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Commit 6d4c3344 authored by Andreas Bayha's avatar Andreas Bayha
Browse files

Merge branch '4380' into 'master'


See merge request !76
parents 657a759b b751b783
No related branches found
Tags 2.25
1 merge request!764380
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Automatic-Module-Name: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: AF3 RCP
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application;singleton:=true
Bundle-Version: 2.24.0.qualifier
Bundle-Version: 2.25.0.qualifier
Bundle-Activator: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application.AF3ApplicationActivator
Bundle-Vendor: fortiss GmbH
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-11
......@@ -18,25 +18,25 @@ Export-Package: org.fortiss.af3.rcp.application;,
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.22</title>
<title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.25</title>
.mBlock { margin-left: 62px; }
h2 { color: black; }
......@@ -14,108 +14,59 @@
<div class="mBlock">
<h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.24</h2>
<h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.25</h2>
<h3>Model Metrics and Quality</h3>
<li>Completely new mechanism to calculate, collect and display metrics for models.</li>
<li>There are warnings displayed for quality issues in names used in the data dictionary.</li>
<li>Requirements can be modeled with variability</li>
<li>Improved management of mandatory features in variant configuration dialog</li>
<h3>SysML Export</h3>
<h3>Platform Architecture</h3>
<li>New export feature from AF3 to SysML models for Papyrus, MagicDraw or Enterprise Architect.</li>
<li>Added weight annotation to platform elements</li>
<h3>Design Space Exploration</h3>
<h3>Requirements Analysis</h3>
<li>Added functionality to edit DSE projects in the DSE perspective (e.g. delete constraints, objectives and rule sets).</li>
<li>Improved and simplified the user interface in the DSE perspective to ease usage, especially for new users.</li>
<li>Added a feasibility check for manual deployments from Tasks to Execution Units.</li>
<li>Improved requirements overview editor</li>
<li>Improved representation of reusable elements in the graphical user interface.</li>
<li>Improved handling of library elements for correctness checks.</li>
<li>New Product-line Analysis feature has been added to the Component Architecture to check for variability related model issues.</li>
<li>Tooltips were added to the Feature Model editor to make editing more intuitive.</li>
<li>New refactoring between alternative and compositional features to ease the editing and maintenance of Feature Models.</li>
<li>New checks for Feature Names to prevent problematic feature names.</li>
<li>Support for comments in Code Specifications to improve documentation.</li>
<li>New z3 version is used for design space exploration and product-line analysis to improve performance and stability.</li>
<li>More functionalities can be triggered via context menus in diagram editors that were previously only available in the Navigator view.</li>
<li>Several quality of live improvements to the graphical user interface.</li>
<li>The AF3 releases and nightly builds do not require a separate Java installation anymore (JRE is bundled)</li>
<li>Several quality of live improvements to the graphical user interface</li>
<li>Several improvements of stability all over the tool</li>
<h3>Detailed list of changes in 2.24:</h3>
<h3>Detailed list of changes in 2.25:</h3>
<li>Bug: Property section for FeatureModel is not correctly initialized (#4329)</li>
<li>Product-line Analysis: Remove deprecated old analysis (#4328)</li>
<li>Enable Product Line Analysis to run in background without blocking the constraint checker (#4309)</li>
<li>Feature Model: Add tooltip to editor (#4288)</li>
<li>Feature Model: Only one FeatureModel can be opened at a time (#4285)</li>
<li>FeatureModel: Add a check for unique feature names (#4278)</li>
<li>Check FeatureNames not to be empty (#4257)</li>
<li>Variability: Add product-line analysis to tooling kernel (#4240)</li>
<li>Add product-line analysis for logical architecture (#4146)</li>
<li>Add refactoring CompositionalFeature <-> AlternativeFeature (#4256)</li>
<li>Variant Configuration: Selection of "None" Alternative for AlternativeFeatures causes an Exception (#4272)</li>
<li>Improve translation of models to SMT for product-line analysis (#4315)</li>
<li>Update Z3 to version 4.12.2 (#4172)</li>
