }
+	// if(p.getFirst() instanceof LEDButtonBActuator) {
+	// LEDButtonBActuator sensor = (LEDButtonBActuator)p.getFirst();
+	// uid = sensor.getUniqueBrickletID();
+	// rgb = 2;
+	// }
+	// if(!uid.equals(UNKNOWN) && !ledButtons.containsKey(uid)) {
+	// String[] rgbArray = new String[3];
+	// rgbArray[rgb] = portName(p.getSecond());
+	// ledButtons.put(uid, rgbArray);
+	// String[] localVar = new String[3];
+	// localVar[rgb] =
+	// "rgbButton_" + uid + "_lastValue_" + (rgb == 0 ? "r" : rgb == 1 ? "g" : "b");
+	// ledButtonsLocalVariable.put(uid, localVar);
+	// } else if(ledButtons.containsKey(uid)) {
+	// String[] rgbArray = ledButtons.get(uid);
+	// rgbArray[rgb] = portName(p.getSecond());
+	// String[] localVar = ledButtonsLocalVariable.get(uid);
+	// localVar[rgb] =
+	// "rgbButton_" + uid + "_lastValue_" + (rgb == 0 ? "r" : rgb == 1 ? "g" : "b");
+	// }
+	// }
 	/** Returns the port and ID identifier. */
 	private String portName(Port port) {
@@ -400,485 +268,185 @@ class SingleUnitMainGenerator {
 	/** Creates the read code for the given receiver and port. */
 	private String createWriteCode(Transmitter transmitter, OutputPort outport) {
-		if(transmitter instanceof ActuatorPWM) {
-			ActuatorPWM act = (ActuatorPWM)transmitter;
-			String result = "if(!noval_" + portName(outport) + ") {\n";
-			if(act.getChannelID() == 0) {
-				result +=
-						"temp_actuator_device_set_target(maestro_fd, 0, (uint16_t)" +
-								portName(outport) + ");\n";
-			} else {
-				result +=
-						"temp_actuator_device_set_target(maestro_fd, 1, (uint16_t)" +
-								portName(outport) + ");\n";
-			}
-			result += "}\n";
-			return result;
-		}
-		if(transmitter instanceof ActuatorDigits) {
-			ActuatorDigits digits = (ActuatorDigits)transmitter;
-			String result = "if(!noval_" + portName(outport) + ") {\n";
-			result +=
-					"set_led_display(&segment_display, (uint16_t)" + portName(outport) + ", " +
-							digits.isShowHexValue() + ");\n";
-			result += "}\n";
-			return result;
-		}
-		if(transmitter instanceof LEDButtonRActuator) {
-			// TODO(JE): if a red actuator port is found the previously saved rgb values are used.
-			LEDButtonRActuator digits = (LEDButtonRActuator)transmitter;
-			String uniqueBrickletID = digits.getUniqueBrickletID();
-			String[] rgb = ledButtons.get(uniqueBrickletID);
-			String[] localRgbValue = ledButtonsLocalVariable.get(uniqueBrickletID);
-			String result =
-					"if(!noval_" + portName(outport) + " && (" + rgb[0] + " != " +
-							localRgbValue[0] + " || " + rgb[1] + " != " + localRgbValue[1] +
-							" || " + rgb[2] + " != " + localRgbValue[2] + ")) {\n";
-			result +=
-					"rgb_led_button_set_color(&rlb_" + uniqueBrickletID + ", " + rgb[0] + ", " +
-							rgb[1] + ", " + rgb[2] + " );\n";
-			result += localRgbValue[0] + " = " + rgb[0] + ";\n";
-			result += localRgbValue[1] + " = " + rgb[1] + ";\n";
-			result += localRgbValue[2] + " = " + rgb[2] + ";\n";
-			result += "}\n";
-			return result;
-		}
-		if(transmitter instanceof ConsoleOutput) {
-			String result = "\tif(!noval_" + portName(outport) + ") {\n";
-			result +=
-					"\t\tprintf(\"" + outport.getName() + " = %i\\n\", " + portName(outport) +
-							");\n";
-			result += "\t} else {\n";
-			result += "\t\tprintf(\"" + outport.getName() + " = NoVal\\n\");\n";
-			result += "\t}\n";
-			return result;
-		}
-		if(transmitter instanceof RumbleMagnitudeWeak) {
-			useRumble = true;
-			rumbleWeakPort = outport;
-		}
-		if(transmitter instanceof RumbleMagnitudeStrong) {
-			useRumble = true;
-			rumbleStrongPort = outport;
-		}
-		if(transmitter instanceof MotorControlOutput) {
-			String result = "if(!noval_" + portName(outport) + ") {\n";
-			result += "setVelocity(" + portName(outport) + ");\n";
-			result += "}\n";
-			return result;
-		}
-		return "";
-	}
-	/** Creates Code for Rumble */
-	private String createRumbleCode() {
-		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-		sb.append("rumblepad_set_rumble(");
-		if(rumbleStrongPort != null) {
-			sb.append("!noval_" + portName(rumbleStrongPort) + " ? " + portName(rumbleStrongPort) +
-					" : 0, ");
-		} else {
-			sb.append("0, ");
-		}
-		if(rumbleWeakPort != null) {
-			sb.append("!noval_" + portName(rumbleWeakPort) + " ? " + portName(rumbleWeakPort) +
-					" : 0, ");
-		} else {
-			sb.append("0, ");
-		}
-		sb.append("cycle_time * 0.9, 0);\n");
-		return sb.toString();
+		ExecutableBase<?> exec = platformConnector2ExecutableBase.get(transmitter);
+		if(exec instanceof IWriteableExecutable) {
+			IWriteableExecutable wexec = (IWriteableExecutable)exec;
+			// TODO: NoVal support
+			return wexec.getWriteCode(getPrefix(transmitter), outport, portName(outport));
+		}
+		return "FIXME(\"No executable available to write " + outport.getName() + " to " +
+				transmitter.getName() + "\");\n";
 	/** Creates the read code for the given receiver and port. */
 	private String createReadCode(Receiver receiver, InputPort inport) {
-		if(receiver instanceof CameraDistanceLeft) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport)).append(" = camera_client_get_distance_left();\n");
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof CameraDistanceRight) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport)).append(" = camera_client_get_distance_right();\n");
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof CameraDetectionStateLeft) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport)).append(" = camera_client_get_detection_state_left();\n");
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof CameraDetectionStateRight) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport)).append(" = camera_client_get_detection_state_right();\n");
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof CameraYawAngle) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport)).append(" = camera_client_get_yaw_angle();\n");
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof UltraSonicSensor) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			UltraSonicSensor sensor = (UltraSonicSensor)receiver;
-			if(nrOfUsSensors == 0) {
-				sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = true;\n");
-				sb.append("if (!strcmp(\"" + sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\", uid_us_A)) {\n");
-				sb.append("float diff_A = (curr_time - us_A_last_cb_time) / (1.0 * SECONDS_IN_MICROS);\n");
-				sb.append("if (diff_A < 1.0) {\n");
-				sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-				sb.append(portName(inport) + " = ultra_sonic_A;\n}\n");
-				sb.append("}\n");
-			} else if(nrOfUsSensors == 1) {
-				sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = true;\n");
-				sb.append("if (!strcmp(\"" + sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\", uid_us_B)){\n");
-				sb.append("float diff_B = (curr_time - us_B_last_cb_time) / (1.0 * SECONDS_IN_MICROS);\n");
-				sb.append("if (diff_B < 1.0) {\n");
-				sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-				sb.append(portName(inport) + " = ultra_sonic_B;\n}\n");
