- Feb 09, 2018
Alexander Diewald authored
Removes the remaining occurrences of the SystemModelAdapter from the inner DSE parts. Instead, the abstraction created by the SystemModelAdapter are used. refs 2962
- Feb 08, 2018
Alexander Diewald authored
* Remove the SystemModelAdapter from many inner constructor methods where it is not needed or can be substituded by other information/data sources. * Introduce the InitialEncodingProvider that provides encodings to inner DSE parts iff an encoding can be constructed from the input models and if no other Exploration Feature provides the required encoding. refs 2962
- Feb 06, 2018
Alexander Diewald authored
* The DSEInputParameter container is no longer used --> Remove. * Remove several porting classes of the MOEA-based DSE. refs 3200
Alexander Diewald authored
* Use the correct package. * Also correct the registration of the Opt4J backend. refs 3264
Alexander Diewald authored
* Isolate the property readout (from annotations) in single adapters. * Reintegrate the ReplicationBound annotation. * Add an additional parameter to the SystemModelAdapter. refs 3262
- Feb 05, 2018
Alexander Diewald authored
* Tasks replace Components as the main requesters to be deployed to execution units. * Modify the EDF scheduler to focus on scheduling of tasks within Partitions. * TaskGraphs: * Allow multiple edges (signals) to be exchanged between tasks. This change renders the graph to be more compliant to the TaskArchitecture of AF3. * Use non-deprecated JGraphT classes. refs 3254
- Feb 01, 2018
Alexander Diewald authored
Note: Due to the invasive changes, the MOEA-based DSE is currently non-functional. This intermediate commit is intended to separate the overall goal into smaller tasks. refs 3254
Simon Barner authored
- Delete unused utility methods that reference this type - Move GPIOLinkingValueProvider and GPIOPinNumberValueProvider to af3.platform.pikeos. refs 3261
Alexander Diewald authored
refs 3254
Alexander Diewald authored
refs 3254
Alexander Diewald authored
* Above renaming. * Introduce the empty IComponentAdapter interface to reference AF3 components. refs 3254
Alexander Diewald authored
* Modify (Super)Sets to use a generic that denotes the types of elements within a set. Thereby, it is ensured that only elements of this kind are contained/referenced in a specific set. * Introduce a SuperSetMap that allows to associate the types of elements of supersets with superset instances. * Use the SuperSetMap as the main entity to pass model elements from the DSE Project to backends. * Add the ComponentToTaskAllocationTable to the DSESuperSet and the DSE model element: This is the new way to identify which Tasks belong to which Component. refs 2939
- Jan 25, 2018
Alexander Diewald authored
Alexander Diewald authored
- Jan 24, 2018
Alexander Diewald authored
* Introduce the following Decoders: * PartitionMappingDecoderGraph: Updates a PlatformCommunicationGraph to align to an updated PartitionMapping. * PartitionMappingIdentityDecoder: Forwards a PartitionMappingEncoding to the Genotype * TaskInstanceResourceAlignmentDecoder: Adjusts the sets of valid target resources for allocations & reallocates invalid entries. * Add the following Exploration Sub Problems: * PartitionMappingProblem: Mapping of Partitions to cores. TaskMappings are now defined as Task --> Partition. * PlatformCommGraphProblem: Recalculation of communication paths existing in the platform. Required for Message Routing. * Add corresponding operators: vary the number of Partitions and their allocation to cores. Also add NOP Operators where needed (Esp. Crossover). * Add Copy operations. * Restructure the MessageRouter(s) to consider changes of the PlatfromCommunicationGraphs. * Various Adpations to existing task mappings due to the changed target resources. * Update the DependencyGraph: * Simplify the calculation of dependencies. * Correctly consider "Pure" identity decoders, i.e., Decoders that only take one input genotype into account and output the same: They would be neglected otherwise. * Restructure the Mapping class. *
- Jan 22, 2018
Simon Barner authored
refs 3249
- Jan 19, 2018
Simon Barner authored
Eliminate support for multi-instance annotations, which was mostly unused and only complicated the code. refs 2964
- Jan 18, 2018
Alexander Diewald authored
* Remove the SFF value provider. An "equivalent Safety Level" will be introduced for hardware elements later. * Keep the ProbabilityFailuresDemand- and ProbabilityFailuresHourValueProvider(s) for use in a more complex safety analysis. * Keep the HwComplexityValueProvider for describing simple HW voters (useful for safety analysis). refs 3240
Alexander Diewald authored
* Introduce utility methods to transform a ExplorationSolutionSet to a DataSetCollection and subsequent methods. * Move some reflection utility classes from the exploration.alg plugin to the exploration plugin. refs 2935
- Dec 21, 2017
Alexander Diewald authored
* NOTE: This commit is an intermediate one: Code compiles, but is untested. * Generalize many parts of the TaskMappingEncoding into the MappingEncoding. * PartitionExploration: * Define the PartitionMappingEncoding based on the generalized MappingEncoding. * Define Mutation Operators for the PartitionMappingEncoding. * Define a Creator Module for the PartitionMappingEncoding.