<li>Add missing .settings files/repo in reuse plugins (#4325)</li>
<li>Marker View: Add automatic line break for explanation (#4283)</li>
<li>LWFXEF: Disable Background Grid by Default (#4319)</li>
<li>Allow comments in code segments (#4299)</li>
<li>Diagram Editors: Display context menu entries from the ContextMenuService (#4290)</li>
<li>SysML Exporter (#4223)</li>
<li>Integration of SysML Exporter Plugins into AF3 git (#4316) </li>
<li>Setting up Metric extraction Plugin (#4310)</li>
<li>Create a mechanism to enable sorting the prototypes (categories) in model elements view aside of the standard lexicographical one (#4221)</li>
<li>Fix bad display of element choices in the in-editor context menu ("New ..." selection) (#4323)</li>
<li>[Reuse] Broken data dictionary references clutter the Marker View (#4324)</li>
<li>LWFXEF: Hide the Editor's Context Menu after Opening the Re-Use Dialog (#4321)</li>
<li>Enable deleting constraints, objectives, rulesets (#4322)</li>
<li>DSE Perspective: Enable Scheduling Synthesis only in Expert Mode (#4320)</li>
<li>DSE Perspective: UNSAT cores are highlighted only after another DSE is triggered (#4317)</li>
<li>Implement a feasibility check for task-to-hardware allocation tables (#4314)</li>
<li>Enable editing DSE projects in the DSE navigator (#3797)</li>
<li>Avoid ConcurrentModificationException in MarkerService::UIJob (#4339)</li>
<li>Avoid erroneous function/constant naming convention warnings (#4340)</li>
<li>Change samplingTime Parameter used for FMU Generation into uppercase version to handle the new naming convention warning for it (#4341)</li>
<li>Adding new platform architecture elements for to be used within the reuse library (#4345)</li>
<li>Remove PresenceConditions before storing an element in a library (#4344)</li>
<li>Minor technical issues in AF3 help (#4343)</li>
<li>Investigate the crash of the DSE visualization (#4351)</li>
<li>Hardware Optimization: Meaningful Attributes & ECU and Task Lists (#4041)</li>
<li>Update the routes of a platform architecture on creation of the DSE model snapshot (#4353)</li>
<li>Categories in the Model Elements Navigator shall be collapsed by default (#4352)</li>
<li>Remove references to DataDictionary before storing an element in a library (#4346)</li>
<li>Variability: Constraints are not checked in variant configuration dialog (#4348)</li>
<li>PlatformArchitecture editor freezes (#4349)</li>
<li>Product-line Analysis: Remove verbose messages to log (#4374)</li>
<li>Requirements overview editor: Fix editable fields (#4369)</li>
<li>Variability: Grey out non-editable cells in the variant configuration dialog (#4289)</li>
<li>Optional Requirements (#3272)</li>
<li>Incomplete allocation tables cause NPEs (#4366)</li>
<li>TreeTableEditors: Automatic line wrapping breaks after editing text (#4365)</li>
<li>FMUs cannot be exported when the project has not been saved immediately before (#4264)</li>
<li>getEClassForClass gives unexpected result in presence of inheritance (#4262)</li>
<li>Requirements Analysis: use consistent label for collection of "All requirements" (#4153)</li>
<li>[Hierarcharchical Platform] Account for clusters when deriving the type size (#4100)</li>
<li>Include Java Binaries in the Nightly Build (#4357)</li>
<li>Create weight annotation (#4354)</li>
<li>Diagram editor: Add reconnect functionality to component architecture (#4279)</li>
<li>Combine reuse context menu entries to one menu group (with sub-entries) (#4248)</li>
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.24</title>
<title>New features and changes in AutoFOCUS 2.25</title>
.mBlock { margin-left: 62px; }
h2 { color: black; }
......@@ -15,76 +15,44 @@
<div class="mBlock">
<h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.24</h2>
<h2>New Features and Changes in AutoFOCUS 2.25</h2>
<h3>Model Metrics and Quality</h3>
<li>Completely new mechanism to calculate, collect and display metrics for models.</li>
<li>There are warnings displayed for quality issues in names used in the data dictionary.</li>
<li>Requirements can be modeled with variability</li>
<li>Improved management of mandatory features in variant configuration dialog</li>
<h3>SysML Export</h3>
<h3>Platform Architecture</h3>
<li>New export feature from AF3 to SysML models for Papyrus, MagicDraw or Enterprise Architect.</li>
<li>Added weight annotation to platform elements</li>
<h3>Design Space Exploration</h3>
<h3>Requirements Analysis</h3>