-				sb.append("}\n");
-			}
-			nrOfUsSensors++;
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof LaserRangeSensor) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			sb.append("float diff_laser = (curr_time - laser_last_cb_time) / (1.0 * SECONDS_IN_MICROS);\n");
-			sb.append("if (diff_laser < 1.0) {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-			sb.append("if(laser_distance == 1){\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport) + " = 4000;\n");
-			sb.append("} else {\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport) + " = laser_distance;\n");
-			sb.append("}\n");
-			sb.append("} else {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = true;\n");
-			sb.append("}\n");
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof AccelerationXSensor) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			sb.append("float diff_accX = (curr_time - acc_last_cb_time) / (1.0 * SECONDS_IN_MICROS);\n");
-			sb.append("if (diff_accX < 1.0) {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport) + " = acceleration_X;\n");
-			sb.append("} else {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = true;\n");
-			sb.append("}\n");
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof AccelerationYSensor) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			sb.append("float diff_accY = (curr_time - acc_last_cb_time) / (1.0 * SECONDS_IN_MICROS);\n");
-			sb.append("if (diff_accY < 1.0) {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport) + " = acceleration_Y;\n");
-			sb.append("} else {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = true;\n");
-			sb.append("}\n");
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof AccelerationZSensor) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			sb.append("float diff_accZ = (curr_time - acc_last_cb_time) / (1.0 * SECONDS_IN_MICROS);\n");
-			sb.append("if (diff_accZ < 1.0) {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport) + " = acceleration_Z;\n");
-			sb.append("} else {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = true;\n");
-			sb.append("}\n");
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof AngularVelocityXSensor) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			sb.append("float diff_angV_X = (curr_time - angV_last_cb_time) / (1.0 * SECONDS_IN_MICROS);\n");
-			sb.append("if (diff_angV_X < 1.0) {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport) + " = angularVelocity_X;\n");
-			sb.append("} else {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = true;\n");
-			sb.append("}\n");
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof AngularVelocityYSensor) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			sb.append("float diff_angV_Y = (curr_time - angV_last_cb_time) / (1.0 * SECONDS_IN_MICROS);\n");
-			sb.append("if (diff_angV_Y < 1.0) {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport) + " = angularVelocity_Y;\n");
-			sb.append("} else {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = true;\n");
-			sb.append("}\n");
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof AngularVelocityZSensor) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			sb.append("float diff_angV_Z = (curr_time - angV_last_cb_time) / (1.0 * SECONDS_IN_MICROS);\n");
-			sb.append("if (diff_angV_Z < 1.0) {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport) + " = angularVelocity_Z;\n");
-			sb.append("} else {\n");
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = true;\n");
-			sb.append("}\n");
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof MotorControlInput) {
-			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-			sb.append("noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n");
-			sb.append(portName(inport) + " = getVelocity();\n");
-			return sb.toString();
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof Button1) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("gamepad_get_button_state", "GAMEPAD_BUTTON_1", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof Button2) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("gamepad_get_button_state", "GAMEPAD_BUTTON_2", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof Button3) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("gamepad_get_button_state", "GAMEPAD_BUTTON_3", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof Button4) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("gamepad_get_button_state", "GAMEPAD_BUTTON_4", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.ButtonL1) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("gamepad_get_button_state", "GAMEPAD_BUTTON_L1", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof ButtonL2) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("gamepad_get_button_state", "GAMEPAD_BUTTON_L2", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.ButtonR1) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("gamepad_get_button_state", "GAMEPAD_BUTTON_R1", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof ButtonR2) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("gamepad_get_button_state", "GAMEPAD_BUTTON_R2", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.Right_StickX_Position) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("gamepad_get_axis_position",
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.Right_StickY_Position) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("gamepad_get_axis_position",
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.Left_StickX_Position) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("gamepad_get_axis_position",
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.Left_StickY_Position) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("gamepad_get_axis_position", "GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_STICK_VERTICAL",
-					inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof ButtonA) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_BUTTON_A", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof ButtonB) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_BUTTON_B", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof ButtonX) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_BUTTON_X", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof ButtonY) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_BUTTON_Y", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof ButtonStart) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_BUTTON_START", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof ButtonSelect) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_BUTTON_SELECT", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof