expired on Jan 25, 2016
AF3 2.9 RC1 (Features frozen)
(from redmine: created on 2015-07-28)
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- [Tooling Kernel 2] KISS: marker service registered twice
- [Tooling Kernel 2] Kernel Introspection System Service
- Multi-rate scheduling
- 32-bit libraries missing in and graphicsGL.ui
- [RCP] launcher not working properly
- [Tooling Graphics] use new LWJGL3 libraries
- Generic graphical allocation editor
- MIRA: Overview Editor
- Adding GPIOs to PikeOS Platform Architecture
- Multi-core scheduling support for PikeOS
- Missing Menu Entry "Exit" in Menu "File"
- [Analysis] nuXmv support
- Linux: AnnotationView is not properly updated
- MIRA: Strange code in ID generation of requirement
- [Contract] Reviews as contract
- FunctionCallStaticImpl and FuncCallStaticImpl seam to exist duplicated
- Remove the WcetWctt annotation (and related classes) from the timing MM
- Adding UNSAT cores to DSE perspective
- Perspective for DSE
- MIRA: Connection of Data Dictionary and Glossary
- MIRA: tex-export still needed?
- Review ConnectorHierarchicElementConnectionCompositorBase.canConnnect()
- IElementCompositorService should be used to compose model elements that have been instantiated programmatically
- Extend the deployment-plugin to allow the mapping of messages onto TransmissionUnits/CommunicationResources
- Microsoft Z3 plugin is missing native libraries
- Support for z3lib JNI
- Add Xtext support
- MIRA: SWT-Bot for traces between requirements
- Adding modularity to the safety-case plugin