Maven build configuration for local and jenkins builds
- bundles Holds the sources to compile the product. Each repository added here as a git submodule (see .gitmodules) must contain a generic pom.xml file to enable pomless builds. Please see for an example of such a pom file.
- docker
Contains the build specification for the docker container used in the CI Jobs.
Build & Update instructions:
- Clone the repository.
- Navigate to the cloned directory in a UNIX shell and apply the following commands.
docker login -u <USERNAME>
docker build -t docker/
- Delete the outdated 'af3/maven-releng' container
docker push -t
- features Holds the feature descriptions that compose a product. Each source bundle must be listed here.
- products Contains the product descriptions by they are built, such as AF3.
- releng Contains common configuration shared by all plugins, update site configs, and