- May 21, 2015
Georgetta Igna authored
refs 2337
Georgetta Igna authored
refs 2337
- May 07, 2015
Simon Barner authored
refs 2309
- Apr 30, 2015
Simon Barner authored
- Delete also resources that contain references to the resource managed by the kernel (e.g., the AF3 project) refs 2309
- Apr 16, 2015
Simon Barner authored
- This fixes the bug that the TreeMap suffers from collisions of identity hashes. - The special properties of IdentityHashMap that it uses references equality (instead of equals()) to decide collisions is not needed here, but it also does not harm since this is the default implementation of equals(), and per definition there cannot be two equal elements (at the XMI resource level). refs 2309
- Apr 07, 2015
Simon Barner authored
- Support sharing the ResourceSet used to load models managed by the kernel with additional model files (e.g., models, that are linked to the model managed by the kernel using IDs) - Save all resources in the ResourceSet when the model managed by the kernel is saved - Update ResourceSet when file used to persist Resource not managed by the kernel is removed from the file system refs 2309
- Apr 01, 2015
Simon Barner authored
- Keep registration of these constraint checkers for FileProject objects in org.fortiss.af3.project refs 2309
Simon Barner authored
- Move internal.storage.Eclipse.AF3ResourceFactory -> utils.ResourceUtils.KernelResourceFactory - Move registration of KernelResourceFactory for .af3_23 files to org.fortiss.af3.project - Remove registration for .sfit files (should be handled in an appropriate plugin there) refs 2309
- Mar 31, 2015
Vincent Aravantinos authored
Vincent Aravantinos authored
- Mar 24, 2015
Simon Barner authored
Simon Barner authored
- Add RemoveUnknownFeatureMigrationProviderBase, a base class for {@link IMigrationProvider}s to selectively remove unknown features from a model.
- Mar 18, 2015
Simon Barner authored
- Instead of iteration over the entire model for each IIdLabeled element whose ID is to be checked for consistency and uniqueness, register the constraint checker for the FileProject and do each of the checks in one pass. - Should fixes drastic performance problems introduced with last change to resolve this issue refs 2309
- Mar 17, 2015
Simon Barner authored
- Add prefix "generated-" for directories of generated edit and editor code (not used in default AF3 distribution)
Simon Barner authored
- By default, EMF uses fragment-path based links to persist EReferences. While this works fine for standalone model resources, it can cause inconsistencies in case there are multiple resource models that contain cross-resource references. (I.e., if the structure of the AF3 model resource changes, the links from the external model resource can become invalid) - The recommended way to work around this is to configure EMF to use IDs to encode EReferences. Solution: - Change persistence of AF3 model resources to encode references using an (extrinsic) xmi:id, that is identical to the model element's org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.model.IIdLabled.id. A dedicated XMIResource type for AF3 model resources is used (which is created by a resource factory registered for *.af3_23 files) - The reason for not using IIdLabled.id as intrinsic ID is that the implemented solution using xmi:id is both forward and backward compatible - At the price of losing forward compatibility, the IIdLabled.id could be changed to a derived, volatile EAttribute that simply returns the value of xmi:id - Add EContentAdapter to sync xmi:id and IIdLabled.id - Ensure uniqueness of IDs (that is now much more crucial) during when loading and saving as well as importing and exporting models (and print a warning to the console in case duplicates have been detected and fixed) - As an additional safety layer, add constraint checkers to ensure uniqueness of IDs and consistency of IIdLabled.id and xmi:id Related changes: - Speed up loading and saving of XMI resources by setting corresponding XMLResource options - Ensure that IDs are assigned to annotations as soon as they are instantiated refs 2309
- Feb 12, 2015
Simon Barner authored
refs 2289
- Feb 09, 2015
Vincent Aravantinos authored
refs 2140
Simon Barner authored
- Feb 06, 2015
Vincent Aravantinos authored
- Feb 05, 2015
Florian Hölzl authored
refs 2255
- Feb 04, 2015
Vincent Aravantinos authored
refs 2255
- Feb 03, 2015
Simon Barner authored
Simon Barner authored
- Add Id, version, and ConQAT tags to XML files
- Feb 02, 2015
Simon Barner authored
* Mainly documentation cleanup * Remove some commented out code org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.internal.storage.eclipse.ModelContext: org.fortiss.tooling.kernel.utils.EMFResourceUtils: - Resolve B.19 issue (numbering scheme as of Aug. 14, <https://af3-developer.fortiss.org/projects/autofocus3/wiki/Check-list_for_Code_Reviews/56>) "Use static imports" refs 2255
- Jan 29, 2015
Vincent Aravantinos authored
refs 2140
- Dec 04, 2014
Sergey Zverlov authored
Alexander Diewald authored
- Dec 02, 2014
Simon Barner authored
SafetyUtils.getParentSpecificationsWithType() --> AnnotationUtils.getParentAnnotationsWithType() AnnotationUtils: Add TODO to remove workaround that should be no longer required after IDE dev tools update. refs 2171
Simon Barner authored
a method to determines the {@link EClass} corresponding to a give {@code clazz} (typically the interface for the generated implementation class of an Ecore meta-model).
- Nov 17, 2014
Vincent Aravantinos authored
- Nov 14, 2014
Dongyue Mou authored
- Nov 12, 2014
Dongyue Mou authored
- Nov 03, 2014
Dongyue Mou authored
Dongyue Mou authored
- Oct 01, 2014
Simon Barner authored
- Rename computeFullyName() -> computeFullyQualifiedName()
- Aug 07, 2014
Florian Hölzl authored
refs 2093
- Aug 06, 2014
Vincent Aravantinos authored
refs 2093
Vincent Aravantinos authored
fix of failures: was again due to the EMF annoying thing of forcing non-duplicates in function arguments refs 2077
- Aug 05, 2014
Florian Hölzl authored
refs 2093
Vincent Aravantinos authored
refs 2093