- Dec 18, 2017
Simon Barner authored
- Used to semantically mark AllocationTables and AllocationEntries (e.g., which layers of the system are connected by allocation, and which system entities) - Add IAllocationService.addAllocationEntryType() and getAllocationEntryTypes() to register and query IAllocationTypes - Apply IAllocationTypes specializations to Task, Partition and Hardware architecture allocations 2) Move TaskToExecutionUnitAllocationTable and TaskWcetTable to af3.task (to avoid circular dependencies that would arise from the introduction of IAllocationType) 3) Schedule model UI - Use IAllocationTypes to provide unified generic UI in af3.schedule.ui - Remove most of the temporary hacks since allocation[.ui] is now in the build - TODO: Remove SystemScheduleDeploymentPropertySection once Deployment has fully been replaced by AllocationTable refs 2950,3188,3067
- Dec 13, 2017
Simon Barner authored
- Register af3.timing / Wcet and Period annotations to tasks. Wcet is the assumed WCET of a Task (independent of the ExecutionUnit to which it mapped) - Add TaskWcetTable that allows to specify the WCET for (Task,ExecutionUnit) pairs. - For now, the values can be edited in the annotation view only - TODO: Integrated task WCET table as secondary TaskArchitecture editor refs 2562
- Dec 08, 2017
Simon Barner authored
TODO: - Enable selection of execution type - Mapping of ports (see also: #3223) refs 2562
Simon Barner authored
refs 3220
- Dec 07, 2017
Simon Barner authored
Use @deprecated (lower case 'd'!) to tag outdated classes such that their state is actually recognized by the Java compiler and a warning is generated.
- Dec 05, 2017
Simon Barner authored
- Dec 04, 2017
Simon Barner authored
refs 3194
- Nov 28, 2017
Alexander Diewald authored
Simon Barner authored
refs 3192,3177
Simon Barner authored
- Remove SVN autoprops tags - Remove unused files - Move to new code rating refs 3192,3177
Simon Barner authored
- Nov 24, 2017
Alexander Diewald authored
refs 3190
- Nov 23, 2017
Alexander Diewald authored
* Exploration.alg: * Register the .alg plugin via an IStattup extension to avoid dependencies on this plugin. * Create a objective and a constraint evaluator that can handle DSML expressions. * Adjust the opt4j extensions. * Temporally introduce the MappingEncoding marker interface to support the DSML evaluators (--> allocation expressions). * Fix some minor bugs and warnings. * Move the porting utils to the alg plugin (previously in alg.ui). * Move the plot code to the alg plugin (previously in alg.ui) until the transition to the AF3 visualization framework is finished. * Exploration.smt: * Create a backend implementation for the smt-based exploration. * Minor adjustments (I/O) to comply with the backend mechanism. * Exploration: * Package renaming of the DSE backend mechanism. * Make the DSE backend mechanism independent of the eclipse extension mechanism. * Integrate the Exploration solution Classes in the EMF model. * Minor adjustments of the DSE backend API. * Exploration.ui: * Add a combobox to select the DSE backend for the Deployment synthesis * Adjust the GUI backends to comply with the DSE backend interfaces. refs 2939
- Nov 22, 2017
Alexander Diewald authored
- Nov 20, 2017
Simon Barner authored
- Remove @ConQAT tags from test source - Add missing @ConQAT where needed - No functional changes, keeps code existing ratings
- Nov 17, 2017
Simon Barner authored
Simon Barner authored
- Nov 16, 2017
Simon Barner authored
Please fix your SVN configurations! See https://af3-developer.fortiss.org/projects/autofocus3/wiki/Developer_Installation, Section "Initial Workspace Content Check-out", §6.
- Nov 14, 2017
Simon Barner authored
- Nov 08, 2017
Simon Barner authored