ButtonHome) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_BUTTON_MODE", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.ButtonL1) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_BUTTON_L1", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.ButtonR1) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_BUTTON_R1", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.ButtonL3) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_BUTTON_L3", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.ButtonR3) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_BUTTON_R3", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof L2_Position) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_axis_position", "RUMBLEPAD_AXIS_L2", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof R2_Position) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_axis_position", "RUMBLEPAD_AXIS_R2", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof DPadDown) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_DPAD_DOWN", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof DPadUp) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_DPAD_UP", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof DPadLeft) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_DPAD_LEFT", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof DPadRight) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_button_state", "RUMBLEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT", inport);
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.Left_StickX_Position) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_axis_position",
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.Left_StickY_Position) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_axis_position",
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.Right_StickX_Position) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_axis_position",
-		}
-		if(receiver instanceof org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.Right_StickY_Position) {
-			return gamepadReadCode("rumblepad_get_axis_position",
-		}
-		return "";
-	}
-	/** Creates read code for gamepad state. */
-	private String gamepadReadCode(String gamepadFun, String btnId, InputPort inport) {
-		String noval = "noval_" + portName(inport) + " = false;\n";
-		String setBtn = portName(inport) + " = " + gamepadFun + "(" + btnId + ");\n";
-		return noval + setBtn;
+		ExecutableBase<?> exec = platformConnector2ExecutableBase.get(receiver);
+		if(exec instanceof IReadableExecutable) {
+			IReadableExecutable rexec = (IReadableExecutable)exec;
+			// TODO: NoVal support
+			return rexec.getReadCode(getPrefix(receiver), inport);
+		}
+		return "FIXME\"No executable available to read " + inport.getName() + " from " +
+				receiver.getName() + "\");\n";
 	/** Create the initialize code. */
-	private String createInitCode(List<Pair<ExecutionUnit, Component>> deployedComponents) {
-		int createdUsSensors = 0;
+	private String createInitCode() {
 		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-		if(useCamera) {
-			String addr = executionUnit.getCameraServerAddress();
-			String port = executionUnit.getCameraServerPort();
-			sb.append("camera_client_initialize(\"" + addr + "\", \"" + port + "\");\n");
-		}
-		if(useUS || useLaser || useDigits || useACC) {
-			sb.append("IPConnection brick_connection;\n");
-			sb.append("ipcon_create(&brick_connection);\n");
-			sb.append("if(ipcon_connect(&brick_connection, BRICK_HOST, BRICK_PORT) < 0) {\n");
-			sb.append("perror(\"Failed to connect to brick sub-system.\");\n");
-			sb.append("return 1;\n");
-			sb.append("}\n\n");
-		}
-		if(useUS) {
-			System.out.println("useUs");
-			for(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p : deployedPorts) {
-				if(createdUsSensors >= 2)
-					break;
-				if(p.getFirst() instanceof UltraSonicSensor) {
-					UltraSonicSensor sensor = (UltraSonicSensor)p.getFirst();
-					if(createdUsSensors == 0) {
-						sb.append("DistanceUS DistanceUS_A;\n");
-						sb.append("uid_us_A = \"" + sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\";\n");
-						sb.append("distance_us_create(&DistanceUS_A, \"" +
-								sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\", &brick_connection);\n");
-						sb.append("distance_us_register_callback(&DistanceUS_A, DISTANCE_US_CALLBACK_DISTANCE, (void*)us_A_callback, NULL);\n");
-						sb.append("distance_us_set_distance_callback_period(&DistanceUS_A, 10);\n");
-					} else if(createdUsSensors == 1) {
-						sb.append("DistanceUS DistanceUS_B;\n");
-						sb.append("uid_us_B = \"" + sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\";\n");
-						sb.append("distance_us_create(&DistanceUS_B, \"" +
-								sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\", &brick_connection);\n");
-						sb.append("distance_us_register_callback(&DistanceUS_B, DISTANCE_US_CALLBACK_DISTANCE, (void*)us_B_callback, NULL);\n");
-						sb.append("distance_us_set_distance_callback_period(&DistanceUS_B, 10);\n");
-					}
-					createdUsSensors++;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if(useLaser) {
-			for(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p : deployedPorts) {
-				if(p.getFirst() instanceof LaserRangeSensor) {
-					LaserRangeSensor sensor = (LaserRangeSensor)p.getFirst();
-					sb.append("LaserRangeFinder laser;\n");
-					sb.append("laser_range_finder_create(&laser, \"" +
-							sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\", &brick_connection);\n");
-					sb.append("laser_range_finder_enable_laser(&laser);\n");
-					sb.append("laser_range_finder_register_callback(&laser, LASER_RANGE_FINDER_CALLBACK_DISTANCE, (void*)laser_callback, NULL);\n");
-					sb.append("laser_range_finder_set_distance_callback_period(&laser, 10);\n");
-					break;
+		Set<String> singletonInitDone = new HashSet<>();
+		for(PlatformConnectorUnit pcu : platformConnector2ExecutableBase.keySet()) {
+			ExecutableBase<?> exec = platformConnector2ExecutableBase.get(pcu);
+			if(exec instanceof ISingletonInitializationExecutable) {
+				ISingletonInitializationExecutable singletonExec =
+						(ISingletonInitializationExecutable)exec;
+				String ident = singletonExec.getSingletonInitializationIdentifier();
+				if(!singletonInitDone.contains(ident)) {
+					singletonInitDone.add(ident);
+					sb.append(singletonExec.getSingletonInitializationCode());
-		}
-		if(useDigits) {
-			for(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p : deployedPorts) {
-				if(p.getFirst() instanceof ActuatorDigits) {
-					ActuatorDigits sensor = (ActuatorDigits)p.getFirst();
-					sb.append("segment_display_4x7_create(&segment_display, \"" +
-							sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\", &brick_connection);\n");
-					break;
-				}
+			if(exec instanceof IInitializationExecutable) {
+				IInitializationExecutable initExec = (IInitializationExecutable)exec;
+				String prefix = getPrefix(pcu);
+				sb.append(initExec.getInitializationCode(prefix));
-		if(useLEDButton) {
-			for(String uid : ledButtons.keySet()) {
-				sb.append("rgb_led_button_create(&rlb_" + uid + ", \"" + uid +
-						"\", &brick_connection);\n");
-			}
-			// break; TODO(JE): those break statements only allow one element of each type!