<li>Added functionality to edit DSE projects in the DSE perspective (e.g. delete constraints, objectives and rule sets).</li>
<li>Improved and simplified the user interface in the DSE perspective to ease usage, especially for new users.</li>
<li>Added a feasibility check for manual deployments from Tasks to Execution Units.</li>
<li>Improved requirements overview editor</li>
<li>Improved representation of reusable elements in the graphical user interface.</li>
<li>Improved handling of library elements for correctness checks.</li>
<li>New Product-line Analysis feature has been added to the Component Architecture to check for variability related model issues.</li>
<li>Tooltips were added to the Feature Model editor to make editing more intuitive.</li>
<li>New refactoring between alternative and compositional features to ease the editing and maintenance of Feature Models.</li>
<li>New checks for Feature Names to prevent problematic feature names.</li>
<li>Support for comments in Code Specifications to improve documentation.</li>
<li>New z3 version is used for design space exploration and product-line analysis to improve performance and stability.</li>
<li>More functionalities can be triggered via context menus in diagram editors that were previously only available in the Navigator view.</li>
<li>Several quality of live improvements to the graphical user interface.</li>
<li>The AF3 releases and nightly builds do not require a separate Java installation anymore (JRE is bundled)</li>
<li>Several quality of live improvements to the graphical user interface</li>
<li>Several improvements of stability all over the tool</li>
<h3>FAQ - Installation and Running</h3>
<li> On MacOS
<li>You need to accept unknown developer certificates.</li>
<li>You need to move AutoFOCUS3 to your application folder.</li>
<li>If you get an error message on startup which says that AutoFOCUS3 is broken and cannot be started: open a terminal and use the following command:
<li>sudo xattr -rd /Applications/</li>
<li>As our software is a scientific prototype, our product is not signed which causes a problem due to the security restrictions of MacOS</li>
<li> On Windows: DSE does not execute and throws exception
<li> If you encounter the following exception when running a DSE you might be missing required libraries:
......@@ -116,53 +84,24 @@
Detailed list of changes in 2.24:
Detailed list of changes in 2.25:
<li>Bug: Property section for FeatureModel is not correctly initialized (#4329)</li>
<li>Product-line Analysis: Remove deprecated old analysis (#4328)</li>
<li>Enable Product Line Analysis to run in background without blocking the constraint checker (#4309)</li>
<li>Feature Model: Add tooltip to editor (#4288)</li>
<li>Feature Model: Only one FeatureModel can be opened at a time (#4285)</li>
<li>FeatureModel: Add a check for unique feature names (#4278)</li>
<li>Check FeatureNames not to be empty (#4257)</li>
<li>Variability: Add product-line analysis to tooling kernel (#4240)</li>
<li>Add product-line analysis for logical architecture (#4146)</li>
<li>Add refactoring CompositionalFeature <-> AlternativeFeature (#4256)</li>
<li>Variant Configuration: Selection of "None" Alternative for AlternativeFeatures causes an Exception (#4272)</li>
<li>Improve translation of models to SMT for product-line analysis (#4315)</li>
<li>Update Z3 to version 4.12.2 (#4172)</li>
<li>Add missing .settings files/repo in reuse plugins (#4325)</li>
<li>Marker View: Add automatic line break for explanation (#4283)</li>
<li>LWFXEF: Disable Background Grid by Default (#4319)</li>
<li>Allow comments in code segments (#4299)</li>
<li>Diagram Editors: Display context menu entries from the ContextMenuService (#4290)</li>
<li>SysML Exporter (#4223)</li>
<li>Integration of SysML Exporter Plugins into AF3 git (#4316) </li>
<li>Setting up Metric extraction Plugin (#4310)</li>
<li>Create a mechanism to enable sorting the prototypes (categories) in model elements view aside of the standard lexicographical one (#4221)</li>
<li>Fix bad display of element choices in the in-editor context menu ("New ..." selection) (#4323)</li>
<li>[Reuse] Broken data dictionary references clutter the Marker View (#4324)</li>
<li>LWFXEF: Hide the Editor's Context Menu after Opening the Re-Use Dialog (#4321)</li>
<li>Enable deleting constraints, objectives, rulesets (#4322)</li>
<li>DSE Perspective: Enable Scheduling Synthesis only in Expert Mode (#4320)</li>
<li>DSE Perspective: UNSAT cores are highlighted only after another DSE is triggered (#4317)</li>
