<detailskey="documentation"value="Super class of connections. Connections are aggregated in a hierarchic model element and reference two connectors from that element or any direct sub-elenent."/>
<detailskey="documentation"value="Super class of connections. Connections are aggregated in a hierarchic model element and reference two connectors from that element or any direct sub-element."/>
<detailskey="documentation"value="Super class of hidden model element specifications that represent annotations."/>
<detailskey="documentation"value="Super class of model element specifications that represent annotations (i.e., specifications that are guaranteed to exist exactly once for the model elements for which the annotation has been registered)"/>
<detailskey="documentation"value="Interface for {@link IAnnotationSpecification}s that are derived from the state of other annotations and/or model elements.

<li>Concrete specifications must provide a specialized getValue() {@link EOperation}s that perform the required calculation. Example: Calculation of {@link Component} WCET for current deployment (if available) based on {@link Component} instruction count and performance (e.g., MIPS) of {@link ExecutionUnit}, some warning indicator otherwise. </li>
<li>Concrete specifications may provide additional {@link EOperation} that provide an advanced query interface to the annoation. Example: WCET for an explicitly specified {@link ExecutionUnit}. This can be used e.g. in a DSE to explore different deployments.</li>
<li>The corresponding {@link IAnnotationValueProvider} should be based on {@link DerivedAnnotationValueProviderBase}.
<detailskey="documentation"value="Interface for {@link IAnnotationSpecification}s that are derived from the state of other annotations and/or model elements.

<li>Concrete specifications must provide a specialized getValue() {@link EOperation}s that perform the required calculation. Example: Calculation of {@link Component} WCET for current deployment (if available) based on {@link Component} instruction count and performance (e.g., MIPS) of {@link ExecutionUnit}, some warning indicator otherwise. </li>
<li>Concrete specifications may provide additional {@link EOperation} that provide an advanced query interface to the annotation. Example: WCET for an explicitly specified {@link ExecutionUnit}. This can be used e.g. in a DSE to explore different deployments.</li>
<li>The corresponding {@link IAnnotationValueProvider} should be based on {@link DerivedAnnotationValueProviderBase}.
<detailskey="documentation"value="Wrapper method for returning derived (calculated) values. It may return values annotated by the user if the calculation fails, or the user input is preffered, based on the configuration of the concrete annotation. "/>
<detailskey="documentation"value="Wrapper method for returning derived (calculated) values. It may return values annotated by the user if the calculation fails, or the user input is preferred, based on the configuration of the concrete annotation. "/>
<detailskey="documentation"value="Default implementation of a method indicating whether the user annotated value, if available, shall be preferred over the derived one. The default is 'true', i.e. user annotated values are preferred. Shall be overridden, if another bahaviour is desired."/>
<detailskey="documentation"value="Default implementation of a method indicating whether the user annotated value, if available, shall be preferred over the derived one. The default is 'true', i.e. user annotated values are preferred. Shall be overridden, if another behavior is desired."/>
<detailskey="documentation"value="Returns the {@link EAttribute} which is used to store the user annotated values, if the concrete annotatin is designed therefore. By default, this function returns null, indicating no user annotated values are supported. This method must be re-implemented by concrete annotations if any other behavior is desired."/>
<detailskey="documentation"value="Returns the {@link EAttribute} which is used to store the user annotated values, if the concrete annotation is designed therefore. By default, this function returns null, indicating no user annotated values are supported. This method must be re-implemented by concrete annotations if any other behavior is desired."/>