-		}
-		if(useACC) {
-			sb.append("IMUV2 imu;\n");
-			for(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p : deployedPorts) {
-				if(p.getFirst() instanceof AccelerationXSensor ||
-						p.getFirst() instanceof AccelerationYSensor ||
-						p.getFirst() instanceof AccelerationZSensor ||
-						p.getFirst() instanceof AngularVelocityXSensor ||
-						p.getFirst() instanceof AngularVelocityYSensor ||
-						p.getFirst() instanceof AngularVelocityZSensor) {
-					UIDUnit sensor = (UIDUnit)p.getFirst();
-					sb.append("imu_v2_create(&imu, \"" + sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() +
-							"\", &brick_connection);\n");
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			sb.append("imu_v2_register_callback(&imu, IMU_V2_CALLBACK_LINEAR_ACCELERATION, (void*)acc_callback, NULL);\n");
-			sb.append("imu_v2_set_linear_acceleration_period(&imu, 5);\n");
-			sb.append("imu_v2_register_callback(&imu, IMU_V2_CALLBACK_ANGULAR_VELOCITY, (void*)angV_callback, NULL);\n");
-			sb.append("imu_v2_set_angular_velocity_period(&imu, 5);\n");
-		}
-		if(usePWM) {
-			sb.append("maestro_fd = temp_actuator_initialize(\"/dev/Maestro0\");\n");
-		}
-		if(useGamepad) {
-			sb.append("gamepad_configuration_t* gamepad_config = malloc(sizeof(gamepad_configuration_t));\n");
-			sb.append("gamepad_config->device_id = \"/dev/input/js0\";\n");
-			sb.append("gamepad_config->waiting_sleep_in_micros = " + WAITING_SLEEP_IN_MICROS +
-					";\n");
-			sb.append("gamepad_config->axis_callback = NULL;\n");
-			sb.append("gamepad_config->button_callback = NULL;\n");
-			sb.append("gamepad_initialize(gamepad_config);\n\n");
-		}
-		if(useRumblepad) {
-			sb.append("while(access(\"/dev/input/event0\", F_OK) == -1) {\n");
-			sb.append("sleep(1);\n");
-			sb.append("printf(\"Could not access gamepad device. Trying again in 1s.\\n\");\n");
-			sb.append("}\n");
-			sb.append("rumblepad_configuration_t* rumblepad_config = malloc(sizeof(rumblepad_configuration_t));\n");
-			sb.append("rumblepad_config->device_id = \"/dev/input/event0\";\n");
-			sb.append("rumblepad_config->waiting_sleep_in_micros = " + WAITING_SLEEP_IN_MICROS +
-					";\n");
-			sb.append("rumblepad_config->axis_callback = NULL;\n");
-			sb.append("rumblepad_config->button_callback = NULL;\n");
-			sb.append("rumblepad_initialize(rumblepad_config);\n\n");
-		}
-		if(useVesc) {
-			sb.append("initUSB(\"/dev/vesc\", B115200);\n");
-		}
-		for(Pair<ExecutionUnit, Component> p : deployedComponents) {
-			Component c = p.getSecond();
-			sb.append(makeCall("init", c));
-		}
 		return sb.toString();
+	/** Returns a unique prefix for this {@link PlatformConnectorUnit}. */
+	private String getPrefix(PlatformConnectorUnit pcu) {
+		return pcu.getName().replace(' ', '_') + pcu.getId() + '_';
+	}
+	private void temp() {
+		// int createdUsSensors = 0;
+		// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+		// if(useCamera) {
+		// String addr = executionUnit.getCameraServerAddress();
+		// String port = executionUnit.getCameraServerPort();
+		// sb.append("camera_client_initialize(\"" + addr + "\", \"" + port + "\");\n");
+		// }
+		// if(useUS || useLaser || useDigits || useACC) {
+		// sb.append("IPConnection brick_connection;\n");
+		// sb.append("ipcon_create(&brick_connection);\n");
+		// sb.append("if(ipcon_connect(&brick_connection, BRICK_HOST, BRICK_PORT) < 0) {\n");
+		// sb.append("perror(\"Failed to connect to brick sub-system.\");\n");
+		// sb.append("return 1;\n");
+		// sb.append("}\n\n");
+		// }
+		// if(useUS) {
+		// System.out.println("useUs");
+		// for(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p : deployedPorts) {
+		// if(createdUsSensors >= 2)
+		// break;
+		// if(p.getFirst() instanceof UltraSonicSensor) {
+		// UltraSonicSensor sensor = (UltraSonicSensor)p.getFirst();
+		// if(createdUsSensors == 0) {
+		// sb.append("DistanceUS DistanceUS_A;\n");
+		// sb.append("uid_us_A = \"" + sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\";\n");
+		// sb.append("distance_us_create(&DistanceUS_A, \"" +
+		// sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\", &brick_connection);\n");
+		// sb.append("distance_us_register_callback(&DistanceUS_A, DISTANCE_US_CALLBACK_DISTANCE, (void*)us_A_callback, NULL);\n");
+		// sb.append("distance_us_set_distance_callback_period(&DistanceUS_A, 10);\n");
+		// } else if(createdUsSensors == 1) {
+		// sb.append("DistanceUS DistanceUS_B;\n");
+		// sb.append("uid_us_B = \"" + sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\";\n");
+		// sb.append("distance_us_create(&DistanceUS_B, \"" +
+		// sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\", &brick_connection);\n");
+		// sb.append("distance_us_register_callback(&DistanceUS_B, DISTANCE_US_CALLBACK_DISTANCE, (void*)us_B_callback, NULL);\n");
+		// sb.append("distance_us_set_distance_callback_period(&DistanceUS_B, 10);\n");
+		// }
+		// createdUsSensors++;
+		// }
+		// }
+		// }
+		// if(useLaser) {
+		// for(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p : deployedPorts) {
+		// if(p.getFirst() instanceof LaserRangeSensor) {
+		// LaserRangeSensor sensor = (LaserRangeSensor)p.getFirst();
+		// sb.append("LaserRangeFinder laser;\n");
+		// sb.append("laser_range_finder_create(&laser, \"" +
+		// sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\", &brick_connection);\n");
+		// sb.append("laser_range_finder_enable_laser(&laser);\n");
+		// sb.append("laser_range_finder_register_callback(&laser, LASER_RANGE_FINDER_CALLBACK_DISTANCE, (void*)laser_callback, NULL);\n");
