Release Process (AF3 2.16)
There are five roles: the release manager (RELMGR), the release
engineer (RELENG),
the developer (DEV), the tester (TEST), and the user (USER).
RELMGR is driving and coordinating the release process during the two-month hot phase.
RELENG is in charge of the build server, provides the release
candidate versions to
the developers, and publishes the release version to the website.
DEVS are providing the implementation and documentation of features
to be included
in the upcoming release.
TESTS are testing the features for correctness and usability.
USERS are the target audience for the tool.
Neither role can be combined with DEV.
Release Candidates
There are three release candidates before the release version is built and shipped.
Release Candidate | Purpose | |
RC1 | feature-complete version: all features for the release are implemented. | |
RC2 | tested, bug-fixed version: all features from RC1 have been tested and bugs have been fixed. | |
RC3 | documented, reviewed, and announced version: all features from RC2 have been documented and the website announcement is prepared. | |
REL | release version: the [[New_Release_Check-List | release deliverables are built]], download page and website are updated, and the release is announced on the mailing list. |
RC | Weeks to release | Comment | Scheduled date for AF3 Release 2.16 |
RC1 | 2 | feature-complete: Merge freeze | Sep, 30 2019 |
RC2 | 1 | tested, bug-fixed version; Binary RC | Oct, 8th 2019 |
RC3 | 1 | documented; release announcement prepared; Binary RC | Oct, 11th 2019 |
REL | 0 | Release Date | Oct, 15th 2019 |
Release Candidate 1 Details
RC1 includes all features implemented and prepared for testing.
New features MUST NOT be introduced after RC1 (“Feature Freeze”).
This means no new features are to be committed to the repository.
Any such changes should be kept either in a branch (_not advised
for Subversion_) or as a patch file on a separate server (e.g.
mail server).
RELENG builds the RC1 version for distribution to TESTS.
RELMGR reviews the code ratings and assigns REVS for each
plugin. There should be an issue in the tracker for each plugin.
TESTS execute the tests for the features and issues assigned
to them and report the results back to the DEVS using the
corresponding issue.
REVS start reviewing the code in coordination with DEVS.
DEVS react to bugs reported by TESTS and code improvements
suggested by REVS. Furthermore, they tackle bugs that are
already in the tracker system.
Actions: During the following two weeks the tests MUST
be carried out and the results and/or bugfixes MUST be
Release Candidate 2 Details
RC2 is the tested and bugfixed version, which is made
accessible to the user community for beta-testing.
RELENG builds the RC2 version and makes it accessible to
USERS for beta-testing.
RELMGR checks if testing phase was completed and all bug
issues have been closed. If some are still open, immediate
action should be enforced, possibly relocating resources.
RELMGR also checks the state of the review process and
assigns additional resources if some parts look like being
left behind.
RELMGR starts to compile the release notes.
DEVS and TESTS react to issues reported by beta-testers
and start finalizing the documentation. DEVS provide input
for their features to the release note compilation in the
issue tracker.
Release Candidate 3 Details
RC3 is shipped with a finalized documentation and is
made accessible to the users for beta-testing.
RELENG builds the RC3 version and makes it accessible to
USERS for beta-testing.
RELMGR checks if the documentation, code review, and the
release notes compilation was completed.
Actions: No actions should be necessary during the silent
week, unless something very serious needs immediate attention.
Release Version Details
REL is no different from RC3 unless some serious last minute
hot fixes have to be applied.
RELENG builds the release version and makes it accessible
to USERS, updates the website and publishes the release
RELMGR configures the issue tracker for the next release by
adding the versions for RC0 to RC3 and REL. All code review
issues are moved to the next RC3 version. All versions of the
current release are closed.
Actions: Feature freeze is lifted and the normal procedure
for commits is in place again.