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Commit 37d70f35 authored by Florian Hölzl's avatar Florian Hölzl
Browse files

Created tag for rapsberry rover code at end of first lab course.

parent 994f5391
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
with 806 additions and 0 deletions
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.6"/>
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<classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>
<classpathentry kind="src" path="generated-src"/>
<classpathentry kind="output" path="build"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Fortiss AF3 Platform Raspberry
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry;singleton:=true
Bundle-Version: 2.9.0.qualifier
Bundle-ClassPath: .
Bundle-Vendor: fortiss GmbH
Bundle-Localization: plugin
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8
Export-Package: org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.model,
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
Bundle-Activator: org.fortiss.af3.platform.raspberry.AF3PlatformRaspberryActivator
Require-Bundle: org.fortiss.af3.project,
Import-Package: org.fortiss.af3.deployment.generator,
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<!-- Place your Actions here -->
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<!-- Place your Group alterations here -->
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# <copyright>
# </copyright>
# $Id$
bin.includes = .,\
source.. = src/,\
output.. = build/
# The default application name.
ifndef APPL
# The default build path.
ifndef BPATH
# The compiler.
ifndef CROSSCC
# The linker.
ifndef CROSSLD
# The flags which are passed to the compiler and the linker.
CCFLAGS+=-std=gnu99 -Wall -pthread -lwiringPi -pedantic -c ${patsubst %,-I%,${subst :, ,${IPATH}}}
LDFLAGS+=-std=gnu99 -Wall -pthread -lpthread -lwiringPi -pedantic
# The default rules, i.e. the entry point.
all: ${BPATH}
all: ${BPATH}/${APPL}.run
# The target to clean the build directory.
@echo "cleaning up path '${BPATH}' ..."
@rm -rf ${BPATH}
# The rule for creating the build directory.
@echo "creating path '${BPATH}' ..."
@mkdir ${BPATH}
# The rule for building an object file from the corresponding C source file.
${BPATH}/%.o: %.c
@echo "compiling file '${<}' ..."
@${CROSSCC} ${CCFLAGS} -o ${@} ${<}
# The rule for linking an application.
@echo "linking application '${@}' ..."
@${CROSSLD} ${LDFLAGS} -o ${@} $(filter %.o %.a, ${^})
\ No newline at end of file
/* generated by AutoFOCUS 3 (2.11.0) on Tue May 16 17:42:09 CEST 2017 */
#ifndef __HEADER_data_dictionary_h
#define __HEADER_data_dictionary_h
#if defined(__cplusplus)
typedef bool GEN_TYPE_boolean;
typedef enum Enum_TYPE_boolean {
false = 0, true = 1
} GEN_TYPE_boolean;
typedef int GEN_TYPE_int;
typedef double GEN_TYPE_double;
/*extern GEN_TYPE_double abs(GEN_TYPE_double _V);
extern GEN_TYPE_double arctan(GEN_TYPE_double _V);
extern GEN_TYPE_double cos(GEN_TYPE_double _V);
extern GEN_TYPE_double cot(GEN_TYPE_double _V);
extern GEN_TYPE_double e();
extern GEN_TYPE_double exp(GEN_TYPE_double _V);
extern GEN_TYPE_double ln(GEN_TYPE_double _V);
extern GEN_TYPE_double pi();
extern GEN_TYPE_double sgn(GEN_TYPE_double _V);
extern GEN_TYPE_double sin(GEN_TYPE_double _V);
extern GEN_TYPE_double sqrt(GEN_TYPE_double _V);
extern GEN_TYPE_double tan(GEN_TYPE_double _V);
extern GEN_TYPE_double _sqrt(GEN_TYPE_double _X,GEN_TYPE_double _V);
extern GEN_TYPE_double pow(GEN_TYPE_double _V,GEN_TYPE_double _N);
extern GEN_TYPE_double factorial(GEN_TYPE_double _V);
extern GEN_TYPE_double min(GEN_TYPE_double _a,GEN_TYPE_double _b);
extern GEN_TYPE_double max(GEN_TYPE_double _a,GEN_TYPE_double _b);
extern GEN_TYPE_double rad2deg(GEN_TYPE_double _A);
extern GEN_TYPE_double deg2rad(GEN_TYPE_double _A);*/
#endif // __HEADER_data_dictionary_h
#include <stdio.h>
#include "inc/libcansocket.h"
#include "inc-gen/data_dictionary.h"
// types
typedef const char* CAN_MSG_T;
typedef unsigned long CAN_CLK_T;
// constants
extern const char* CAN_DEVICE_NAME;
// send and receive
void can_send();
void can_send_clock(CAN_CLK_T counter);
void can_receive();