+		// sb.append("laser_range_finder_set_distance_callback_period(&laser, 10);\n");
+		// break;
+		// }
+		// }
+		// }
+		// if(useDigits) {
+		// for(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p : deployedPorts) {
+		// if(p.getFirst() instanceof ActuatorDigits) {
+		// ActuatorDigits sensor = (ActuatorDigits)p.getFirst();
+		// sb.append("segment_display_4x7_create(&segment_display, \"" +
+		// sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() + "\", &brick_connection);\n");
+		// break;
+		// }
+		// }
+		// }
+		// if(useLEDButton) {
+		// for(String uid : ledButtons.keySet()) {
+		// sb.append("rgb_led_button_create(&rlb_" + uid + ", \"" + uid +
+		// "\", &brick_connection);\n");
+		// }
+		// // break; TODO(JE): those break statements only allow one element of each type!
+		// }
+		// if(useACC) {
+		// sb.append("IMUV2 imu;\n");
+		// for(Pair<PlatformConnectorUnit, Port> p : deployedPorts) {
+		// if(p.getFirst() instanceof AccelerationXSensor ||
+		// p.getFirst() instanceof AccelerationYSensor ||
+		// p.getFirst() instanceof AccelerationZSensor ||
+		// p.getFirst() instanceof AngularVelocityXSensor ||
+		// p.getFirst() instanceof AngularVelocityYSensor ||
+		// p.getFirst() instanceof AngularVelocityZSensor) {
+		// UIDUnit sensor = (UIDUnit)p.getFirst();
+		// sb.append("imu_v2_create(&imu, \"" + sensor.getUniqueBrickletID() +
+		// "\", &brick_connection);\n");
+		// break;
+		// }
+		// }
+		// sb.append("imu_v2_register_callback(&imu, IMU_V2_CALLBACK_LINEAR_ACCELERATION, (void*)acc_callback, NULL);\n");
+		// sb.append("imu_v2_set_linear_acceleration_period(&imu, 5);\n");
+		// sb.append("imu_v2_register_callback(&imu, IMU_V2_CALLBACK_ANGULAR_VELOCITY, (void*)angV_callback, NULL);\n");
+		// sb.append("imu_v2_set_angular_velocity_period(&imu, 5);\n");
+		// }
+		// if(usePWM) {
+		// sb.append("maestro_fd = temp_actuator_initialize(\"/dev/Maestro0\");\n");
+		// }
+		// if(useGamepad) {
+		// sb.append("gamepad_configuration_t* gamepad_config = malloc(sizeof(gamepad_configuration_t));\n");
+		// sb.append("gamepad_config->device_id = \"/dev/input/js0\";\n");
+		// sb.append("gamepad_config->waiting_sleep_in_micros = " + WAITING_SLEEP_IN_MICROS +
+		// ";\n");
+		// sb.append("gamepad_config->axis_callback = NULL;\n");
+		// sb.append("gamepad_config->button_callback = NULL;\n");
+		// sb.append("gamepad_initialize(gamepad_config);\n\n");
+		// }
+		// if(useRumblepad) {
+		// sb.append("while(access(\"/dev/input/event0\", F_OK) == -1) {\n");
+		// sb.append("sleep(1);\n");
+		// sb.append("printf(\"Could not access gamepad device. Trying again in 1s.\\n\");\n");
+		// sb.append("}\n");
+		// sb.append("rumblepad_configuration_t* rumblepad_config = malloc(sizeof(rumblepad_configuration_t));\n");
+		// sb.append("rumblepad_config->device_id = \"/dev/input/event0\";\n");
+		// sb.append("rumblepad_config->waiting_sleep_in_micros = " + WAITING_SLEEP_IN_MICROS +
+		// ";\n");
+		// sb.append("rumblepad_config->axis_callback = NULL;\n");
+		// sb.append("rumblepad_config->button_callback = NULL;\n");
+		// sb.append("rumblepad_initialize(rumblepad_config);\n\n");
+		// }
+		// if(useVesc) {
+		// sb.append("initUSB(\"/dev/vesc\", B115200);\n");
+		// }
+		// for(Pair<ExecutionUnit, Component> p : deployedComponents) {
+		// Component c = p.getSecond();
+		// sb.append(makeCall("init", c));
+		// }
+		// return sb.toString();
+	}
 	/** Creates the function call code. */
 	private String makeCall(String function, Component c) {
 		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/.ratings b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/.ratings
index 9e391e52..e883d333 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/.ratings
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/.ratings
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@ 1633bcca794b274fe27bb009ff18f7a7acecd79e YELLOW f14b5714e7b982e097f6ac6e95eb91223a30d048 YELLOW cf3548f22185e666fdcf6d4658b783734c0e5e8e YELLOW 79646213964346ace17013f5c8df5de13dafb1f0 YELLOW 64e05ca55f07855b4b241ee48810fbe3e9d6ad22 YELLOW 14fdbe86fd5a31f1fe073da4c77f4ea1675e293e YELLOW f654ebf031b805e10ef6e0f0fbf3df179b20e20e YELLOW 61a81fcc3be00df33cf96e764d03686a423abcd9 YELLOW 9bbb6b6644f69e3b3ba9255862b89d79bcc00c2c YELLOW
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1633bcca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+| Copyright 2018 fortiss GmbH                                              |
+|                                                                          |
+| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");          |
+| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.         |
+| You may obtain a copy of the License at                                  |
+|                                                                          |
+|                            |
+|                                                                          |
+| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software      |
+| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,        |
+| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
+| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and      |
+| limitations under the License.                                           |
+package org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.language.executable.ExecutableBase;
+ * Interface for {@link ExecutableBase}s, which require initialization including static variables in
+ * the main program (e.g. a Unix file descriptor).
