Backend for citizen participation chatbot. Designed to work with the webplugin
**Current version**
- npm (v6.4.0)
- nodejs(v8.11.2)
After cloning, go to the root folder from the terminal and run :
Run the following command from the terminal to start the server,
npm start
When the server runs successfully , it will display
Server started on port 3999
since we are using websocket the url used to connect to the server should look like that [ws://localhost:3999](ws://localhost:3999)
There are many ways to deploy a nodejs app, but for the sake of simplicity we will use a package called [forever](
[forever]( is a simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously,
Run the following command from the terminal to start the [forever]( mode, check forever documentation for more advanced usage [here](
npm run start:forever
Add this command to the Cron jobs in linux or windows scheduler to run the server on restart.
* [NodeJS]( - The javascript framework used
* [Typescript]( - For easier OOP javascript