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Alexander Diewald
* Introduce the following Decoders: * PartitionMappingDecoderGraph: Updates a PlatformCommunicationGraph to align to an updated PartitionMapping. * PartitionMappingIdentityDecoder: Forwards a PartitionMappingEncoding to the Genotype * TaskInstanceResourceAlignmentDecoder: Adjusts the sets of valid target resources for allocations & reallocates invalid entries. * Add the following Exploration Sub Problems: * PartitionMappingProblem: Mapping of Partitions to cores. TaskMappings are now defined as Task --> Partition. * PlatformCommGraphProblem: Recalculation of communication paths existing in the platform. Required for Message Routing. * Add corresponding operators: vary the number of Partitions and their allocation to cores. Also add NOP Operators where needed (Esp. Crossover). * Add Copy operations. * Restructure the MessageRouter(s) to consider changes of the PlatfromCommunicationGraphs. * Various Adpations to existing task mappings due to the changed target resources. * Update the DependencyGraph: * Simplify the calculation of dependencies. * Correctly consider "Pure" identity decoders, i.e., Decoders that only take one input genotype into account and output the same: They would be neglected otherwise. * Restructure the Mapping class. *
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