AF3 Developer Installation with Oomph
Updating an existing installation
Our setup allows updating existing installations almost seamlessly.
Updates are received automatically if you installed AF3 - Developer
installation by using the link
during the oomph setup (see below).
If there are any additional required to update from one version to
another, they will be announced by mail on the AF3 developer list and
also recorded here.
To migrate from a local file-based installation to a URL-based one,
please find the required instructions at the bottom of this page.
Java Compiler Version 11
The AF3 source must be compiled using a Java compiler version 11. We
recommend OpenJDK since we use it for building internally.
- **Linux**: Your distribution probably already packaged OpenJDK, so
you just have to install the openjdk-11 package from you package
manager. **BEWARE:** Ubuntu 18.04 has a package named
“openjdk-11-jdk” that installs OpenJDK 10. Do not use it! Instead,
search for a PPA that offers the correct package.
- **Windows/MacOS:** OpenJDK can be obtained from
[AdoptOpenJDK](https://adoptopenjdk.net/), a buildfarm sponsored by
companies depending on Java.
- Alternatively, you can also perform manual installation from the
[OpenJDK site](https://jdk.java.net/11/).
Installation Procedure
\* Windows-only: Please ensure that the HOME variable is set (Keys:
Windows + Pause ->Adjust settings ->Advanced ->Environment
variables) or run [this
to set the mentioned variable to the user’s directory. It is read by the
git implementation of eclipse. NOTE: If your user folder points to a
network share, you will experience severe performance impacts, so choose
a local folder instead!
\* Download [version 2019-12](https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/release/2019-12/r)
of the Eclipse Installer
- Start the Eclipse installer
- Do not update it, but stay with version 2019-12 (a.k.a. 1.15.0
Build 4434) to workaround an SSL certificate problem
- Switch to Advanced Mode (“burger icon” in the upper-right
- On the **Product** page select:
- Eclipse Modeling Tools
- Product Version: 2019-12
- Java 1.8+ VM: <Select your JDK 11 Installation or leave the
- Bundle Pool:
<Select a location for the bundle pool or leave the default>
- Select the **Next** button to go to the Project page
- On the **Project** page:
- **Note**: If you have a stale `<user>` entry from a previous
installation, check mark it and remove it using the **Red X**
icon right of the filter text field
- Hit the **Green Plus** icon right of the filter text field
- Select **Eclipse Projects** from the Catalog drop-down box
- Copy and paste the following link to the text field:
- Note 1: Using this link, instead of installing via a local
file, ensures that your installation will remain up-to-date.
Available updates will be indicated directly after each
startup of eclipse. You are recommended to install them.
- Note 2: If you are working with the eclipse platform itself
(AF3 platform updates), you may consider using a file-based
installation from a common (local) `fortiss-std-env`
repository. It allows you test modifications to the setup
easily by updating the setup file via git. Please remember
to import this repository in your developer installation
manually to receive remote updates by pulling.
- Hit **OK**
- There is now a new folder / category entry called **<span
style="text-align:left;">User></span>** and the **AutoFOCUS 3
(Developer)** project below it
- **Check-mark** the project and click **Next**
- Depending on the state of your installer, you may need to install
the unzip feature for the installer.
The installer is relaunched afterwards and you have to reselect the
**AutoFOCUS 3 (Developer)** project.
- On the **Product Variable** page:
- Check “Show all variables” at the bottom of this dialog page to
see all options
- Customize the installation locations or accept the default
(sub-folder to your user home)
- **Important for contributors:** Enter your personal REST API key
from the redmine page (this website):
- Login to the current web page (top right), or register if
you have not done so yet.
- Open the [My
Account](https://af3-developer.fortiss.org/my/account) page
(top right) in a new tab or browser window.
- Click “Show” below the “API access key” header in the
rightmost pane of the page.
- Copy the key to the corresponding *key* field in the oomph
installer (initialized with all 0s)
- Keep “My Account” page open since you will need the key in a
later setup step again.
- Select **Next**
- You see a list of tasks that will be executed. Just hit **Finish**.