<li>Implement a feasibility check for task-to-hardware allocation tables (#4314)</li>
<li>Enable editing DSE projects in the DSE navigator (#3797)</li>
<li>Avoid ConcurrentModificationException in MarkerService::UIJob (#4339)</li>
<li>Avoid erroneous function/constant naming convention warnings (#4340)</li>
<li>Change samplingTime Parameter used for FMU Generation into uppercase version to handle the new naming convention warning for it (#4341)</li>
<li>Adding new platform architecture elements for to be used within the reuse library (#4345)</li>
<li>Remove PresenceConditions before storing an element in a library (#4344)</li>
<li>Minor technical issues in AF3 help (#4343)</li>
<li>Investigate the crash of the DSE visualization (#4351)</li>
<li>Hardware Optimization: Meaningful Attributes & ECU and Task Lists (#4041)</li>
<li>Update the routes of a platform architecture on creation of the DSE model snapshot (#4353)</li>
<li>Categories in the Model Elements Navigator shall be collapsed by default (#4352)</li>
<li>Remove references to DataDictionary before storing an element in a library (#4346)</li>
<li>Variability: Constraints are not checked in variant configuration dialog (#4348)</li>
<li>PlatformArchitecture editor freezes (#4349)</li>
<li>Product-line Analysis: Remove verbose messages to log (#4374)</li>
<li>Requirements overview editor: Fix editable fields (#4369)</li>
<li>Variability: Grey out non-editable cells in the variant configuration dialog (#4289)</li>
<li>Optional Requirements (#3272)</li>
<li>Incomplete allocation tables cause NPEs (#4366)</li>
<li>TreeTableEditors: Automatic line wrapping breaks after editing text (#4365)</li>
<li>FMUs cannot be exported when the project has not been saved immediately before (#4264)</li>
<li>getEClassForClass gives unexpected result in presence of inheritance (#4262)</li>
<li>Requirements Analysis: use consistent label for collection of "All requirements" (#4153)</li>
<li>[Hierarcharchical Platform] Account for clusters when deriving the type size (#4100)</li>
<li>Include Java Binaries in the Nightly Build (#4357)</li>
<li>Create weight annotation (#4354)</li>
<li>Diagram editor: Add reconnect functionality to component architecture (#4279)</li>
<li>Combine reuse context menu entries to one menu group (with sub-entries) (#4248)</li>
......@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
description="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot; Release"
name="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot; 2.24">
name="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot; 2.25">
value="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot; 2.24">
value="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot; 2.25">
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
value="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot;&#x0A;&#x0A;Version: 2.24.0&#x0A;&#x0A;Copyright 2011-2024 fortiss GmbH&#x0A;&#x0A;Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the &quot;License&quot;);&#x0A;you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.&#x0A;You may obtain a copy of the License at&#x0A;&#x0A;;&#x0A;Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software&#x0A;distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,&#x0A;WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either&#x0A;express or implied. See the License for the specific language&#x0A;governing permissions and limitations under the License.">
value="AutoFOCUS 3 - &quot;Phoenix&quot;&#x0A;&#x0A;Version: 2.25.0&#x0A;&#x0A;Copyright 2011-2024 fortiss GmbH&#x0A;&#x0A;Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the &quot;License&quot;);&#x0A;you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.&#x0A;You may obtain a copy of the License at&#x0A;&#x0A;;&#x0A;Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software&#x0A;distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,&#x0A;WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either&#x0A;express or implied. See the License for the specific language&#x0A;governing permissions and limitations under the License.">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Eclipse-BundleShape: dir
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: AF3 Online Help
Bundle-Version: 2.24.0.qualifier
Bundle-Version: 2.25.0.qualifier
Bundle-Vendor: fortiss GmbH
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-11
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
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