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Commit 3b32306c authored by Sebastian Bergemann's avatar Sebastian Bergemann
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GREEN (+ small text fixes, etc.)

Issue-ref: 4240
Issue-URL: af3#4240

Signed-off-by: default avatarSebastian Bergemann <>
parent ac82aba9
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1 merge request!1784240
Pipeline #39330 passed
Pipeline: maven-releng

#39331 665a28c80a9693b9b9e31b7ebe59f2de4195d56c GREEN 75fbe85a54e5a655aaf67108ae004f98ed2879d8 GREEN a62c588bd806fdf98d1e2fb4138c359528edcaad YELLOW 859b58aef54101734de849db293de79e16054098 GREEN b590fbf053c21d9e6b0ee6d0818779e4adb1fe0b GREEN 1026cd6d7d0286c0f2402c5918d83cf7dc84407b GREEN 2df1a1c1363cb93b6f498308e575833cf705e2fd GREEN 1b0e1231cc578a6e7e544441ac33533b4feafeb1 GREEN 733dae03e2baae237b6f0b33f0dd618a4f47cf73 GREEN
    ......@@ -169,19 +169,15 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    /** Mapping of classes to the selection function for this type. */
    private Map<EClass, FuncDecl<?>> eClass2SelectionFunction;
    * Constructor.
    /** Constructor. */
    public EMFProductLineTranslation() {
    // Fields which should not change between individual translations are initialized only once
    // Fields which should not change between individual translations are initialized only once.
    translatedClasses = new HashSet<EClass>();
    translatedReferences = new HashSet<EReference>();
    translatedAttributes = new HashSet<EAttribute>();
    * Initialization of analysis and base types.
    /** Initialization of analysis and base types. */
    private void initialize() {
    ctx = new Context();
    ......@@ -205,6 +201,9 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    z3Expr2EObject = new HashMap<Expr<?>, EObject>();
    eObject2referencingEObjects = new HashMap<EObject, BucketSetMap<EReference, EObject>>() {
    /** ISerializable */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4436109358184535028L;
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public BucketSetMap<EReference, EObject> get(Object key1) {
    ......@@ -220,7 +219,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    // Initialize model independent base types
    // Initialize model independent base types.
    intSort = ctx.mkIntSort();
    stringSort = ctx.mkStringSort();
    boolSort = ctx.mkBoolSort();
    ......@@ -233,10 +232,10 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final void translateModel(EObject model) {
    // Initialize and reset local fields
    // Initialize and reset local fields.
    // Reference types need to be collected first, since they are required by optimizations in
    // Reference types need to be collected first, since they are required by optimizations.
    collectTranslatedObjects(model, null);
    ......@@ -244,14 +243,14 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    // Metamodel translation
    // Metamodel translation.
    // Model translation
    // Model translation.
    // Translate variability
    // Translate variability.
    ......@@ -261,7 +260,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    for(EReference ref : translatedReferences) {
    EClass refType = ref.getEReferenceType();
    // Check if reference type is translated or is a subclass of a translated class
    // Check if reference type is translated or is a subclass of a translated class.
    EClass translatedRefType = getTranslatedClass(refType);
    if(translatedRefType != null) {
    reference2TranslatedEClass.put(ref, translatedRefType);
    ......@@ -273,11 +272,11 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    logInfo(LOG_PREFIX + "The reference \"" + ref.getName() + "\" of type " +
    refType.getName() +
    " is supposed to be transletd for a prodct-line analysis. Since this type is not specified to be translated, the translated sub-class " +
    " is supposed to be translated for a product-line analysis. Since this type is not specified to be translated, the translated sub-class " +
    ecls.getName() + " will be used.");
    // Check if any super type was found
    // Check if any super type was found.
    if(reference2TranslatedEClass.get(ref) == null) {
    String errMsg = LOG_PREFIX + "ERefernce \"" + ref.getName() + "\" is of type " +
    ref.getEReferenceType().getName() + " which is not translated.";
    ......@@ -320,7 +319,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    // For the island optimization all references (also non-variable) need to be collected
    // For the island optimization, all references (also non-variable) need to be collected.
    if(isIslandOptimizationEnabled) {
    ......@@ -369,7 +368,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    // Collect outgoing references
    // Collect outgoing references.
    for(EReference ref : model.eClass().getEAllReferences()) {
    if(translatedReferences.contains(ref)) {
    EObject refObj = (EObject)model.eGet(ref);
    ......@@ -380,7 +379,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    // Collect incoming references
    // Collect incoming references.
    BucketSetMap<EReference, EObject> incomingReferences =
    for(EReference ref : incomingReferences.keySet()) {
    ......@@ -468,7 +467,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    // Translate all features (including alternatives)
    // Translate all features (including alternatives).
    for(AbstractFeature f : getChildrenWithType(featureModel, AbstractFeature.class)) {
    String name = f.getName();
    String constName = "FEATURE_" + name;
    ......@@ -491,7 +490,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    // For alternatives also translate the alternative selection criteria
    // For alternatives also translate the alternative selection criteria.
    for(AbstractAlternativeFeature af : getChildrenWithType(featureModel,
    AbstractAlternativeFeature.class)) {
    BoolExpr afExpr = feature2BoolExpr.get(af);
    ......@@ -563,7 +562,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    // Null must always only point to null....
    // Null must always only point to null.
    EClass refType = reference2TranslatedEClass.get(er);
    Expr<?> nullElement = eClass2NullElement.get(ec);