+ * 
+ * @author hoelzl
+ */
+public interface IInitializationExecutable {
+	/**
+	 * Returns the variable declarations needed by this executable. The prefix is given by the code
+	 * generator to ensure uniqueness of variables for platform elements of the same type.
+	 */
+	String getVariableDeclaration(String prefix);
+	/** Returns the initialization code. */
+	String getInitializationCode(String prefix);
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14fdbe86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+| Copyright 2018 fortiss GmbH                                              |
+|                                                                          |
+| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");          |
+| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.         |
+| You may obtain a copy of the License at                                  |
+|                                                                          |
+|                            |
+|                                                                          |
+| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software      |
+| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,        |
+| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
+| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and      |
+| limitations under the License.                                           |
+package org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework;
+import org.fortiss.af3.component.model.InputPort;
+ * Executable for platform elements that can be written (e.g. actuators and busses).
+ * 
+ * @author hoelzl
+ */
+public interface IReadableExecutable {
+	/** Returns the read code for the given port. */
+	String getReadCode(String prefix, InputPort logicalSignal);
+	/**
+	 * Returns the read code to determine whether the value of the platform element is NoVal. May
+	 * return {@code null}, to indicate that NoVal is not supported.
+	 */
+	String getNoValReadCode(String prefix, InputPort logicalSignal);
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
similarity index 78%
rename from org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
rename to org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
index 64e05ca5..f654ebf0 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
@@ -15,17 +15,22 @@
 package org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.language.executable.IInitializableExecutable;
  * Interface implemented by platform-specific executables, which need
- * initialization during system start-up. In contrast to {@link IInitializableExecutable},
+ * initialization during system start-up. In contrast to {@link IInitializationExecutable},
  * if there are more than one actuator or sensor with the singleton identifier, the
- * initialization is only included once in the generated code.
+ * common initialization code is only included once in the generated code and it is included before
+ * all other initialization code.
  * @author hoelzl
-public interface ISingletonInitializableExecutable extends IInitializableExecutable {
+public interface ISingletonInitializationExecutable {
 	/** Returns the singleton identifier. */
 	String getSingletonInitializationIdentifier();
+	/** Returns the code to initialize local variables used by the initialization code. */
+	String getSingletonVariableDeclarationCode();
+	/** Returns the common initialization code. */
+	String getSingletonInitializationCode();
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61a81fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+| Copyright 2018 fortiss GmbH                                              |
+|                                                                          |
+| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");          |
+| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.         |
+| You may obtain a copy of the License at                                  |
+|                                                                          |
+|                            |
+|                                                                          |
+| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software      |
+| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,        |
+| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
+| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and      |
+| limitations under the License.                                           |
+package org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.language.executable.ExecutableBase;
+ * Interface for {@link ExecutableBase}s, which require to be terminated during program shutdown.
+ * 
+ * @author hoelzl
+ */
+public interface ITerminationExecutable {
+	/** Returns an termination code. */
+	String getTerminationCode(String prefix);
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bbb6b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/framework/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+| Copyright 2018 fortiss GmbH                                              |
+|                                                                          |
+| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");          |
+| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.         |
+| You may obtain a copy of the License at                                  |
+|                                                                          |
+|                            |
+|                                                                          |
+| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software      |
+| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,        |
+| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
+| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and      |
+| limitations under the License.                                           |
+package org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework;
+import org.fortiss.af3.component.model.OutputPort;
+ * Executable for platform elements that can be written (e.g. actuators and busses).
+ * 
+ * @author hoelzl
+ */
+public interface IWriteableExecutable {
+	/** Returns the write code for the given port. */
+	String getWriteCode(String prefix, OutputPort logicalSignal, String value);
+	/**
+	 * Returns the write code for the given port if the value to be written is NoVal. May return
+	 * {@code null}, to indicate that NoVal is not supported.
