- Mar 13, 2018
Simon Barner authored
Simon Barner authored
Simon Barner authored
Filip Reaboi authored
Simon Barner authored
Filip Reaboi authored
Simon Barner authored
refs 2983
Filip Reaboi authored
Filip Reaboi authored
Simon Barner authored
- Remove unneeded class GCUtils refs 2490
Simon Barner authored
refs 3240
Simon Barner authored
refs 3240
Simon Barner authored
Resolve TODO in AnnotationInstSpec. refs 2964
Filip Reaboi authored
Unnecessary classes removed refs 3240
Simon Barner authored
refs 3177
Simon Barner authored
refs 2964
- Mar 09, 2018
Simon Barner authored
* org.fortiss.af3.platform.model.generic.GenericExecutionUnit (changed - from ExecutionUnit) * org.fortiss.af3.platform.pikeos.model.Core (as before) - Add migrators that remove annotation from model elements other than the two mentioned above - Move registration of MemoryPerNode, PowerConsumption, HardwareCost from af3.exploration.smt to af3.platform refs 2658
Simon Barner authored
ComponentArchitectureTransformationBase.transform() Ensure that in architectures derived from ComponentArchitectures, annotation are instantiated. AnnotationUtils: Resurrect instantiateAnnotationsRecursive() refs 3328
- Mar 07, 2018
Simon Barner authored
refs 2347
Filip Reaboi authored
- Mar 06, 2018
Simon Barner authored
refs 3219
Simon Barner authored
refs 3219
Filip Reaboi authored
refs 3240
Filip Reaboi authored
- Mar 05, 2018
Andreas Bayha authored
refs 3280
- Mar 02, 2018
Andreas Bayha authored
- Feb 27, 2018
Filip Reaboi authored
refs 3241
- Feb 22, 2018
Filip Reaboi authored
refs 3241
- Feb 21, 2018
Alexander Diewald authored
================= | Exploration exploration.ecore ================= - ExplorationSpecification - targets: non-contained (Migrator!) - Add superSet reference to pass required SuperSets to the DSE backend. - Remove ExplorationSolution interface: No Migration needed. - Rename ExplorationSolutionSet --> ExplorationSolution - Deprecated inputModelAdapter: No migration needed, only used in MOEA. - Renaming: targetSpecification --> explorationSpec - targetSpecification marked @deprecated - No mirgator needed: Class was not used in previous stable releases. - Add EClass SuperSetMap: Relates types of elements to SuperSets - solution: EJavaClassToSuperSetMap (containment!) - Add EClass EJavaClassToSuperSetMap: internal map of "SuperSetMap" - key: Class - Value: SuperSet (NO containment!) - ExplorationSolution - Renamed solutionModelMap -> solutionSets (Type EJavaClassToEJavaObjectMap -> EJavaClassToSuperSetMap) - Adjust EOperations to modifications in backend map. - SingleExplorationSolution - Add the solution state for single solutions. - Adjust EOperations to modifications in backend map. - Removed EJavaClassToEJavaObjectMap dseproject.ecore ================ - DSE: - Add EReference target: ExplorationTarget (containment) - Remove explorationSpecification (Migrator!) - Add an ExplorationTargetPool that contains all ExplorationTargets of a DSE project. - DSERun: - Add EReference explorationSolution (containment) - Remove EReference visualization (Migrator!) dsl_v2.ecore ============ - Overwrite the accept method for the Sum expression: Do not return null if the associated set is empty, evaluate to Zero, instead. New Migrators ============= - DSEExplorationTargetContainmentMigrator Migrates the set of explorationTargets to the DSE project - VisualizationToExpSolutionMigrator: Migrates the Visualization data to the ExplorationSolution representation that allows a better traceability. Other Business ============== - Adjust plugin.xml to account for recently removed Objective- and ConstraintExpression classes. Now, ExplorationObjective and ExplorationConstraint is used. ================= | Exploration.alg - Adjust the Opt4JBackend to be comply to the new DSE Backend Specification - The output type detection in the base decoder is more robust. - The ITaskAdapter temporally references its corresponding component to ease the refactoring of the DSE backend interface. This shall not be needed when the transformation framework is integrated again. - Temporally transform the internal solutions to a superset of ComponentToExecutionUnitAllocations to create s solution model. Workaround until the transformation framework is integrated again. - Misc adjustment for backend changes. ================= | Exploration.smt - Adjust the Z3Backend to be comply to the new DSE Backend Specification - Base the results of the DeploymentRun2 and SolverRun2 on the ExplorationSolution (see above). ================ | Exploration.ui - Adjust the GUI logic to account for the changed containment relations. - Update the DSE project import wizard for the Meta-Model changes. - Move the ExplorationSolutionVisualizationUtils class to the UI plugin (here). It is used to transform ExplorationSolutions to a Visualization representation (i.e., DataSetCollection). - Use doubles instead of ints in the SpiderChartUtils. Although not a proper solution, this covers more cases... Instead the generic should be reflected. refs 3273
- Feb 15, 2018
Filip Reaboi authored
@Id: deleted refs 3241
- Feb 09, 2018
Andreas Bayha authored
refs 2998
Andreas Bayha authored
refs 2998
Andreas Bayha authored
refs 2998
Andreas Bayha authored
refs 2998
Andreas Bayha authored
refs 2998
Filip Reaboi authored
refs 3241
- Feb 08, 2018
Filip Reaboi authored
refs 3240
- Feb 05, 2018
Simon Barner authored
- Do not put 'build' directories under version control refs 3199
- Feb 02, 2018
Hernan Ponce de Leon authored
Hernan Ponce de Leon authored