CAN_CLK_T can_receive_clock();
// init, terminate, prepare
void can_init();
void can_term();
void prepare_input_CanConnector();
void finish_input_CanConnector();
void prepare_output_CanConnector();
void finish_output_CanConnector();
// noval
GEN_TYPE_boolean can_is_noval(CAN_MSG_T msg);
GEN_TYPE_boolean can_set_noval(CAN_MSG_T msg);
// readers
GEN_TYPE_boolean can_read_bool(CAN_MSG_T msg);
GEN_TYPE_double can_read_double(CAN_MSG_T msg);
GEN_TYPE_int can_read_int(CAN_MSG_T pomsgrt);
// writers
void can_write_bool(CAN_MSG_T msg, GEN_TYPE_boolean value);
void can_write_double(CAN_MSG_T msg, GEN_TYPE_double value);
void can_write_int(CAN_MSG_T msg, GEN_TYPE_int value);
#endif // __CANCONNECTOR_H
#ifndef __GPIO_H
#define __GPIO_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include "inc-gen/data_dictionary.h"
// types
typedef int GPIO_PIN_T;
// init, term
void gpio_init(GPIO_PIN_T pin);
void gpio_init_in(GPIO_PIN_T pin);
void gpio_init_out(GPIO_PIN_T pin);
void gpio_term(GPIO_PIN_T pin);
// noval
GEN_TYPE_boolean gpio_is_noval(GPIO_PIN_T pin);
void gpio_set_noval(GPIO_PIN_T pin);
// readers
GEN_TYPE_boolean gpio_read(GPIO_PIN_T pin);
// writers
void gpio_write(GPIO_PIN_T pin, GEN_TYPE_boolean value);
#endif // __GPIO_H
#ifndef __GAMEPAD_H
#define __GAMEPAD_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "inc-gen/data_dictionary.h"
// constants
#define JS_EVENT_BUTTON 0x01
#define JS_EVENT_AXIS 0x02
#define JS_EVENT_INIT 0x80
extern const char* GP_DEVICE_NAME;
// types etc
union input_events {
struct input_btns {
int16_t js1_lr; // LX
int16_t js1_ud; // LY
int16_t js2_lr; // RX
int16_t js2_ud; // RY
int16_t gp_lr; // GPX
int16_t gp_ud; // GPY
int16_t bt_tri; // BTN1
int16_t bt_cir; // BTN2
int16_t bt_x; // BTN3
int16_t bt_sqr; // BTN4
int16_t bt_l1; // L1
int16_t bt_r1; // R1
int16_t bt_l2; // L2
int16_t bt_r2; // R2
int16_t bt_sel; // SELECT
int16_t bt_strt;// START
int16_t js1_bt; // LCLICK
int16_t js2_bt; // RCLICK
} btns;
int16_t inps[18];
struct js_event {
uint32_t time; // event time stamp in millisecons
int16_t value; // value
uint8_t type; // event type
uint8_t number; // axis/button number
extern volatile union input_events ie;
// worker
void* gp_worker(void* pt_args);
// init, term
void gp_init();
void gp_term();
// readers
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btn1_read();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btn2_read();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btn3_read();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btn4_read();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btnL1_read();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btnL2_read();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btnR1_read();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btnR2_read();
GEN_TYPE_double gp_btnLX_read();
GEN_TYPE_double gp_btnLY_read();
GEN_TYPE_double gp_btnRX_read();
GEN_TYPE_double gp_btnRY_read();
// noval
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btn1_is_noval();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btn2_is_noval();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btn3_is_noval();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btn4_is_noval();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btnL1_is_noval();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btnL2_is_noval();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btnR1_is_noval();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btnR2_is_noval();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btnLX_is_noval();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btnLY_is_noval();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btnRX_is_noval();
GEN_TYPE_boolean gp_btnRY_is_noval();
#endif // __GAMEPAD_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "inc-gen/data_dictionary.h"
#include "inc/libuart.h"
// constants
const char* LRF_DEVICE_NAME;
// init, terminate
void lrf_init();
void lrf_term();
// getters
GEN_TYPE_boolean lrf_is_noval();
GEN_TYPE_int lrf_read();
#ifndef __PWM_H
#define __PWM_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "inc-gen/data_dictionary.h"
#include "inc/libmaestro.h"
