expired on Jun 12, 2015
AF3 2.8 Intermediate GUI Improvements
(from redmine: created on 2015-01-12)
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Shift pasted model elements by an offset
- Disable Paste action for States
- NPE when deleting an element from a component architecture model
- Mira - copying requirements between projects
- Some annotation error in the dmils smg model
- [Component] Remove "Variables Bounds Table" Editor
- PlatformArchitecture hierarchical name validation
- Naming new model elements after a Paste action
- Mira - copying requirements within the same project
- [GUI] Provide a Zoom capability in simulation
- org.fortiss.tooling.base.ui.editpart.ConnectionEditPartBase: Check if modelElement field is required
- Introduce a string builder in org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.ui.presentation.ModelElementLabelProvider.getToolTipText()
- Platform Architecture: Transmission Connections not considered in copy&paste
- [LA] NPE deleting a complex sub-model that is connected to a free input port
- [Data Dictionary] Display type of element in the columns of the DataDictionary
- TestSuite - add content completion for TestCaseSteps
- Check and Fix the Copy/Paste actions for Technical Components
- Check and Fix the Copy/Paste actions for State Automata
- Check and Fix the Copy/Paste actions for Components
- [Analyses - verification behaviour] "Use guarantee" should be called "Use contracts"
- [Analyses] Black boxes should be deleted (only components with guarantees should be used)
- Disable the Delete button when trying to delete a Model Element from its children
- TL Patterns: multi-line editor
- State Machines: Guard and action Editor with multi-line editor
- [Simulation] Display a step counter
- DeploymentEditor: Visualize Component-ECU mapping
- Synchronize selection of AF3 views
- [GUI] Ports' position does not match mouse's position in state automata
- [Component] Ports should not have an initial value when belonging to a weak causal component
- [Analyses] Wrong SUCCESS displayed when Bounded Model Checking is used
- [GUI] Deleting a failure-marked connection removes the connection but not the failure marker
- [Component] Display warning when some port is unused
- Have analyses as perspectives instead of views
- GUI / Platform Architecture: Improve usability
- GUI: Component architecture "Model Elements" window is a mess
- MSC: forbid messages going back in time
- Move AF3 diagram objects with arrow buttons
- Deletion of components with modes has a bug
- Component editor bug
- Bug of delete "Component Architecture" under "Mode Switch Specification"