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<h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.22</h2>
<h3>Architecture and Design Space Exploration</h3>
<li>Several improvement to the functionality to specify exploration inputs in the DSE perspective in order to improve the usability and efficiency for the user.</li>
<li>New RAM utilization pattern to enable new use cases for the architecture exploration.</li>
<li>Several improvements for the visualization of exploration results all over the tool.</li>
<li>Various improvements to the Feature-Model editor such as simplified eidting support for comments and improved user support.</li>
<li>Improved robustness for the connection to the Co-Simulation for incomplete models.</li>
<li>Improved connection to the fortissimo FMI Adapter and Simulation (see</li>
<li>Various improvements for the fortiss tooling kernel that improve robustness and flexibility.</li>
<h3>FAQ - Installation and Running</h3>
<li> On MacOS
<li>You need to accept unknown developer certificates.</li>
<li>You need to move AutoFOCUS3 to your application folder.</li>
<li>If you get an error message on startup which says that AutoFOCUS3 is broken and cannot be started: open a terminal and use the following command:
<li>sudo xattr -rd /Applications/</li>
<li>As our software is a scientific prototype, our product is not signed which causes a problem due to the security restrictions of MacOS</li>
<li> On Windows: DSE does not execute and throws exception
<li> If you encounter the following exception when running a DSE you might be missing required libraries:
<i>java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: [...]\plugins\[...]\lib\x64\msvcp120.dll: Can't find dependent libraries</i>
Installing the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 fixes the problem.
<li> AF3 does not start
<li> Check, that the path to your AF3 (including the AF3 folder itself) does not contain spaces.
<li> If the product does not start because the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) could not be created: Please update your Java installation to Java 11.0.7
<li> Unpacking of AF3 zip file fails with 'Path too long' on Windows
<li> Workaround: Unzip into your drive root, e.g., C:/ and give the folder a short name like 'af3'
<li> Menu icons are not displayed on KDE
<li> Go to "System settings - Application Style - GNOME Application Style".
<li> Select "Show symbols of GTK buttons".
<li> Select "Show symbols in GTK menus".
<li>FeatureModel: Rename features in String representation of PresecneConditions (#4271)</li>
<li>DSE timeout: specify in seconds and increase default value (#4267)</li>
<li>Improvements to DynamicTreeTableViewer (#4254)</li>
<li>Add comment column to FeatureModelEditor (#4249)</li>
<li>[FF1] Import the fortissimo generator plug-ins (#4245)</li>
<li>Variability: FeatureModel is not loaded on tool start (#4239)</li>
<li>Fix maven-releng Docker image (#4238)</li>
<li>DSE solution table view: Enable sorting of columns (#4237)</li>
<li>Disambiguate names of (task) input ports generated for SOA architectures (#4235)</li>
<li>Prevent editing of constraint/objective names (#4234)</li>
<li>Apply autolayouter to architectures synthesized by DSE (#4232)</li>
<li>RAM Utilization Pattern (#4038)</li>
<li>Platform: At the tile level, the elements of the upper level are shown (#3982)</li>
<li>DSE: Wrong solution is exported from table visualization after sorting (#4274)</li>
<li>Enable deleting DSE configurations from model navigator (#4266)</li>
<li>[FMU Export] Sampling Time: Consider the case where no data dictionary has been created (#4263)</li>
<li>Concurrent Modification Exception when opening large model (#4111)</li>
<li>Memory Utilization Pattern erroneously uses task RAM instead of Flash requirements (#4037)</li>