+	 */
+	String getNoValWriteCode(String prefix, OutputPort logicalSignal);
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/.ratings b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/.ratings
index a6a6e091..1f383e03 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/.ratings
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/.ratings
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ 4419314d71af50239cf6933a83a0f652614cf368 YELLOW 3af03ceea3aa09178fe88fe630c94282de0b72f2 YELLOW 964fbe4e0b5282ab617c4be2bed31afa8b4f394f YELLOW 53db1cce9e3dfface4027f883586bf90638cd4ff YELLOW 02e5bb6aa21183fc9444ec1874c67660908a55d2 YELLOW e8f53ecacbd60802fd37314d5c46989f83314ad3 YELLOW ab68cddae1d323ff0ecd7956133c44d1ef0f9168 YELLOW 336b9d8d26a682b701f7a2ca078369c9cc621fbb YELLOW 700ef701ed77a0d3f8141166fe647ac5cd4ad570 YELLOW 9b4acdc37505f41c60d8216c92bcbd3f43a2ccec YELLOW 5b769ad3d004d5b9c2ced63258a6d63eb6c41579 YELLOW e79e9e5823e14a15f62c8a18a4025241896e998c YELLOW c3e7f28f44fa27bd79e14ed7e60f44be2dc5a9ab YELLOW f81cc1e3124eb712507825bc54e7d0f633fde640 YELLOW ade165c88d0c6758efa167e5ba445eff87a0fd79 YELLOW 891ea877d8c3f4bab6072a02b17bb92a6caa055d YELLOW 970b8645af2ab59b9a4f8286f59e27fa38f6c1c0 YELLOW 7f1fb5e30585fdb3cbafe06e3e4311cbc0f5bf21 YELLOW
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/
index 02e5bb6a..e8f53eca 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/
@@ -15,13 +15,9 @@
 package org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.gamepad;
-import static org.fortiss.af3.expression.utils.ExpressionModelElementFactory.funcCall;
-import static org.fortiss.af3.expression.utils.ExpressionModelElementFactory.rawString;
 import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
 import org.fortiss.af3.component.model.InputPort;
-import org.fortiss.af3.expression.model.terms.IExpressionTerm;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.language.executable.IReadableExecutable;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.IReadableExecutable;
  * Base class for executables reading gamepad buttons.
@@ -37,8 +33,14 @@ abstract class ButtonExecutableBase<T extends EObject> extends GamepadExecutable
 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	public final IExpressionTerm getValueReadAccessor(InputPort logicalSignal) {
-		return funcCall("gamepad_get_button_state", rawString(getButtonIdentifier()));
+	public final String getReadCode(String prefix, InputPort logicalSignal) {
+		return "gamepad_get_button_state(" + getButtonIdentifier() + ");\n";
+	}
+	/** {@inheritDoc} */
+	@Override
+	public final String getNoValReadCode(String prefix, InputPort logicalSignal) {
+		return null;
 	/** Returns the button identifier as defined in {@code gamepad.h}. */
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/
index 5b769ad3..e79e9e58 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/
@@ -15,11 +15,8 @@
 package org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.gamepad;
-import static org.fortiss.af3.expression.utils.ExpressionModelElementFactory.rawString;
 import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.fortiss.af3.expression.model.terms.IExpressionTerm;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.ISingletonInitializableExecutable;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.ISingletonInitializationExecutable;
 import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.library.PiHALLibraryExecutableBase;
 import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.GamepadPackage;
@@ -29,7 +26,7 @@ import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.gamepad.GamepadPackage;
  * @author hoelzl
 abstract class GamepadExecutableBase<T extends EObject> extends PiHALLibraryExecutableBase<T>
-		implements ISingletonInitializableExecutable {
+		implements ISingletonInitializationExecutable {
 	/** Constructor. */
 	public GamepadExecutableBase(T modelElement) {
@@ -37,13 +34,19 @@ abstract class GamepadExecutableBase<T extends EObject> extends PiHALLibraryExec
 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	public final IExpressionTerm getInitialization() {
-		return rawString("gamepad_configuration_t* gamepad_config = malloc(sizeof(gamepad_configuration_t));\n"
+	public final String getSingletonInitializationCode() {
+		return "gamepad_configuration_t* gamepad_config = malloc(sizeof(gamepad_configuration_t));\n"
 				+ "gamepad_config->device_id = \"/dev/input/js0\";\n"
 				+ "gamepad_config->waiting_sleep_in_micros = 250;\n"
 				+ "gamepad_config->axis_callback = NULL;\n"
 				+ "gamepad_config->button_callback = NULL;"
-				+ "gamepad_initialize(gamepad_config);\n\n");
+				+ "gamepad_initialize(gamepad_config);\n\n";
+	}
+	/** {@inheritDoc} */
+	@Override
+	public final String getSingletonVariableDeclarationCode() {
+		return "";
 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/
index 970b8645..7f1fb5e3 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/gamepad/
@@ -15,13 +15,9 @@
 package org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.gamepad;
-import static org.fortiss.af3.expression.utils.ExpressionModelElementFactory.funcCall;
-import static org.fortiss.af3.expression.utils.ExpressionModelElementFactory.rawString;
 import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
 import org.fortiss.af3.component.model.InputPort;
-import org.fortiss.af3.expression.model.terms.IExpressionTerm;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.language.executable.IReadableExecutable;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.IReadableExecutable;
  * Base class for executables reading gamepad sticks.