- You will be asked to confirm licenses.
- **NOTE: Workaround required**: Do a problem with an Oomph module,
you have to manually unzip the file
- It should expand into `autofocus-master/javafx-sdk-13.0.2`
- You can do this after the installer has launched the new Eclipse
instance and the *startup tasks* are executed.
- We are working on a fix for this issue.
- **NOTE**: If an error occurs that warns a certain plugin could not
be downloaded to the p2 cache (checksum), please select a different
p2 pool in the first page of the installer. Alternatively, you can
also delete the contents of the p2 pool , but beware: Old AutoFOCUS
installations cannot be executed any more after doing this.
- Wait until the projects are fully built and the IDE has updated the
package explorer icons (you should see gray, red, yellow or green
code rating bullets in the top-left corner of each project icon).
- **NOTE**: If there are build errors after the compilation, ...
- ... clean (ONLY) the plugin “org.fortiss.tooling.kernel” such that the
pseudo-errors disappear.
- ... clean all plugins in the workspace.
- ... reload the target platform. Make sure that the target platform
has been resolved before reloading!
- ... add the require plugins in the OS-specific debug configuration
(`Debug` -> `Debug Configurations ...` -> `Eclipse Application` ->
e.g. `win65` -> `Add Required Plug-ins`).
- ... restart AutoFOCUS3.
- Next, one typically switches to the Java perspective by typing
“Java” into the Quick Access" box in the top-right corner and
clicking on the “Perspective” item in the list (Not the View!).
**Note** that You can clean your installation by deleting the
installation root folder.
However, you might want to keep the bundle pool.
Starting AF3
Go to “Run >Run” or “Run >Debug” to start af3. You will be
prompted to select a launch configuration. Select the one which matches
your operating system and click ok.
- <u>Question</u>: Oomph installer cannot find update sites? (Problem
occurred on Windows)
<u>Answer</u>: Deactivate proxy servers.
- <u>Question</u>: I’m experiencing thousands of build errors! Some
are indicating missing eclipse packages.
<u>Answer</u>: In this case, you have to reload the target platform
since eclipse got confused. Therefore, open the plugin
“target-definition” in the package explorer and open
`org.fortiss.af3.target.target`. Then, please wait until the target
platform is resolved. Afterwards, please click “Reload target
platform” in the top-right corner of the editor and a rebuild should
take place, removing any error markers. Maybe you have to re-execute
the last step to trigger the rebuild.
- <u>Question</u>: Launching AF3 causes SIGSEGV on Linux and kills
Java VM within “libgdk-x11-2.0.so”. What now?
<u>Answer</u>: In your launch configuration, on the ‘Environment’
tab, add a new variable called ‘SWT\_GTK3’ and set its value to ‘0’.
JVM is linked against GTK2, therefore we need to tell the launcher
not to use GTK3 with this setting.
- <u>Question</u>: Rating files and git interaction seems very slow.
<u>Answer</u>: Please ensure you completed step 1 of the
installation instructions. If the environment variable HOME does not
point to a local directory, heavy network traffic occurs that causes
these performance issues.
- <u>Question</u>: Rating for files is shown, but I cannot change the
rating via the context menu.
<u>Answer</u>: The rating can only be changed in the Package
Explorer view. Make sure, you are not using e.g. the Model Explorer.
Migrating from a file-based installation
1. Open the file
in a text editor of your choice. In Windows, substitute `<HOME>`
with `C:\Users\<Username>`; In Linux/MacOS with the home folder
2. Search for the line mentioning `af3.setup` and replace the line with
the following:
`<project href="https://git.fortiss.org/af3/fortiss-std-env/raw/master/oomph/af3.setup#/"/>`
3. Start (or restart) an AutoFOCUS 3 developer installation and check
that the corresponding Oomph file points to the update location:
Open “Window/Edit >Preferences >Oomph >Setup Tasks” and
check the window title.
4. Ensure that the option “Skip automatic task execution at startup
time” is UNCHECKED to receive updates.