    if(er.getUpperBound() > 0) {
    ......@@ -589,7 +588,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    FuncDecl<?> refSelFun = eClass2SelectionFunction.get(refType);
    if(er.getUpperBound() < 0) {
    // Case for lists
    // Case for lists.
    List<?> values = (List<?>)value;
    if(values.size() == 0) {
    ......@@ -628,7 +627,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    Expr singleValExpr = eObject2z3Expr.get((EObject)value, refType);
    if(refSelFun != null) {
    // Case with variable target
    // Case with variable target.
    BoolExpr eoSel = (BoolExpr)ctx.mkApp(refSelFun, singleValExpr);
    return ctx.mkITE(eoSel, singleValExpr, refNullValue);
    ......@@ -664,7 +663,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    /** Translates the given object for a primitive type (Enums, Integer, String, Boolean) to Z3. */
    private Expr<?> translatePrimitiveObject(Object value, EDataType attType) {
    // Single value
    // Single value.
    if(attType.equals(EcorePackage.Literals.EINT)) {
    if(value == null) {
    logError(LOG_PREFIX + "null int found");
    ......@@ -739,7 +738,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    logInfo(LOG_PREFIX + "The reference \"" + er.getName() +
    "\" of type " + refType.getName() +
    " is supposed to be transletd for a prodct-line analysis. Since this type is not specified to be translated, the translated sub-class " +
    " is supposed to be translated for a product-line analysis. Since this type is not specified to be translated, the translated sub-class " +
    ecls.getName() + " will be used.");
    ......@@ -755,7 +754,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    if(er.getUpperBound() < 0) {
    // This is the case of unlimited multiplicity, i.e. lists
    // This is the case of unlimited multiplicity, i.e., lists.
    refSort = ctx.mkSeqSort(refSort);
    ......@@ -767,12 +766,12 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    /** Translates the give enumeration */
    /** Translates the give enumeration. */
    private Sort translateEnum(EEnum en) {
    String name = en.getName();
    EList<EEnumLiteral> enumLiterals = en.getELiterals();
    // Null needs to be encoded as a dedicated literal
    // Null needs to be encoded as a dedicated literal.
    int numLiterals = enumLiterals.size();
    String[] literals = new String[numLiterals + 1];
    for(int i = 0; i < numLiterals; i++) {
    ......@@ -807,11 +806,11 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    objSymbols[objs.size()] = ctx.mkSymbol(clsName + "NONE");
    // Create EnumSort for class
    // Create EnumSort for class.
    EnumSort<?> enumSort = ctx.mkEnumSort(ctx.mkSymbol(clsName), objSymbols);
    eClass2z3Sort.put(cls, enumSort);
    // Map objects to z3 enum literals
    // Map objects to z3 enum literals.
    Expr<?>[] consts = enumSort.getConsts();
    for(int i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
    eObject2z3Expr.put(objs.get(i), cls, consts[i]);
    ......@@ -831,7 +830,6 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    .toArray(new BoolExpr[presenceConditionAssertions.size()]));
    solver.add(modelAssertions.toArray(new BoolExpr[modelAssertions.size()]));
    solver.add(constraintAssertions.toArray(new BoolExpr[constraintAssertions.size()]));
    return solver;
    ......@@ -910,7 +908,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    return constraintTracker2Constraint;
    /** Automatically lifts the given constraint */
    /** Automatically lifts the given constraint. */
    protected BoolExpr createLiftedConstraint(Expr<?>[] quantifierValiables,
    EClass[] variableClasses, BoolExpr[] containmentExprs, BoolExpr body,
    boolean isForAll) {
    ......@@ -927,7 +925,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    selExprs[i] = ctx.mkAnd(selected, notNull);
    // Add containment expressions
    // Add containment expressions.
    int j = 0;
    for(int i = quantifierValiables.length; i < quantifierValiables.length +
    containmentExprs.length; i++) {
    ......@@ -999,7 +997,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    * Enables or disables the "island optimization" for which only optional parts of the model are
    * translated.
    * This optimization is disbaled by default.
    * This optimization is disabled by default.
    * Via the method {@code setIslandOptimizationStepNum()} it is possible to specify a range of
    * transitive references to be guaranteed to be translated for all optional elements.
    ......@@ -1007,7 +1005,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    * interactions between optional and non-optional elements.
    * @param setEnabled
    * 'true' will enable the island optimization; 'false' will disbale.
    * 'true' will enable the island optimization; 'false' will disable.
    public void setIslandOptimizationEnabled(boolean setEnabled) {
    this.isIslandOptimizationEnabled = setEnabled;
    ......@@ -1021,7 +1019,7 @@ public class EMFProductLineTranslation implements IProductLineTranslation {
    * interactions between optional and non-optional elements.
    * @param stepNum
    * The number of trabnsitive references to be guaranteed to be translated for all
    * The number of transitive references to be guaranteed to be translated for all
    * optional elements.
    public void setIslandOptimizationStepNum(int stepNum) {
    ......@@ -45,10 +45,8 @@ public abstract class GenericProductLineAnalysis {
    this.translation = translation;
    * Creates the {@link IProductLineConstraint}s to be checked by this analysis.
    protected abstract Collection<IProductLineConstraint> createConstriants();
    /** Creates the {@link IProductLineConstraint}s to be checked by this analysis. */
    protected abstract Collection<IProductLineConstraint> createConstraints();
    * Performs a product-line analysis for the given model.
    ......@@ -57,7 +55,7 @@ public abstract class GenericProductLineAnalysis {
    * analysis. 'false' otherwise.
    public List<ProductLineConstraintViolation> doCheck() {
    plConstraints = createConstriants();
    plConstraints = createConstraints();
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