@@ -37,8 +33,14 @@ abstract class StickExecutableBase<T extends EObject> extends GamepadExecutableB
 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	public final IExpressionTerm getValueReadAccessor(InputPort logicalSignal) {
-		return funcCall("gamepad_get_axis_position", rawString(getAxisIdentifier()));
+	public final String getReadCode(String prefix, InputPort logicalSignal) {
+		return "gamepad_get_axis_position(" + getAxisIdentifier() + ");\n";
+	}
+	/** {@inheritDoc} */
+	@Override
+	public String getNoValReadCode(String prefix, InputPort logicalSignal) {
+		return null;
 	/** Returns the axis identifier as defined in {@code gamepad.h}. */
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/.ratings b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/.ratings
index 90b84b78..1df68179 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/.ratings
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/.ratings
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ bbcb151d851b1b3d3e97b7e11b790fa13559fd96 YELLOW d659e04dc60cba0808bd2fceae22fcbc1bd203a9 YELLOW fd0f182816404870725255efeebfbc07c22a8295 YELLOW 168dede764665f721862d2b7aed3a5de5668c1f1 YELLOW e3a19a82d2cafd3bc75b6a7fc1a75df5656df48c YELLOW 68fac6c2abc7ea40eb7cc16839677a4cdc24111a YELLOW 2d04b51ee7ab822419140cf69821bbcbcfded359 YELLOW
@@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ cc2b36f9bca913dc1956f34495cf9c77acb13c88 YELLOW 19f778392841d02d281fd856564b75e1333dffaa YELLOW 97656a2ae56a70eac88153b123f2cd9c584af967 YELLOW f3d942123ca47d0ddbf32f4f46bfaf2b21732653 YELLOW 35438b51af2212c2e169fb7008e9fe45c9b1aef6 YELLOW 876ab9c58e37837b273bfcbbc62233ca4d0576cc YELLOW 413b6fb3f5847f0d09f52341c98b95f74c352016 YELLOW 372150ca78a1ee736bbb2910b266ca05d52aa04f YELLOW 7004e20d199bec82752b870db259786602db9766 YELLOW
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/
index fd0f1828..168dede7 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/
@@ -15,13 +15,9 @@
 package org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.rumblepad;
-import static org.fortiss.af3.expression.utils.ExpressionModelElementFactory.funcCall;
-import static org.fortiss.af3.expression.utils.ExpressionModelElementFactory.rawString;
 import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
 import org.fortiss.af3.component.model.InputPort;
-import org.fortiss.af3.expression.model.terms.IExpressionTerm;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.language.executable.IReadableExecutable;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.IReadableExecutable;
  * Base class for executables reading rumblepad buttons.
@@ -37,8 +33,14 @@ abstract class ButtonExecutableBase<T extends EObject> extends RumblepadExecutab
 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	public final IExpressionTerm getValueReadAccessor(InputPort logicalSignal) {
-		return funcCall("rumblepad_get_button_state", rawString(getButtonIdentifier()));
+	public final String getReadCode(String prefix, InputPort logicalSignal) {
+		return "rumblepad_get_button_state(" + getButtonIdentifier() + ");\n";
+	}
+	/** {@inheritDoc} */
+	@Override
+	public final String getNoValReadCode(String prefix, InputPort logicalSignal) {
+		return null;
 	/** Returns the button identifier as defined in {@code rumblepad.h}. */
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/
index 35438b51..876ab9c5 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/
@@ -15,11 +15,8 @@
 package org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.rumblepad;
-import static org.fortiss.af3.expression.utils.ExpressionModelElementFactory.rawString;
 import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.fortiss.af3.expression.model.terms.IExpressionTerm;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.ISingletonInitializableExecutable;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.ISingletonInitializationExecutable;
 import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.library.PiHALLibraryExecutableBase;
 import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.RumblepadPackage;
@@ -29,7 +26,7 @@ import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model.rumblepad.RumblepadPackage;
  * @author hoelzl
 abstract class RumblepadExecutableBase<T extends EObject> extends PiHALLibraryExecutableBase<T>
-		implements ISingletonInitializableExecutable {
+		implements ISingletonInitializationExecutable {
 	/** Constructor. */
 	public RumblepadExecutableBase(T modelElement) {
@@ -37,13 +34,19 @@ abstract class RumblepadExecutableBase<T extends EObject> extends PiHALLibraryEx
 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	public final IExpressionTerm getInitialization() {
-		return rawString("rumblepad_configuration_t* rumblepad_config = malloc(sizeof(rumblepad_configuration_t));\n"
+	public final String getSingletonVariableDeclarationCode() {
+		return null;
+	}
+	/** {@inheritDoc} */
+	@Override
+	public final String getSingletonInitializationCode() {
+		return "rumblepad_configuration_t* rumblepad_config = malloc(sizeof(rumblepad_configuration_t));\n"
 				+ "rumblepad_config->device_id = \"/dev/input/js0\";\n"
 				+ "rumblepad_config->waiting_sleep_in_micros = 50;\n"
 				+ "rumblepad_config->axis_callback = NULL;\n"
 				+ "rumblepad_config->button_callback = NULL;"
-				+ "rumblepad_initialize(rumblepad_config);\n\n");
+				+ "rumblepad_initialize(rumblepad_config);\n\n";
 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
diff --git a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/
index 372150ca..7004e20d 100644
--- a/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/
+++ b/org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry/src/org/fortiss/af3/platform/raspberry/generator/executable/rumblepad/
@@ -15,13 +15,9 @@
 package org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.rumblepad;
-import static org.fortiss.af3.expression.utils.ExpressionModelElementFactory.funcCall;
-import static org.fortiss.af3.expression.utils.ExpressionModelElementFactory.rawString;
 import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
 import org.fortiss.af3.component.model.InputPort;
-import org.fortiss.af3.expression.model.terms.IExpressionTerm;
-import org.fortiss.af3.platform.language.executable.IReadableExecutable;
+import org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.generator.executable.framework.IReadableExecutable;
  * Base class for executables reading rumblepad sticks and axis inputs.
@@ -37,8 +33,14 @@ abstract class StickExecutableBase<T extends EObject> extends RumblepadExecutabl
 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
-	public final IExpressionTerm getValueReadAccessor(InputPort logicalSignal) {
-		return funcCall("rumblepad_get_axis_position", rawString(getAxisIdentifier()));
+	public final String getReadCode(String prefix, InputPort logicalSignal) {
+		return "rumblepad_get_axis_position(" + getAxisIdentifier() + ");\n";
+	}
+	/** {@inheritDoc} */
+	@Override
+	public final String getNoValReadCode(String prefix, InputPort logicalSignal) {
+		return null;
 	/** Returns the axis identifier as defined in {@code rumblepad.h}. */