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Improvements in Resource Environment Analysis and in Resource Container Utilization Calculation

Ghost User requested to merge feature-masterthesis-gunia into master
  • Improvement in Resource Environment Analysis: so far, if a resource container in PCM would have a CPU processing resource specification and this CPU would only be a single instance (i.e. Number Of Replicas = 1), the corresponding PCM resource environment XML element would miss the attribute numberOfReplicas. Using PET for a PCM like this would lead to a problem. The resource environment parser in PET tries to parse the attributes from the above mentioned XML element and would throw a NumberFormatException that leads to an internal server error \parencite{PET:ResourceParser}. We fixed this by adding a try and catch block. Once the exception is thrown, we programmatically set the number of CPU instances to one.

  • Improvement of Resource Container Utilization Calculation: in cases, where users do not specify the utilization of the CPU, MEM, and/or HDD in PCM, there is obviously also no information about it added to PET. We improved a function in PET by adding checks whether certain performance parameters are valid Double values or NaN. This avoids NumberFormatExceptions that would also lead to an internal server error. Now, whenever a user does not add information about one or more of the above mentioned resource types, the corresponding parameters are set to zero.

  • Also, we added a check whether a simulation has information about any linking resources in PCM. If not, we manually add an empty table to the database. This also increased the stability of PET in these scenarios.

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