// macros
// 6072 is the value for 0, max. value to motor is currently 7572
// from AF3 you get a max. speed value in mm/s : 1471
// Hence, add the constant 6072 and map values -1471-1471 to -1500-1500
#define PWM_ADJUST_VALUE(x) (6072 + 1500 * x /1471)
// types
typedef unsigned char PWM_CHANNEL_T;
// constants
extern const int PWM_SLEEP_TIME;
extern const char* PWM_DEVICE_NAME;
extern const size_t PWM_MAX_NO_CHANNELS;
// worker
void* pwm_worker(void* pt_args);
// init, term
void pwm_init(PWM_CHANNEL_T channel);
void pwm_term(PWM_CHANNEL_T channel);
// writers
void pwm_write(PWM_CHANNEL_T channel, GEN_TYPE_int value);
void pwm_set_noval(PWM_CHANNEL_T channel);
#endif // __PWM_H
#ifndef __IO_H
#define __IO_H
#include "inc-gen/data_dictionary.h"
// init, terminate
void init_left_stick();
void term_left_stick();
void init_right_stick();
void term_right_stick();
GEN_TYPE_boolean is_noval_left_stick();
GEN_TYPE_boolean is_noval_right_stick();
// readers
GEN_TYPE_double read_left_stick();
GEN_TYPE_double read_right_stick();
// writers
void write_left_stick(GEN_TYPE_double value);
void write_right_stick(GEN_TYPE_double value);
#endif // __IO_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/can.h>
#include <linux/can/raw.h>
#define SR_ERR -1
struct can_socket {
int s;
struct sockaddr_can addr;
struct ifreq ifr;
* Opens a can socket on the given interface
struct can_socket* can_socket_open(const char *if_name);
* Closes a given socket
void can_socket_close(struct can_socket* sock);
* Sends a can frame on the specified socket
ssize_t can_socket_send(struct can_socket* sock, struct can_frame* frame);
ssize_t can_socket_receive(struct can_socket* sock, struct can_frame* frame);
#endif // __LIBCANSOCKET_H
#ifndef __LIBMAESTRO_H
#define __LIBMAESTRO_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <termios.h>
int maestroRead(int fd, unsigned char channel);
int maestroWrite(int fd, unsigned char channel, unsigned short target);
#endif // __LIBMAESTRO_H
* @file uart.h
* @author Bianca Forkel
#ifndef MBSE_UART_H
#define MBSE_UART_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
extern int uart_filestream;
char port[13];
int uart_setup(const char*);
int uart_send_byte(char, int);
int uart_send_string(char*, int, int);
int uart_receive(char*, int, int);
void uart_close();
void uart_flush();
/* generated by AutoFOCUS 3 (2.11.0) on Tue May 16 17:42:09 CEST 2017 */
#include "inc-gen/data_dictionary.h"
/*GEN_TYPE_double abs(GEN_TYPE_double _V){
return _V * sgn(_V);
GEN_TYPE_double arctan(GEN_TYPE_double _V){
if (abs(_V) <= 1.0) {
return _V / (1 + (0.28 * _V) * _V);
else {
if (_V > 1) {
return pi() / 2.0 - _V / (_V * _V + 0.28);
else {
return -(pi() / 2.0) - _V / (_V * _V + 0.28);
GEN_TYPE_double cos(GEN_TYPE_double _V){
return sin((_V + pi() / 2.0));
GEN_TYPE_double cot(GEN_TYPE_double _V){
return cos(_V) / sin(_V);
GEN_TYPE_double e(){
return 2.718281828459;
GEN_TYPE_double exp(GEN_TYPE_double _V){
return ((((1 + _V) + (_V * _V) / 2) + ((_V * _V) * _V) / 6) + (((_V * _V) * _V) * _V) / 24) + ((((_V * _V) * _V) * _V) * _V) / 120;
GEN_TYPE_double ln(GEN_TYPE_double _V){
if (_V <= 0) {
return 0;
else {
return ((((_V - 1.0) - ((_V - 1.0) * (_V - 1.0)) / 2.0) + (((_V - 1) * (_V - 1)) * (_V - 1)) / 3.0) - ((((_V - 1) * (_V - 1)) * (_V - 1)) * (_V - 1)) / 4.0) + (((((_V - 1) * (_V - 1)) * (_V - 1)) * (_V - 1)) * (_V - 1)) / 5.0;
GEN_TYPE_double pi(){
return 3.14159265;
GEN_TYPE_double sgn(GEN_TYPE_double _V){
if (_V < 0) {
return -1;
else {
if (_V == 0) {
return 0;
else {
return 1;
GEN_TYPE_double sin(GEN_TYPE_double _V){
if (_V % (2 * pi()) < 0) {
return -sin((-_V));
else {
if (_V % (2 * pi()) > pi()) {
return -sin((_V % (2 * pi()) - pi()));
else {
if (_V % (2 * pi()) < 0) {
if (1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) + (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi())) < 0) {
return 0.225 * ((1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) + (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * -(1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) + (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi()))) - (1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) + (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi())))) + (1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) + (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi())));
else {
return 0.225 * ((1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) + (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) + (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi()))) - (1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) + (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi())))) + (1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) + (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi())));
else {
if (1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) - (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi())) < 0) {
return 0.225 * ((1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) - (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * -(1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) - (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi()))) - (1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) - (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi())))) + (1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) - (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi())));
else {
return 0.225 * ((1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) - (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) - (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi()))) - (1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) - (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi())))) + (1.27323954 * (_V % (2 * pi())) - (0.405284735 * (_V % (2 * pi()))) * (_V % (2 * pi())));
GEN_TYPE_double sqrt(GEN_TYPE_double _V){
if (_V <= 0) {
return 0;
else {
return _sqrt(_V, _sqrt(_V, _sqrt(_V, _sqrt(_V, _sqrt(_V, _sqrt(_V, _sqrt(_V, _sqrt(_V, _sqrt(_V, _sqrt(_V, ((_V + 1.0) / 2.0)))))))))));
GEN_TYPE_double tan(GEN_TYPE_double _V){
return sin(_V) / cos(_V);
GEN_TYPE_double _sqrt(GEN_TYPE_double _X,GEN_TYPE_double _V){
return 0.5 * (_V + _X / _V);
GEN_TYPE_double pow(GEN_TYPE_double _V,GEN_TYPE_double _N){
if (_N == 0) {
return 1;
else {
if (_N < 0) {
if (_V == 0) {
return 0;
else {
return 1.0 / pow(_V, (-_N));
else {
if (_N == 1) {
return _V;
else {
return _V * pow(_V, (_N - 1));
GEN_TYPE_double factorial(GEN_TYPE_double _V){
if (_V % 1 != 0) {
return factorial((_V - _V % 1));
else {
if (_V == 0 || _V == 1) {
return 1;
else {
return factorial((_V - 1)) * _V;
GEN_TYPE_double min(GEN_TYPE_double _a,GEN_TYPE_double _b){
if (_a < _b) {
return _a;
return _b;
GEN_TYPE_double max(GEN_TYPE_double _a,GEN_TYPE_double _b){
if (_a > _b) {
return _a;
return _b;
GEN_TYPE_double rad2deg(GEN_TYPE_double _A){
return (_A / pi()) * 180.0;
GEN_TYPE_double deg2rad(GEN_TYPE_double _A){
return (_A / 180.0) * pi();
#include "inc/CanConnector.h"
// constants
const char* CAN_DEVICE_NAME = "can0";
// variables
struct can_socket* can_sock;
// send and receive
void can_send() {
// TODO send and empty buffer
void can_send_clock(CAN_CLK_T counter) {
// TODO send clock message with clock counter
void can_receive() {
// TODO fill buffer
CAN_CLK_T can_receive_clock() {
// TODO receive clock message and return clock counter
// init, terminate
void can_init() {
printf("initializing CAN\n");
can_sock = can_socket_open(CAN_DEVICE_NAME);
// TODO init buffers
void can_term() {
printf("terminating CAN\n");
void prepare_input_CanConnector() {}
void finish_input_CanConnector() {}
void prepare_output_CanConnector() {}
void finish_output_CanConnector() {}
// noval
GEN_TYPE_boolean can_is_noval(CAN_MSG_T msg) {
return false;
GEN_TYPE_boolean can_set_noval(CAN_MSG_T msg) {
return false;
// readers
GEN_TYPE_boolean can_read_bool(CAN_MSG_T msg) {
return false; // TODO
GEN_TYPE_double can_read_double(CAN_MSG_T msg) {
return 0.0; // TODO
GEN_TYPE_int can_read_int(CAN_MSG_T msg) {
return 0; // TODO
// writers
void can_write_bool(CAN_MSG_T msg, GEN_TYPE_boolean value) {
void can_write_double(CAN_MSG_T msg, GEN_TYPE_double value) {
void can_write_int(CAN_MSG_T msg, GEN_TYPE_int value) {
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